Plexus (was Graphy). A framework for graph theory, graph data structures and associated algorithms.
Graph algorithms currently provided are:
- Topological Sort
- Strongly Connected Components
- Transitive Closure
- Rural Chinese Postman
- Biconnected
These are based on more general algorithm patterns:
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- A* Search
- Floyd-Warshall
- Best First Search
- Djikstra's Algorithm
- Lexicographic Search
A quick Tour
There are two vertices bound classes, Plexus::Arc
and Plexus::Edge
. The
former defines directional edges, the latter undirected edges.
Vertices can be any Object
Graph Types
There are a number of different graph types, each of which provide
different features and constraints:
and its alias Plexus::DirectedGraph
- Single directed edges (arcs) between vertices
- Loops are forbidden
- Multiple directed edges (arcs) between vertices
- Loops are forbidden
- Multiple directed edges (arcs) between vertices
- Loops on vertices
, Plexus::UndirectedPseudoGraph
, and
are similar but all edges are undirected.
Data Structures
In order to modelize data structures, make use of the Plexus::AdjacencyGraph
module which provides a generalized adjacency list and an edge list adaptor.
The Plexus::Digraph
class is the general purpose "swiss army knife" of graph
classes, most of the other classes are just modifications to this class.
It is optimized for efficient access to just the out-edges, fast vertex
insertion and removal at the cost of extra space overhead, etc.
Example Usage
Using IRB, first require the library:
require 'rubygems'
require 'plexus'
If you'd like to include all the classes in the current scope (so you
don't have to prefix with Plexus::
), just:
include Plexus
Let's play with the library a bit in IRB:
>> dg = Digraph[1,2, 2,3, 2,4, 4,5, 6,4, 1,6]
=> Plexus::Digraph[[2, 3], [1, 6], [2, 4], [4, 5], [1, 2], [6, 4]]
A few properties of the graph we just created:
>> dg.directed?
=> true
>> dg.vertex?(4)
=> true
>> dg.edge?(2,4)
=> true
>> dg.edge?(4,2)
=> false
>> dg.vertices
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Every object could be a vertex, even the class object Object
>> dg.vertex?(Object)
=> false
=> "[Plexus::Edge[1,2,nil], Plexus::Edge[2,3,nil], Plexus::Edge[2,4,nil],
Plexus::Edge[4,5,nil], Plexus::Edge[1,6,nil], Plexus::Edge[6,4,nil]]"
Add inverse edge (4-2)
to directed graph:
>> dg.add_edge!(4,2)
=> Plexus::DirectedGraph[Plexus::Arc[1,2,nil], Plexus::Arc[1,6,nil], Plexus::Arc[2,3,nil],
Plexus::Arc[2,4,nil], Plexus::Arc[4,5,nil], Plexus::Arc[4,2,nil],
(4-2) == (2-4)
in the undirected graph (4-2 doesn't show up):
=> "[Plexus::Edge[1,2,nil], Plexus::Edge[2,3,nil], Plexus::Edge[2,4,nil],
Plexus::Edge[4,5,nil], Plexus::Edge[1,6,nil], Plexus::Edge[6,4,nil]]"
(4-2) != (2-4)
in directed graphs (both show up):
>> dg.edges.sort.to_s
=> "[Plexus::Arc[1,2,nil], Plexus::Arc[1,6,nil], Plexus::Arc[2,3,nil],
Plexus::Arc[2,4,nil], Plexus::Arc[4,2,nil], Plexus::Arc[4,5,nil],
>> dg.remove_edge! 4,2
=> Plexus::DirectedGraph[Plexus::Arc[1,2,nil], Plexus::Arc[1,6,nil], Plexus::Arc[2,3,nil],
Plexus::Arc[2,4,nil], Plexus::Arc[4,5,nil], Plexus::Arc[6,4,nil]]
Topological sorting is realized with an iterator:
>> dg.topsort
=> [1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 3]
>> y = 0; dg.topsort { |v| y += v }; y
=> 21
You can use DOT to visualize the graph:
>> require 'plexus/dot'
>> dg.write_to_graphic_file('jpg','visualize')
Here's an example showing the module inheritance hierarchy:
>> module_graph =
>> ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |m|
>> m.ancestors.each {|a| module_graph.add_edge!(m,a) if m != a}
>> end
>> gv = {|v| v.to_s.match(/Plexus/) }
>> module_graph.induced_subgraph(gv).write_to_graphic_file('jpg','module_graph')
Look for more in the examples directory.
This library is based on GRATR by Shawn Garbett (itself a fork of
Horst Duchene's RGL library) which is heavily influenced by the Boost
Graph Library (BGL).
This fork attempts to modernize and extend the API and tests.
For more information on Graph Theory, you may want to read:
See CREDITS.markdown
See TODO.markdown
See CHANGELOG.markdown
MIT License. See the LICENSE file.