= Panda Canvas
Panda Canvas is an educational 2D drawing canvas on top of
{Gosu}[http://www.libgosu.org/] and
It is created as a teaching tool for the
{Computer Club n.a. 8-bit Panda}[http://panda.tsi.lv].
== Installation
Panda Canvas is available as a gem:
$ gem install panda_canvas
== Known Problems
Running an endless draw block is not possible on Windows. In a unix environment
Panda Canvas uses fibers to pause the draw block in the Gosu game loop on
flush. With tested Gosu and Ruby versions on Windows this results in a
segfault. So, instead of fibers, the block must be run once and complete to
capture all of the canvas calls before drawing on screen.
== More
Take a look at the {wiki}[http://github.com/dimituri/panda_canvas/wiki].