Package storage provides an easy way to work with Google Cloud Storage. Google Cloud Storage stores data in named objects, which are grouped into buckets. More information about Google Cloud Storage is available at See for authentication, timeouts, connection pooling and similar aspects of this package. To start working with this package, create a Client: The client will use your default application credentials. Clients should be reused instead of created as needed. The methods of Client are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. You may configure the client by passing in options from the package. You may also use options defined in this package, such as WithJSONReads. If you only wish to access public data, you can create an unauthenticated client with To use an emulator with this library, you can set the STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to the address at which your emulator is running. This will send requests to that address instead of to Cloud Storage. You can then create and use a client as usual: Please note that there is no official emulator for Cloud Storage. A Google Cloud Storage bucket is a collection of objects. To work with a bucket, make a bucket handle: A handle is a reference to a bucket. You can have a handle even if the bucket doesn't exist yet. To create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage, call BucketHandle.Create: Note that although buckets are associated with projects, bucket names are global across all projects. Each bucket has associated metadata, represented in this package by BucketAttrs. The third argument to BucketHandle.Create allows you to set the initial BucketAttrs of a bucket. To retrieve a bucket's attributes, use BucketHandle.Attrs: An object holds arbitrary data as a sequence of bytes, like a file. You refer to objects using a handle, just as with buckets, but unlike buckets you don't explicitly create an object. Instead, the first time you write to an object it will be created. You can use the standard Go io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces to read and write object data: Objects also have attributes, which you can fetch with ObjectHandle.Attrs: Listing objects in a bucket is done with the BucketHandle.Objects method: Objects are listed lexicographically by name. To filter objects lexicographically, [Query.StartOffset] and/or [Query.EndOffset] can be used: If only a subset of object attributes is needed when listing, specifying this subset using Query.SetAttrSelection may speed up the listing process: Both objects and buckets have ACLs (Access Control Lists). An ACL is a list of ACLRules, each of which specifies the role of a user, group or project. ACLs are suitable for fine-grained control, but you may prefer using IAM to control access at the project level (see Cloud Storage IAM docs. To list the ACLs of a bucket or object, obtain an ACLHandle and call ACLHandle.List: You can also set and delete ACLs. Every object has a generation and a metageneration. The generation changes whenever the content changes, and the metageneration changes whenever the metadata changes. Conditions let you check these values before an operation; the operation only executes if the conditions match. You can use conditions to prevent race conditions in read-modify-write operations. For example, say you've read an object's metadata into objAttrs. Now you want to write to that object, but only if its contents haven't changed since you read it. Here is how to express that: You can obtain a URL that lets anyone read or write an object for a limited time. Signing a URL requires credentials authorized to sign a URL. To use the same authentication that was used when instantiating the Storage client, use BucketHandle.SignedURL. You can also sign a URL without creating a client. See the documentation of SignedURL for details. A type of signed request that allows uploads through HTML forms directly to Cloud Storage with temporary permission. Conditions can be applied to restrict how the HTML form is used and exercised by a user. For more information, please see the XML POST Object docs as well as the documentation of BucketHandle.GenerateSignedPostPolicyV4. If the GoogleAccessID and PrivateKey option fields are not provided, they will be automatically detected by BucketHandle.SignedURL and BucketHandle.GenerateSignedPostPolicyV4 if any of the following are true: Detecting GoogleAccessID may not be possible if you are authenticated using a token source or using option.WithHTTPClient. In this case, you can provide a service account email for GoogleAccessID and the client will attempt to sign the URL or Post Policy using that service account. To generate the signature, you must have: Errors returned by this client are often of the type googleapi.Error. These errors can be introspected for more information by using errors.As with the richer googleapi.Error type. For example: Methods in this package may retry calls that fail with transient errors. Retrying continues indefinitely unless the controlling context is canceled, the client is closed, or a non-transient error is received. To stop retries from continuing, use context timeouts or cancellation. The retry strategy in this library follows best practices for Cloud Storage. By default, operations are retried only if they are idempotent, and exponential backoff with jitter is employed. In addition, errors are only retried if they are defined as transient by the service. See the Cloud Storage retry docs for more information. Users can configure non-default retry behavior for a single library call (using BucketHandle.Retryer and ObjectHandle.Retryer) or for all calls made by a client (using Client.SetRetry). For example: You can add custom headers to any API call made by this package by using callctx.SetHeaders on the context which is passed to the method. For example, to add a custom audit logging header: This package includes support for the Cloud Storage gRPC API. The implementation uses gRPC rather than the Default JSON & XML APIs to make requests to Cloud Storage. The Go Storage gRPC client is generally available. The Notifications, Serivce Account HMAC and GetServiceAccount RPCs are not supported through the gRPC client. To create a client which will use gRPC, use the alternate constructor: Using the gRPC API inside GCP with a bucket in the same region can allow for Direct Connectivity (enabling requests to skip some proxy steps and reducing response latency). A warning