PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/access_policies/ | List access policys |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | partial_update | PATCH {access_policy_href} | Update an access policy |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | read | GET {access_policy_href} | Inspect an access policy |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | reset | POST {access_policy_href}reset/ | |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | update | PUT {access_policy_href} | Update an access policy |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ | Create an artifact |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | delete | DELETE {artifact_href} | Delete an artifact |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ | List artifacts |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | read | GET {artifact_href} | Inspect an artifact |
PulpcoreClient::ContentApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ | List content |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_publickey/ | Create an open pgp public key |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_publickey/ | List open pgp public keys |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_public_key_href} | Inspect an open pgp public key |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublicsubkeyApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_publicsubkey/ | List open pgp public subkeys |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublicsubkeyApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_public_subkey_href} | Inspect an open pgp public subkey |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpSignatureApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_signature/ | List open pgp signatures |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpSignatureApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_signature_href} | Inspect an open pgp signature |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUserattributeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_userattribute/ | List open pgp user attributes |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUserattributeApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_user_attribute_href} | Inspect an open pgp user attribute |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUseridApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_userid/ | List open pgp user ids |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUseridApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_user_i_d_href} | Inspect an open pgp user id |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/ | List content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | add_role | POST {composite_content_guard_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/composite/ | Create a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | delete | DELETE {composite_content_guard_href} | Delete a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/composite/ | List composite content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | list_roles | GET {composite_content_guard_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | my_permissions | GET {composite_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | partial_update | PATCH {composite_content_guard_href} | Update a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | read | GET {composite_content_guard_href} | Inspect a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | remove_role | POST {composite_content_guard_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | update | PUT {composite_content_guard_href} | Update a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | add_role | POST {content_redirect_content_guard_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/content_redirect/ | Create a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | delete | DELETE {content_redirect_content_guard_href} | Delete a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/content_redirect/ | List content redirect content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | list_roles | GET {content_redirect_content_guard_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | my_permissions | GET {content_redirect_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | partial_update | PATCH {content_redirect_content_guard_href} | Update a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | read | GET {content_redirect_content_guard_href} | Inspect a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | remove_role | POST {content_redirect_content_guard_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | update | PUT {content_redirect_content_guard_href} | Update a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | add_role | POST {header_content_guard_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/header/ | Create a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | delete | DELETE {header_content_guard_href} | Delete a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/header/ | List header content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | list_roles | GET {header_content_guard_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | my_permissions | GET {header_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | partial_update | PATCH {header_content_guard_href} | Update a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | read | GET {header_content_guard_href} | Inspect a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | remove_role | POST {header_content_guard_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | update | PUT {header_content_guard_href} | Update a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | add_role | POST {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/rbac/ | Create a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | delete | DELETE {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} | Delete a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/rbac/ | List rbac content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | list_roles | GET {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | my_permissions | GET {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | partial_update | PATCH {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} | Update a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | read | GET {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} | Inspect a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | remove_role | POST {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | update | PUT {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} | Update a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/ | List distributions |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsArtifactsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/artifacts/ | List artifact distributions |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsArtifactsApi | read | GET {artifact_distribution_href} | Inspect an artifact distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/openpgp/ | Create an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | delete | DELETE {open_p_g_p_distribution_href} | Delete an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/openpgp/ | List open