Wechat Pay
就是wechat-pay,我为了支持rails 7临时fork了一个wechat-pay-next...
A simple Wechat pay ruby gem, without unnecessary magic or wrapper. Just a simple wrapper for api V3. Refer to wx_pay
Please read official document first: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3_partner/pages/index.shtml
If you want check the present public api, you can find them in the Document。
will contain the public api for direct connection merchant(直连商户)and WechatPay::Ecommerce
will contain the public api for ecommerce(服务商,电商平台)。For more detail you can refer to the wechat document.
If you find any issue in this repo, don't shy to create issues https://github.com/lanzhiheng/wechat-pay-next/issues
For more Information,you can check my posts: https://www.lanzhiheng.com/posts/preview/ruby-gem-for-wechat-pay-v3
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'wechat-pay'
or development version
gem 'wechat-pay', :github => 'lanzhiheng/wechat-pay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create config/initializer/wechat_pay.rb
and put following configurations into it
WechatPay.apiclient_key = File.read('apiclient_key.pem')
WechatPay.platform_cert = File.read('platform_cert.pem')
WechatPay.apiclient_cert = File.read('apiclient_cert.pem')
WechatPay.app_id = 'Your App Id'
WechatPay.mch_id = 'Your Mch Id'
WechatPay.mch_key = 'Your Mch Key'
I will provide a simple script for you to download the platform_cert
def download_certificate
download_path = 'Your Download Path'
raise '必须提供证书下载路径' if download_path.blank?
response = WechatPay::Ecommerce.certificates
raise '证书下载失败' unless response.code == 200
result = JSON.parse(response.body)
array = result['data'].sort_by { |item| -Time.parse(item['effective_time']).to_i }
current_data = array.first
encrypt_certificate = current_data['encrypt_certificate']
associated_data = encrypt_certificate['associated_data']
nonce = encrypt_certificate['nonce']
ciphertext = encrypt_certificate['ciphertext']
content = WechatPay::Sign.decrypt_the_encrypt_params(
associated_data: associated_data,
nonce: nonce,
ciphertext: ciphertext
File.open(download_path, 'w') do |f|
puts '证书下载成功'