is emmitted if gRPC is not used within GCP to warn that Direct Connectivity could not be initialized. Direct Connectivity is not required to access the gRPC API. Dependencies for the gRPC API may slightly increase the size of binaries for applications depending on this package. If you are not using gRPC, you can use the build tag `disable_grpc_modules` to opt out of these dependencies and reduce the binary size. The gRPC client emits metrics by default and will export the gRPC telemetry discussed in gRFC/66 and gRFC/78 to Google Cloud Monitoring. The metrics are accessible through Cloud Monitoring API and you incur no additional cost for publishing the metrics. Google Cloud Support can use this information to more quickly diagnose problems related to GCS and gRPC. Sending this data does not incur any billing charges, and requires minimal CPU (a single RPC every minute) or memory (a few KiB to batch the telemetry). To access the metrics you can view them through Cloud Monitoring metric explorer with the prefix ``. Metrics are emitted every minute. You can disable metrics using the following example when creating a new gRPC client using WithDisabledClientMetrics. The metrics exporter uses Cloud Monitoring API which determines project ID and credentials doing the following: * Project ID is determined using OTel Resource Detector for the environment otherwise it falls back to the project provided by google.FindCredentials. * Credentials are determined using Application Default Credentials. The principal must have `roles/monitoring.metricWriter` role granted. If not a logged warning will be emitted. Subsequent are silenced to prevent noisy logs. Certain control plane and long-running operations for Cloud Storage (including Folder and Managed Folder operations) are supported via the autogenerated Storage Control client, which is available as a subpackage in this module. See package docs at or reference the Storage Control API docs.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package ses provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Simple Email Service. This document contains reference information for the Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) API, version 2010-12-01. This document is best used in conjunction with the Amazon SES Developer Guide. For a list of Amazon SES endpoints to use in service requests, see Regions and Amazon SES in the Amazon SES Developer Guide. This documentation contains reference information related to the following: Amazon SES API Actions Amazon SES API Data Types Common Parameters Common Errors
Package sesv2 provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Simple Email Service. Amazon SESis an Amazon Web Services service that you can use to send email messages to your customers. If you're new to Amazon SES API v2, you might find it helpful to review the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide. The Amazon SES Developer Guide provides information and code samples that demonstrate how to use Amazon SES API v2 features programmatically.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package enmime implements a MIME encoding and decoding library. It's built on top of Go's included mime/multipart support where possible, but is geared towards parsing MIME encoded emails. The enmime API has two conceptual layers. The lower layer is a tree of Part structs, representing each component of a decoded MIME message. The upper layer, called an Envelope provides an intuitive way to interact with a MIME message. Calling ReadParts causes enmime to parse the body of a MIME message into a tree of Part objects, each of which is aware of its content type, filename and headers. The content of a Part is available as a slice of bytes via the Content field. If the part was encoded in quoted-printable or base64, it is decoded prior to being placed in Content. If the Part contains text in a character set other than utf-8, enmime will attempt to convert it to utf-8. To locate a particular Part, pass a custom PartMatcher function into the BreadthMatchFirst() or DepthMatchFirst() methods to search the Part tree. BreadthMatchAll() and DepthMatchAll() will collect all Parts matching your criteria. ReadEnvelope returns an Envelope struct. Behind the scenes a Part tree is constructed, and then sorted into the correct fields of the Envelope. The Envelope contains both the plain text and HTML portions of the email. If there was no plain text Part available, the HTML Part will be down-converted using the html2text library1. The root of the Part tree, as well as slices of the inline and attachment Parts are also available. Every MIME Part has its own headers, accessible via the Part.Header field. The raw headers for an Envelope are available in Root.Header. Envelope also provides helper methods to fetch headers: GetHeader(key) will return the RFC 2047 decoded value of the specified header. AddressList(key) will convert the specified address header into a slice of net/mail.Address values. enmime attempts to be tolerant of poorly encoded MIME messages. In situations where parsing is not possible, the ReadEnvelope and ReadParts functions will return a hard error. If enmime is able to continue parsing the message, it will add an entry to the Errors slice on the relevant Part. After parsing is complete, all Part errors will be appended to the Envelope Errors slice. The Error* constants can be used to identify a specific class of error. Please note that enmime parses messages into memory, so it is not likely to perform well with multi-gigabyte attachments. enmime is open source software released under the MIT License. The latest version can be found at
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package mailyak provides a simple interface for generating MIME compliant emails, and optionally sending them over SMTP. Both plain-text and HTML email body content is supported, and their types implement io.Writer allowing easy composition directly from templating engines, etc. Attachments are fully supported including inline attachments, with anything that implements io.Reader suitable as a source (like files on disk, in-memory buffers, etc). The raw MIME content can be retrieved using MimeBuf(), typically used with an API service such as Amazon SES that does not require using an SMTP interface. MailYak supports both plain-text SMTP (which is automatically upgraded to a secure connection with STARTTLS if supported by the SMTP server) and explicit TLS connections.
