Plug and play extension for sinatra that mimic rails assets pipeline through Sprockets.
This gem allows you easly deploy assets via Sprockets assets pipeline just as Rails does, also help you configure the rake tasks for compression. The goal is to have a headless configuration extension and be tested (all other aren't) to give users a fast access to all Sprockets goodness.
Installation & Usage
Set on your Gemset file if you are using Bundler:
gem 'sinatra-sprockets-wheel'
If you are using the Classic style just require the extension.
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/sprockets'
# ... Your app
On the other hand if you use the Modular approach, besides requiring register the extension on your Sinatra application.
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/sprockets'
class Hello < Sinatra::Base
register Sinatra::Sprockets
Following the default configuration you just need to create the /assets
folder and Sprockets will search for application.js
and application.css
to precompile (if you want to set-up a different structure jump to the configuration chapter). The default folder schema is:
| assets/
| | application.js
| | application.css
| sinatra_app.rb
In the application.(js|css) you can include your requirements:
By default Sprockets don't serve your file in production so it's up to you compile them, just set-up your Rakefile
and run the assets:precompile
require 'sinatra/sprockets/task'
require 'sintra_app'
This gem come bundled with sprockets-helpers to help the path resolution of your assets inside sprockets or your application. All methods available in the gem will be at your disposal has helper once you register the extension.
body {
background-image: image-url('cat.png');
<img src="<%= image_path('hello.jpg') %>" />
<script src="<%= javascript_path 'application' %>"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= stylesheet_path 'application' %>">
<%= javascript_tag 'application' %>
<%= stylesheet_tag 'application' %>
<!-- Handle the expansion of assets for debugging like Rails -->
<%= javascript_tag 'application', expand: true %>
You can control Sprockets entirely using Sinatra set
configuration method. Bellow a list of the configuration:
set :assets_prefix, '/assets'
set :assets_path, %w[
set :assets_precompile, %w(application.js application.css)
set :assets_host, ''
set :assets_protocol, :https
set :assets_debug, true
set :assets_manifest_file, File.join(public_folder, "assets/manifest.json")
set :assets_css_compressor, :sass
set :assets_js_compressor, :uglifier
As seen on the last example of the configurantion you can configure other libraries to compress your assets, Sinatra::Sprockets handle them transparently and it's up to you to require the gems.
gem 'sass'
set :assets_css_compressor, :sass
gem 'closure-compiler'
set :assets_css_compressor, :closure
gem 'uglifier'
set :assets_css_compressor, :uglifier
gem 'yui-compressor'
set :assets_css_compressor, :yui
Compass and others gems
The integration is easily done by requiring the sprockets-sass gem.
None the less any gem that have integration with the Sprockets will work seamlessly. If you need any other configuration you can call Sprockets configuration directly.
Copyrights 2012 Edson Hilios edson (at) hilios (dot) com (dot) br
This software is licensed under MIT-LICENSE