By: JGW Maxwell
Powered by: pg_search. This only works on PostgreSQL databases, ideally 9.0+.
Simply use this by adding the following to your Gemfile
gem 'refinerycms-pgsearch'
gem 'refinerycms-pgsearch', github: 'jgwmaxwell/refinerycms-pgsearch'
Then run bundle install
, and rails g refinery:search
to generate the migrations. Finally, run rake db:migrate
and rake db:seed
to finish setting up.
# Check The Initializer
The default installation will search in Pages. If you wish to find results in other plugins you have created or installed, you can specify these in config/initializers/refinery/search.rb
like so:
Refinery::Search.configure do |config|
config.searchable_models = {
"Refinery::Page" => [:title, :all_parts],
"Refinery::Blog::Post" => [:title, :body]
This will index Pages and Blog Posts for you. The format is: "STRING_OF_MODEL_CLASS" => [:array, :of, :attribute, :symbols]
. You might notice that Pages are indexing :all_parts
- this is a convenience to get the content out of multiple page parts that will be defined if you use it.
# To use your own Models
Simple pass another line into the hash in the initializer, such as:
"Employee" => [:name, :bio]
You can use any public method, as well. So if you have :first_name
and :last_name
but a method like name
to join them, it can be indexed.
# Existing Data and Rebuilding
If at any point you need to rebuild your search index, run rake refinery:search:rebuild
to update all your search records!
# Searching and Viewing
A sample search form can be found in views/refinery/shared/_search.html.erb.
You can either use this partial directly, or copy the appropriate parts.
If you wish to override the url used in the search results just add a url
method to your model and the result of this method will be used instead.
# Migrating from refinerycms-search
You'll need to run the generator, migrate the database, update the new initializer and remove the old code from application.rb
. Then remove the acts_as_indexed
statements from your models but otherwise it should be good to go. Let me know if you need help.