Package mailyak provides a simple interface for generating MIME compliant emails, and optionally sending them over SMTP. Both plain-text and HTML email body content is supported, and their types implement io.Writer allowing easy composition directly from templating engines, etc. Attachments are fully supported (attach anything that implements io.Reader). The raw MIME content can be retrieved using MimeBuf(), typically used with an API service such as Amazon SES that does not require using an SMTP interface.
Package worklink provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon WorkLink. Amazon WorkLink is a cloud-based service that provides secure access to internal websites and web apps from iOS and Android phones. In a single step, your users, such as employees, can access internal websites as efficiently as they access any other public website. They enter a URL in their web browser, or choose a link to an internal website in an email. Amazon WorkLink authenticates the user's access and securely renders authorized internal web content in a secure rendering service in the AWS cloud. Amazon WorkLink doesn't download or store any internal web content on mobile devices.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package pinpointemail provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Pinpoint Email Service. Welcome to the Amazon Pinpoint Email API Reference. This guide provides information about the Amazon Pinpoint Email API (version 1.0), including supported operations, data types, parameters, and schemas. Amazon Pinpointis an AWS service that you can use to engage with your customers across multiple messaging channels. You can use Amazon Pinpoint to send email, SMS text messages, voice messages, and push notifications. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API provides programmatic access to options that are unique to the email channel and supplement the options provided by the Amazon Pinpoint API. If you're new to Amazon Pinpoint, you might find it helpful to also review the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide . The Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide provides tutorials, code samples, and procedures that demonstrate how to use Amazon Pinpoint features programmatically and how to integrate Amazon Pinpoint functionality into mobile apps and other types of applications. The guide also provides information about key topics such as Amazon Pinpoint integration with other AWS services and the limits that apply to using the service. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API is available in several AWS Regions and it provides an endpoint for each of these Regions. For a list of all the Regions and endpoints where the API is currently available, see AWS Service Endpointsin the Amazon Web Services General Reference. To learn more about AWS Regions, see Managing AWS Regionsin the Amazon Web Services General Reference. In each Region, AWS maintains multiple Availability Zones. These Availability Zones are physically isolated from each other, but are united by private, low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant network connections. These Availability Zones enable us to provide very high levels of availability and redundancy, while also minimizing latency. To learn more about the number of Availability Zones that are available in each Region, see AWS Global Infrastructure.
