Provides a wkhtmltopdf executable for Windows environment.
Preconfigures pdfkit, wicked_pdf, and wisepdf to use this executable if they are loaded.
In your Gemfile
gem 'wkhtmltopdf-windows'
When using with wicked_pdf
Since wicked_pdf
overwrites its config
hash in the initializer, you
will need to update it to make sure its exe_path
is configured
If you don't need any extra configurations, you can simply remove the
initializer. Or you can change it to:
WickedPdf.config ||= {}
When using with pdf_kit
or wisepdf
No extra configuration is needed. But please make sure you are not
re-configuring the binary path again in their initializer files.
When using with other gems
You will need to configure the path manually. You can get the path to
the executable by using this: Gem.bin_path('wkhtmltopdf-windows', 'wkhtmltopdf.exe')
Current wkhtmltopdf binary Version MSVC 2015 Win64
For more details see wkhtmltopdf Changelog
Special Thanks
This gem is based on wkhtmltopdf-heroku
Copyright (c) 2019 Mike Gabriel. See LICENSE.txt for further details.