:toc: macro
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:data_link: link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_data[Data]
:pattern_matching_link: link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_pattern_matching[pattern matching]
:ruby_link: link:https://www.ruby-lang.org[Ruby]
:data_link: link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_data[Data]
:structs_link: link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_structs[Structs]
= Wholable
⚠️ This gem is deprecated and will be fully destroyed on 2025-01-10. Please use the link:https://alchemists.io/projects/wholeable[Wholeable] gem instead because it's identical and fixes the spelling of the name. ⚠️
Wholable allows you to turn your object into a whole value object by ensuring object equality is determined by the values of the object instead of by identity. Whole value objects -- or value objects in general -- have the following traits as also noted via link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_object[Wikipedia]:
- Equality is determined by the values that make up an object and not by link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_(object-oriented_programming)[identity] (i.e. memory address) which is the default behavior for all {ruby_link} objects except for {data_link} and {structs_link}.
- Identity remains unique since two objects can have the same values but different identity. This means
is never overwritten -- which is strongly discouraged -- as per link:https://rubyapi.org/o/basicobject#method-i-3D-3D[BasicObject] documentation. - Value objects should be immutable (i.e. frozen) by default. This implementation enforces a strict adherence to immutability in order to ensure value objects remain equal and discourage mutation.
== Features
- Ensures equality (i.e.
and #eql?
) is determined by attribute values and not object identity (i.e. #equal?
). - Allows you to compare two objects of same or different types and see their differences.
- Provides {pattern_matching_link}.
- Automatically defines public attribute readers (i.e.
) based on provided keys. - Ensures object inspection (i.e.
) shows all registered attributes. - Ensures object is frozen upon initialization.
== Requirements
. {ruby_link}.
== Setup
To install with security, run:
💡 Skip this line if you already have the public certificate installed.
gem cert --add <(curl --compressed --location https://alchemists.io/gems.pem)
gem install wholable --trust-policy HighSecurity
To install without security, run:
gem install wholable
You can also add the gem directly to your project:
bundle add wholable
Once the gem is installed, you only need to require it:
require "wholable"
== Usage
To use, include Wholable along with a list of attributes that make up your whole value object:
class Person
include Wholable[:name, :email]
def initialize name:, email:
@name = name
@email = email
jill = Person.new name: "Jill Smith", email: "jill@example.com"
jill_two = Person.new name: "Jill Smith", email: "jill@example.com"
jack = Person.new name: "Jack Smith", email: "jack@example.com"
jill.name # "Jill Smith"
jill.email # "jill@example.com"
jill.frozen? # true
jill_two.frozen? # true
jack.frozen? # true
jill.inspect # "#<Person @name="Jill Smith", @email="jill@example.com">"
jill_two.inspect # "#<Person @name="Jill Smith", @email="jill@example.com">"
jack.inspect # "#<Person @name="Jack Smith", @email="jack@example.com">"
jill == jill # true
jill == jill_two # true
jill == jack # false
jill.diff(jill) # {}
jill.diff(jack) # {
# name: ["Jill Smith", "Jack Smith"],
# email: ["jill@example.com", "jack@example.com"]
# }
jill.diff(Object.new) # {:name=>["Jill Smith", nil], :email=>["jill@example.com", nil]}
jill.eql? jill # true
jill.eql? jill_two # true
jill.eql? jack # false
jill.equal? jill # true
jill.equal? jill_two # false
jill.equal? jack # false
jill.hash # 3650965837788801745
jill_two.hash # 3650965837788801745
jack.hash # 4460658980509842640
jill.to_a # ["Jill Smith", "jill@example.com"]
jack.to_a # ["Jack Smith", "jack@example.com"]
jill.to_h # {:name=>"Jill Smith", :email=>"jill@example.com"}
jack.to_h # {:name=>"Jack Smith", :email=>"jack@example.com"}
jill.with name: "Sue" # #<Person @name="Sue", @email="jill@example.com">
jill.with bad: "!" # unknown keyword: :bad (ArgumentError)
As you can see, object equality is determined by the object's values and not by the object's identity. When you include Wholable
along with a list of keys, the following happens:
. The corresponding public attr_reader
for each key is created which saves you time and reduces double entry when implementing your whole value object.
. The #to_a
and #to_h
methods are added for convenience in order to play nice with {data_link} and {structs_link}.
. The #deconstruct
and #deconstruct_keys
aliases are created so you can leverage {pattern_matching_link}.
. The #==
, #eql?
, #hash
, #inspect
, and #with
methods are added to provide whole value behavior.
. The object is immediately frozen after initialization to ensure your instance is immutable by default.
== Caveats
Whole values can be broken via the following:
- Duplication: Sending the
message will cause your whole value object to be unfrozen. This might be desired in certain situations but make sure to refreeze when able. - Post Attributes: Adding additional attributes after what is defined when including
will break your whole value object. To prevent this, let Wholable manage this for you (easiest). Otherwise (harder), you can manually override #==
, #eql?
, #hash
, #inspect
, #to_a
, and #to_h
behavior at which point you don't need Wholable anymore. - Deep Freezing: The automatic freezing of your instances is shallow and will not deeply freeze nested attributes. This behavior mimics the behavior of {data_link} objects.
== Development
To contribute, run:
You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects:
== Tests
To test, run:
== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/license[License]
== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/security[Security]
== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/code_of_conduct[Code of Conduct]
== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/contributions[Contributions]
== link:https://alchemists.io/policies/developer_certificate_of_origin[Developer Certificate of Origin]
== link:https://alchemists.io/projects/wholable/versions[Versions]
== link:https://alchemists.io/community[Community]
== Credits