Package workmail provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon WorkMail. WorkMail is a secure, managed business email and calendaring service with support for existing desktop and mobile email clients. You can access your email, contacts, and calendars using Microsoft Outlook, your browser, or other native iOS and Android email applications. You can integrate WorkMail with your existing corporate directory and control both the keys that encrypt your data and the location in which your data is stored. The WorkMail API is designed for the following scenarios: Listing and describing organizations Managing users Managing groups Managing resources All WorkMail API operations are Amazon-authenticated and certificate-signed. They not only require the use of the AWS SDK, but also allow for the exclusive use of AWS Identity and Access Management users and roles to help facilitate access, trust, and permission policies. By creating a role and allowing an IAM user to access the WorkMail site, the IAM user gains full administrative visibility into the entire WorkMail organization (or as set in the IAM policy). This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to create, update, and delete users, groups, and resources. This allows developers to perform the scenarios listed above, as well as give users the ability to grant access on a selective basis using the IAM model.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package workdocs provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon WorkDocs. The Amazon WorkDocs API is designed for the following use cases: File Migration: File migration applications are supported for users who want to migrate their files from an on-premises or off-premises file system or service. Users can insert files into a user directory structure, as well as allow for basic metadata changes, such as modifications to the permissions of files. Security: Support security applications are supported for users who have additional security needs, such as antivirus or data loss prevention. The API actions, along with CloudTrail, allow these applications to detect when changes occur in Amazon WorkDocs. Then, the application can take the necessary actions and replace the target file. If the target file violates the policy, the application can also choose to email the user. eDiscovery/Analytics: General administrative applications are supported, such as eDiscovery and analytics. These applications can choose to mimic or record the actions in an Amazon WorkDocs site, along with CloudTrail, to replicate data for eDiscovery, backup, or analytical applications. All Amazon WorkDocs API actions are Amazon authenticated and certificate-signed. They not only require the use of the Amazon Web Services SDK, but also allow for the exclusive use of IAM users and roles to help facilitate access, trust, and permission policies. By creating a role and allowing an IAM user to access the Amazon WorkDocs site, the IAM user gains full administrative visibility into the entire Amazon WorkDocs site (or as set in the IAM policy). This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to modify file permissions and upload any file to any user. This allows developers to perform the three use cases above, as well as give users the ability to grant access on a selective basis using the IAM model. The pricing for Amazon WorkDocs APIs varies depending on the API call type for these actions: READ (Get*) WRITE (Activate*, Add*, Create*, Deactivate*, Initiate*, Update*) LIST (Describe*) DELETE*, CANCEL For information about Amazon WorkDocs API pricing, see Amazon WorkDocs Pricing.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package gorest - Go RESTful API starter kit with Gin, JWT, GORM (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), Redis, Mongo, 2FA, email verification, password recovery
Package goa provides the runtime support for goa microservices. goa service development begins with writing the *design* of a service. The design is described using the goa language implemented by the package. The `goagen` tool consumes the metadata produced from executing the design language to generate service specific code that glues the underlying HTTP server with action specific code and data structures. The goa package contains supporting functionality for the generated code including basic request and response state management through the RequestData and ResponseData structs, error handling via error classes, middleware support via the Middleware data structure as well as decoding and encoding algorithms. The RequestData and ResponseData structs provides access to the request and response state. goa request handlers also accept a context.Context interface as first parameter so that deadlines and cancelation signals may easily be implemented. The request state exposes the underlying http.Request object as well as the deserialized payload (request body) and parameters (both path and querystring parameters). Generated action specific contexts wrap the context.Context, ResponseData and RequestData data structures. They expose properly typed fields that correspond to the request parameters and body data structure descriptions appearing in the design. The response state exposes the response status and body length as well as the underlying ResponseWriter. Action contexts provide action specific helper methods that write the responses as described in the design optionally taking an instance of the media type for responses that contain a body. Here is an example showing an "update" action corresponding to following design (extract): The action signature generated by goagen is: where UpdateBottleContext is: and implements: The definitions of the Bottle and UpdateBottlePayload data structures are ommitted for brievity. There is one controller interface generated per resource defined via the design language. The interface exposes the controller actions. User code must provide data structures that implement these interfaces when mounting a controller onto a service. The controller data structure should include an anonymous field of type *goa.Controller which takes care of implementing the middleware handling. A goa middleware is a function that takes and returns a Handler. A Handler is a the low level function which handles incoming HTTP requests. goagen generates the handlers code so each handler creates the action specific context and calls the controller action with it. Middleware can be added to a goa service or a specific controller using the corresponding Use methods. goa comes with a few stock middleware that handle common needs such as logging, panic recovery or using the RequestID header to trace requests across multiple services. The controller action methods generated by goagen such as the Update method of the BottleController interface shown above all return an error value. goa defines an Error struct that action implementations can use to describe the content of the corresponding HTTP response. Errors can be created using error classes which are functions created via NewErrorClass. The ErrorHandler middleware maps errors to HTTP responses. Errors that are instances of the Error struct are mapped using the struct fields while other types of errors return responses with status code 500 and the error message in the body. The goa design language documented in the dsl package makes it possible to attach validations to data structure definitions. One specific type of validation consists of defining the format