Workarea Magento Data Migration
Magento 1.9.x Data Migration plugin for the Workarea platform.
- Magento uses MySQL database
- Workarea uses MongoDB which is a nosql database
- For new clients who are currently using mangento 1.9.x and are willing to migrate to workarea we need a way to get
all their existing e-commerce data into workarea application so that they can get started with workarea smoothly.
- This gem aims to provide some rails script/tasks for data migration
- This gem also aims to provide some rails script/tasks for incremental update of the data in case the client
continues to use their magento app after migration
- database connection details for the Magento 1.9.x store
Getting Started
This gem contains a Rails engine that must be mounted onto a host Rails application i.e. workarea application.
Then add the gem to your application's Gemfile specifying the source:
# ...
gem 'workarea-magento_migrator'
# ...
Update your application's bundle.
cd path/to/application
For data migration run the following scripts
- Data migration from magento 1.9.x to workarea
- Incremental Data update from magento 1.9.x to workarea
Workarea Platform Documentation
See for Workarea platform documentation.
Workarea Magento Data Migration is released under the Business Software License