pgp distributions |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | partial_update | PATCH {open_p_g_p_distribution_href} | Update an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_distribution_href} | Inspect an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | set_label | POST {open_p_g_p_distribution_href}set_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | unset_label | POST {open_p_g_p_distribution_href}unset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | update | PUT {open_p_g_p_distribution_href} | Update an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/domains/ | Create a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | delete | DELETE {domain_href} | Delete a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/domains/ | List domains |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | migrate | POST /pulp/api/v3/domains/migrate/ | Migrate storage backend |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | partial_update | PATCH {domain_href} | Update a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | read | GET {domain_href} | Inspect a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | set_label | POST {domain_href}set_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | unset_label | POST {domain_href}unset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | update | PUT {domain_href} | Update a domain |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/filesystem/ | Create a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | delete | DELETE {filesystem_exporter_href} | Delete a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/filesystem/ | List filesystem exporters |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | partial_update | PATCH {filesystem_exporter_href} | Update a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | read | GET {filesystem_exporter_href} | Inspect a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | update | PUT {filesystem_exporter_href} | Update a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | create | POST {filesystem_exporter_href}exports/ | Create a filesystem export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | delete | DELETE {filesystem_filesystem_export_href} | Delete a filesystem export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | list | GET {filesystem_exporter_href}exports/ | List filesystem exports |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | read | GET {filesystem_filesystem_export_href} | Inspect a filesystem export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ | Create a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | delete | DELETE {pulp_exporter_href} | Delete a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ | List pulp exporters |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | partial_update | PATCH {pulp_exporter_href} | Update a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | read | GET {pulp_exporter_href} | Inspect a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | update | PUT {pulp_exporter_href} | Update a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | create | POST {pulp_exporter_href}exports/ | Create a pulp export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | delete | DELETE {pulp_pulp_export_href} | Delete a pulp export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | list | GET {pulp_exporter_href}exports/ | List pulp exports |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | read | GET {pulp_pulp_export_href} | Inspect a pulp export |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | add_role | POST {group_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/groups/ | Create a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | delete | DELETE {group_href} | Delete a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/groups/ | List groups |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | list_roles | GET {group_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | my_permissions | GET {group_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | partial_update | PATCH {group_href} | Update a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | read | GET {group_href} | Inspect a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | remove_role | POST {group_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | update | PUT {group_href} | Update a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | create | POST {group_href}roles/ | Create a group role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | delete | DELETE {groups_group_role_href} | Delete a group role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | list | GET {group_href}roles/ | List group roles |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | read | GET {groups_group_role_href} | Inspect a group role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsUsersApi | create | POST {group_href}users/ | Create an user |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsUsersApi | delete | DELETE {groups_user_href} | Delete an user |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsUsersApi | list | GET {group_href}users/ | List users |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/ | Create a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | delete | DELETE {pulp_importer_href} | Delete a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/ | List pulp importers |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | partial_update | PATCH {pulp_importer_href} | Update a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | read | GET {pulp_importer_href} | Inspect a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | update | PUT {pulp_importer_href} | Update a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportCheckApi | pulp_import_check_post | POST /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/import-check/ | Validate the parameters to be used for a PulpImport call |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | create | POST {pulp_importer_href}imports/ | Create a pulp import |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | delete | DELETE {pulp_pulp_import_href} | Delete a pulp import |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | list | GET {pulp_importer_href}imports/ | List pulp imports |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | read | GET {pulp_pulp_import_href} | Inspect a pulp import |
PulpcoreClient::LivezApi | livez_read | GET /pulp/api/v3/livez/ | Inspect liveness of Pulp's REST API. |
PulpcoreClient::LoginApi | login | POST /pulp/api/v3/login/ | |
PulpcoreClient::LoginApi | login_read | GET /pulp/api/v3/login/ | |
PulpcoreClient::LoginApi | logout | DELETE /pulp/api/v3/login/ | |
PulpcoreClient::OrphansApi | delete | DELETE /pulp/api/v3/orphans/ | Delete orphans |
PulpcoreClient::OrphansCleanupApi | cleanup | POST /pulp/api/v3/orphans/cleanup/ | |
PulpcoreClient::PublicationsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/publications/ | List publications |
PulpcoreClient::RemotesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ | List remotes |
PulpcoreClient::RepairApi | post | POST /pulp/api/v3/repair/ | Repair Artifact Storage |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repositories/ | List repositories |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | add_role | POST {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/repositories/core/openpgp_keyring/ | Create an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | delete | DELETE {open_p_g_p_keyring_href} | Delete an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repositories/core/openpgp_keyring/ | List open pgp keyrings |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | list_roles | GET {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | modify | POST {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}modify/ | Modify Repository Content |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | my_permissions | GET {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | partial_update | PATCH {open_p_g_p_keyring_href} | Update an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | read | GET {open_p_g_p_keyring_href} | Inspect an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | remove_role | POST {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | set_label | POST {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}set_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | unset_label | POST {open_p_g_p_keyring_href}unset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | update | PUT {open_p_g_p_keyring_href} | Update an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesReclaimSpaceApi | reclaim | POST /pulp/api/v3/repositories/reclaim_space/ | |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoryVersionsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repository_versions/ | List repository versions |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/roles/ | Create a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | delete | DELETE {role_href} | Delete a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | partial_update | PATCH {role_href} | Update a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | read | GET {role_href} | Inspect a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | update | PUT {role_href} | Update a role |
PulpcoreClient::SigningServicesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/signing-services/ | List signing services |
PulpcoreClient::SigningServicesApi | read | GET {signing_service_href} | Inspect a signing service |
PulpcoreClient::StatusApi | status_read | GET /pulp/api/v3/status/ | Inspect status of Pulp |
PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/task-groups/ | List task groups |
PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupsApi | read | GET {task_group_href} | Inspect a task group |
PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupsApi | task_groups_cancel | PATCH {task_group_href} | Cancel a task group |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | add_role | POST {task_schedule_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/task-schedules/ | List task schedules |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | list_roles | GET {task_schedule_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | my_permissions | GET {task_schedule_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | read | GET {task_schedule_href} | Inspect a task schedule |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | remove_role | POST {task_schedule_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | add_role | POST {task_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | delete | DELETE {task_href} | Delete a task |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/tasks/ | List tasks |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | list_roles | GET {task_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | my_permissions | GET {task_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | profile_artifacts | GET {task_href}profile_artifacts/ | Fetch downloadable links for profile artifacts |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | purge | POST /pulp/api/v3/tasks/purge/ | Purge Completed Tasks |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | read | GET {task_href} | Inspect a task |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | remove_role | POST {task_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | tasks_cancel | PATCH {task_href} | Cancel a task |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | add_role | POST {upload_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | commit | POST {upload_href}commit/ | Finish an Upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/uploads/ | Create an upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | delete | DELETE {upload_href} | Delete an upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/uploads/ | List uploads |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | list_roles | GET {upload_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | my_permissions | GET {upload_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | read | GET {upload_href} | Inspect an upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | remove_role | POST {upload_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | update | PUT {upload_href} | Upload a file chunk |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | add_role | POST {upstream_pulp_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/upstream-pulps/ | Create an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | delete | DELETE {upstream_pulp_href} | Delete an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/upstream-pulps/ | List upstream pulps |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | list_roles | GET {upstream_pulp_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | my_permissions | GET {upstream_pulp_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | partial_update | PATCH {upstream_pulp_href} | Update an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | read | GET {upstream_pulp_href} | Inspect an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | remove_role | POST {upstream_pulp_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | replicate | POST {upstream_pulp_href}replicate/ | Replicate |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | update | PUT {upstream_pulp_href} | Update an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/users/ | Create an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | delete | DELETE {auth_user_href} | Delete an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/users/ | List users |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | partial_update | PATCH {auth_user_href} | Update an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | read | GET {auth_user_href} | Inspect an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | update | PUT {auth_user_href} | Update an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | create | POST {auth_user_href}roles/ | Create an user role |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | delete | DELETE {auth_users_user_role_href} | Delete an user role |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | list | GET {auth_user_href}roles/ | List user roles |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | read | GET {auth_users_user_role_href} | Inspect an user role |
PulpcoreClient::WorkersApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/workers/ | List workers |
PulpcoreClient::WorkersApi | read | GET {worker_href} | Inspect a worker |