add ro_debug generator
fix rubymine_heaven bug
finish rerecord a part of screencast for ro_commands
- shortcuts
- generate
- guard_helpers
fix a ::RoCommands::Rails bug
add bash alias
add guard alias
add decorator, controller, model, lib navigators and show spec file on right split at the same time
fix rspec error
support markdown file
save markdown content to db
show markdown content
add navbar
convert evernote note to my blog
add PostDecorator spec to test abstract method is usable for all records
read celluloid wiki
optimize post_handler with celluloid
use celluloid supervise restart opal
opal do a google search
capybara write a google search spec
load all posts in posts dir as rspec test data
add kill rails server cmd
add compass stylesheets path to application.rb
finish post index