Rails Layout Extension, release 0.5.1 (Mar. 2009)
- simplifying content_for usage by extracting key/value pair from content_for data like YAML and setting them as content_for variables
- let erb file can determine layout by changing the default behavior of layout determining, just like java's sitemesh
- use controller method if helper method requested from erb not exists
- support theme template for field tag
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rlayout as gem
put the following line into your rails initializer, or bottom of environment.rb
require 'rlayout'
rlayout as plugin
nothing need to do
- simplifying content_for
<% content_for :config do %>
title: This is my title
panel: This is my panel
<% end %>
that will do the same thing as the following:
<%- content_for :title do -%>
This is my title
<%- end -%>
<%- content_for :panel do -%>
This is my panel
<%- end -%>
determining layout in erb file
<% content_for :config do %>
#note��key layout won't be transferred to a content_for variable, it is only used to determine a view layout
layout: happy
<% end %>
use theme template of field tag
class YourController
form_theme :xhtml
and see related code in folder "example/templates", the theme can be defined in tag with :theme, that will override theme definition in controller
Copyright (c) 2008 Leon Li, released under the MIT license