= Quick-Deploy Formal Concept Analysis
Version:: 1.0
Author:: David Flater dflater@nist.gov
Copyright:: Public domain
License:: Unlicense
qdfca (Quick-Deploy Formal Concept Analysis) is a command-line filter that
implements Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). It is small, scriptable, and easy
to install, with no external requirements other than the standard Ruby
library. It is not designed to be efficient or scalable, but to ensure that
simple FCA tasks can be accomplished simply.
Usage: qdfca < context.csv > lattice.dot
The input is a formal context in comma-separated values (CSV) table format.
For example:
, A1, A2
Object 1, x,
Object 2, x, x
Attribute names are given by the first row. Object names are given by the
first column. An object is considered to have an attribute iff any
non-whitespace value appears in the corresponding table cell. The assumed
character encoding is UTF-8.
Most any spreadsheet application can be used to create and save a table in
this format. However, any use of escape characters or quoting to attempt to
allow values to contain commas is unsupported.
Output is produced in .dot file format to stdout.
Graphviz[http://www.graphviz.org/] and
xdot.py[https://github.com/jrfonseca/xdot.py] or other applications
supporting the DOT language can be used to view the output or render it into
various image formats.
The lattice is produced with reduced labelling. Concept labels list
attributes on the top line and objects on the bottom line if both are
applicable to a given node. Object names are parenthesized to avoid
ambiguity when only one line appears.
Four examples are installed along with the gem. On Linux they would show up
in /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/*/gems/qdfca-1/examples or a similar location.
== Legalese
Specific software products are identified in this documentation to support
reproducibility of results. Such identification does not imply
recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, nor does it imply that the products identified are necessarily
the best available for the purpose.
This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology by an employee of the U.S. federal government in the course of his
official duties. Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code,
this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public