that a data structure string field must follow. Example of formats include email, data time, hostnames etc. The ValidateFormat function provides the implementation for the format validation invoked from the code generated by goagen. The goa design language makes it possible to specify the encodings supported by the API both as input (Consumes) and output (Produces). goagen uses that information to registed the corresponding packages with the service encoders and decoders via their Register methods. The service exposes the DecodeRequest and EncodeResponse that implement a simple content type negotiation algorithm for picking the right encoder for the "Content-Type" (decoder) or "Accept" (encoder) request header. Package goa standardizes on structured error responses: a request that fails because of an invalid input or an unexpected condition produces a response that contains a structured error. The error data structures returned to clients contains five fields: an ID, a code, a status, a detail and metadata. The ID is unique for the occurrence of the error, it helps correlate the content of the response with the content of the service logs. The code defines the class of error (e.g. "invalid_parameter_type") and the status the corresponding HTTP status (e.g. 400). The detail contains a message specific to the error occurrence. The metadata contains key/value pairs that provide contextual information (name of parameters, value of invalid parameter etc.). Instances of Error can be created via Error Class functions. See All instance of errors created via a error class implement the ServiceError interface. This interface is leveraged by the error handler middleware to produce the error responses. The code generated by goagen calls the helper functions exposed in this file when it encounters invalid data (wrong type, validation errors etc.) such as InvalidParamTypeError, InvalidAttributeTypeError etc. These methods return errors that get merged with any previously encountered error via the Error Merge method. The helper functions are error classes stored in global variable. This means your code can override their values to produce arbitrary error responses. goa includes an error handler middleware that takes care of mapping back any error returned by previously called middleware or action handler into HTTP responses. If the error was created via an error class then the corresponding content including the HTTP status is used otherwise an internal error is returned. Errors that bubble up all the way to the top (i.e. not handled by the error middleware) also generate an internal error response.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package workmailmessageflow provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon WorkMail Message Flow. The WorkMail Message Flow API provides access to email messages as they are being sent and received by a WorkMail organization.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package mailyak provides a simple interface for generating MIME compliant emails, and optionally sending them over SMTP. Both plain-text and HTML email body content is supported, and their types implement io.Writer allowing easy composition directly from templating engines, etc. Attachments are fully supported (attach anything that implements io.Reader). The raw MIME content can be retrieved using MimeBuf(), typically used with an API service such as Amazon SES that does not require using an SMTP interface.
Package mailyak provides a simple interface for generating MIME compliant emails, and optionally sending them over SMTP. Both plain-text and HTML email body content is supported, and their types implement io.Writer allowing easy composition directly from templating engines, etc. Attachments are fully supported (attach anything that implements io.Reader). The raw MIME content can be retrieved using MimeBuf(), typically used with an API service such as Amazon SES that does not require using an SMTP interface.
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.
Package enmime implements a MIME encoding and decoding library. It's built on top of Go's included mime/multipart support where possible, but is geared towards parsing MIME encoded emails. The enmime API has two conceptual layers. The lower layer is a tree of Part structs, representing each component of a decoded MIME message. The upper layer, called an Envelope provides an intuitive way to interact with a MIME message. Calling ReadParts causes enmime to parse the body of a MIME message into a tree of Part objects, each of which is aware of its content type, filename and headers. The content of a Part is available as a slice of bytes via the Content field. If the part was encoded in quoted-printable or base64, it is decoded prior to being placed in Content. If the Part contains text in a character set other than utf-8, enmime will attempt to convert it to utf-8. To locate a particular Part, pass a custom PartMatcher function into the BreadthMatchFirst() or DepthMatchFirst() methods to search the Part tree. BreadthMatchAll() and DepthMatchAll() will collect all Parts matching your criteria. ReadEnvelope returns an Envelope struct. Behind the scenes a Part tree is constructed, and then sorted into the correct fields of the Envelope. The Envelope contains both the plain text and HTML portions of the email. If there was no plain text Part available, the HTML Part will be down-converted using the html2text library1. The root of the Part tree, as well as slices of the inline and attachment Parts are also available. Every MIME Part has its own headers, accessible via the Part.Header field. The raw headers for an Envelope are available in Root.Header. Envelope also provides helper methods to fetch headers: GetHeader(key) will return the RFC 2047 decoded value of the specified header. AddressList(key) will convert the specified address header into a slice of net/mail.Address values. enmime attempts to be tolerant of poorly encoded MIME messages. In situations where parsing is not possible, the ReadEnvelope and ReadParts functions will return a hard error. If enmime is able to continue parsing the message, it will add an entry to the Errors slice on the relevant Part. After parsing is complete, all Part errors will be appended to the Envelope Errors slice. The Error* constants can be used to identify a specific class of error. Please note that enmime parses messages into memory, so it is not likely to perform well with multi-gigabyte attachments. enmime is open source software released under the MIT License. The latest version can be found at
Package entityresolution provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS EntityResolution. Welcome to the Entity Resolution API Reference. Entity Resolution is an Amazon Web Services service that provides pre-configured entity resolution capabilities that enable developers and analysts at advertising and marketing companies to build an accurate and complete view of their consumers. With Entity Resolution, you can match source records containing consumer identifiers, such as name, email address, and phone number. This is true even when these records have incomplete or conflicting identifiers. For example, Entity Resolution can effectively match a source record from a customer relationship management (CRM) system with a source record from a marketing system containing campaign information. To learn more about Entity Resolution concepts, procedures, and best practices, see the Entity Resolution User Guide.
