= Maktoub
Maktoub is a Ruby on Rails engine for email newsletters.
- Write your newsletter as you would write any view (erb partial)
- Maktoub sends your email in multipart as both html and text
== Installation
Add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'resque-maktoub'
Then 'bundle install'
== Usage
=== Configuration
You can run 'rails generate maktoub:config' to generate the configuration file. This task creates a matkoub.rb initializer file (in config/initializer)
Follow instructions inside the file to configure it the way you want.
=== Authoring
Create a newsletter as a normal view partial in app/views/maktoub/newsletters/.
The subject of the newsletter will be automatically deduced from the partial's name.
=== Editing Styles
Create a view partial in app/views/layouts/maktoub/_styles.erb. Note that this completely overrides the styles that come with maktoub.
You can copy the built-in styles and override them.
=== Sending messages
Maktoub comes with two rake tasks to allow you to:
send a test message to the "from" address of your newsletter.
rake maktoub:test['name_of_my_newsletter_partial']
publish the newsletter to all your subscribers. If you have delayed_job installed then it will use it to deliver each email as a background job
rake maktoub:mail['name_of_my_newsletter_parial']
Alternatively you have access to a Maktoub::NewsletterMailer ActionMailer object with a publish method
Maktoub::NewsletterMail.publish('my_newsletter_partial', :name => 'User name', :email => 'user@example.com')
=== View in browser
To be able to view your newsletter in a browser add it to routes.rb.
mount the engine at a path of your choice.
mount Maktoub::Engine => "/"
== Contributing
Send a pull request including documentation changes and tests.