= Optout
Optout helps you write code that will call +exec+ and +system+ like functions. It allows you to map hash keys to command line
arguments and define validation rules that must be met before the command line arguments are created.
== Overview
require "optout"
Create options for gem
optout = Optout.options do
on :gem, "install", :required => true
on :os, "--platform", %w(mswin cygwin mingw)
on :version, "-v", /\A\d+(.\d+)*\z/
on :user, "--user-install"
on :location, "-i", Optout::Dir.exists.under(ENV["HOME"])
options = {
:gem => "rake",
:os => "mswin",
:version => "0.9.2",
:user => truep
exec "gem", *optout.argv(options)
Returns: ["install", "rake", "--platform", "mswin", "-v", "0.9.2", "--user-install"]
gem #{optout.shell(options)}
Returns: "'install' 'rake' --platform 'mswin' -v '0.9.2' --user-install"
== Install
gem install optout
== Defining Options
Inorder to turn the incoming option hash into something useful you must tell +Optout+ a bit about your options. This is done by calling Optout#on
and passing it the name of a key in the option hash. The simplest case is an option with no switch:
optout = Optout.options do
on :path
optout.shell(:path => "/home/sshaw")
Returns: '/home/sshaw'
Key names can be a +Symbol+ or a +String+, +Optout+ will check for both in the option hash.
If the option has a switch it can be given after the option's key:
optout = Optout.options do
on :path, "-p"
optout.shell(:path => "/home/sshaw")
Returns: -p '/home/sshaw'
Some programs can be finicky about the space between the switch and the value, or require options
in a different format. +Optout+ accepts various configuration options that can remdy this:
optout = Optout.options do
on :path, "-p", :arg_separator => ""
optout.shell(:path => "/home/sshaw")
Returns: -p'/home/sshaw'
optout = Optout.options do
on :path, "--path", :arg_separator => "=", :required => true
optout.shell(:path => "/home/sshaw")
Returns: --path='/home/sshaw'
Raises: Optout::OptionRequired
Options can be grouped into required and optional:
Optout.options :arg_separator => "=" do
required do
on :in, "if"
on :out, "of"
optional do
on :size, "size"
on :count, "count"
optout.shell(:in => "/dev/zero", :out => "/var/log/secure")
Returns: in='/dev/zero' out='/var/log/secure'
== Validating Options
+Optout+ can validate your options too. Just specify the validation rule after the option's key or switch:
optout = Optout.options do
# Must match [a-z]
on :path, "-p", /[a-z]/
optout = Optout.options do
# Must be true, false, or nil (add :required => true to allow only true or false)
on :path, "-p", Optout::Boolean
optout = Optout.options do
# Must be in the given set
on :path, %w(/home/sshaw /Users/gatinha /Users/fofinha)
optout = Optout.options do
# Must be a diretory under "/home" and have user read and write permissions
on :path, Optout::Dir.under("/home").permissions("rw")
optout.shell(:path => "/root")
Raises: Optout::OptionInvalid
== TODOs
- Proper
quoting - Mutually exclusive options
- Split options i.e.,
:jvm => %w[A B C]
would be created as -XA -XB -XC
== More Info
=== RDoc
http://rubydoc.info/github/sshaw/optout/frames (with RDoc -> YARD incompatibilities :)
=== Bugs
== Author
Skye Shaw [sshaw AT lucas.cis.temple.edu]
== License
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Skye Shaw
Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT