Put your paws up!!
Attach to staging specific container
bundle exec putpaws awesome-api-staging ecs:attach container=app
Run port forwarding session through specific container
bundle exec putpaws awesome-api-staging ecs:forward container=app remote=example-rds-host:3306 local=:1050
# local=:1050 is optional by the way, then random number is selected.
# Please check standard output in your shell for the auto-generated local port.
# You can access specified remote host with subsequent command in another shell like:
mysql -u awesome_user -p --port 1050 -h
CloudWatch Logs
tail -f
bundle exec putpaws awesome-api-staging log:tailf
Find logs between specific date range using time symbol
: secondm
: minuteh
: hourd
: dayw
: week
# Find logs since 2 hours ago
bundle exec putpaws awesome-api-staging log:tailf since=2h
# Find logs since 1 day ago for 3 hours
bundle exec putpaws awesome-api-staging log:tail since=1d for=3h
Set up
gem 'putpaws'
Setting Example
"awesome-api-staging": {
"region": "ap-northeast-1",
"cluster": "cluster-staging",
"service": null,
"task_name_prefix": "awesome-api",
"log_group_prefix": "/ecs/awesome/awesome-api-staging",
"log_region": null,
"build_log_group_prefix": "/aws/codebuild/awesome-api-staging",
"build_project_name_prefix": "awesome-api-staging"
"awesome-api-production": {
"region": "ap-northeast-1",
"cluster": "cluster-production",
"service": null,
"task_name_prefix": "awesome-api",
"log_group_prefix": "/ecs/awesome/awesome-api-production",
"log_region": null