Generate XLS file with data and headers.
Rails version required
Tested on Rails 5 and 6
I am using famous 'caxlsx' to generate xls file, so basically my gem saves the time and line of code for other logic like row and col etc.
For now =>
- Put gem 'caxlsx' and gem 'xls-file', git: "https://github.com/rajnish-jarvis/xls-file" in your Gemfile.
- bundle install
- Confirm installation by calling Xls.test you will get "Cheers!! xls-file installed successfully" if installation is done.
Create headers
headers = ['Name', 'Phone Number', 'DOB', 'Location']
Create data
data = [{name: "Test1", phone: '999999999', dob: '15-Jan-1996'}, {name: "Test2", phone: '888888888', dob: '16-Jan-1996'}]
Note: => You can pass ActiveRecord_Relation objects and array of object both it will convert in array of objects if objects is ActiveRecord_Relation.
file = Xls.generate_xls(data, headers).
It will return newly generated file path, now its depends on you download with helper method (send_file) on controller or upload on any cloud.
Request from all
I am new in this and this Gem is in not fully completed yet still improving and learning something new so any suggestions and contributions are most welcome.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.