Package Rye is a simple library to support http services. Rye provides a middleware handler which can be used to chain http handlers together while providing simple statsd metrics for use with a monitoring solution such as DataDog or other logging aggregators. Rye also provides some additional middleware handlers that are entirely optional but easily consumed using Rye. In order to use rye, you should vendor it and the statsd client within your project. Begin by importing the required libraries: Create a statsd client (if desired) and create a rye Config in order to pass in optional dependencies: Create a middleware handler. The purpose of the Handler is to keep Config and to provide an interface for chaining http handlers. Build your http handlers using the Handler type from the **rye** package. Here are some example (custom) handlers: Finally, to setup your handlers in your API Rye comes with built-in configurable `statsd` statistics that you could record to your favorite monitoring system. To configure that, you'll need to set up a `Statter` based on the `` and set it in your instantiation of `MWHandler` through the `rye.Config`. When a middleware is called, it's timing is recorded and a counter is recorded associated directly with the http status code returned during the call. Additionally, an `errors` counter is also sent to the statter which allows you to count any errors that occur with a code equaling or above 500. Example: If you have a middleware handler you've created with a method named `loginHandler`, successful calls to that will be recorded to `handlers.loginHandler.2xx`. Additionally you'll receive stats such as `handlers.loginHandler.400` or `handlers.loginHandler.500`. You also will receive an increase in the `errors` count. If you're sending your logs into a system such as DataDog, be aware that your stats from Rye can have prefixes such as `` or even ``. Just keep in mind your stats could end up in the destination sink system with prefixes. With Golang 1.7, a new feature has been added that supports a request specific context. This is a great feature that Rye supports out-of-the-box. The tricky part of this is how the context is modified on the request. In Golang, the Context is always available on a Request through `http.Request.Context()`. Great! However, if you want to add key/value pairs to the context, you will have to add the context to the request before it gets passed to the next Middleware. To support this, the `rye.Response` has a property called `Context`. This property takes a properly created context (pulled from the `request.Context()` function. When you return a `rye.Response` which has `Context`, the **rye** library will craft a new Request and make sure that the next middleware receives that request. Here's the details of creating a middleware with a proper `Context`. You must first pull from the current request `Context`. In the example below, you see `ctx := r.Context()`. That pulls the current context. Then, you create a NEW context with your additional context key/value. Finally, you return `&rye.Response{Context:ctx}` Now in a later middleware, you can easily retrieve the value you set! For another simple example, look in the JWT middleware - it adds the JWT into the context for use by other middlewares. It uses the `CONTEXT_JWT` key to push the JWT token into the `Context`. Rye comes with various pre-built middleware handlers. Pre-built middlewares source (and docs) can be found in the package dir following the pattern `middleware_*.go`. To use them, specify the constructor of the middleware as one of the middleware handlers when you define your routes: OR The JWT Middleware pushes the JWT token onto the Context for use by other middlewares in the chain. This is a convenience that allows any part of your middleware chain quick access to the JWT. Example usage might include a middleware that needs access to your user id or email address stored in the JWT. To access this `Context` variable, the code is very simple:
Package Rye is a simple library to support http services. Rye provides a middleware handler which can be used to chain http handlers together while providing simple statsd metrics for use with a monitoring solution such as DataDog or other logging aggregators. Rye also provides some additional middleware handlers that are entirely optional but easily consumed using Rye. In order to use rye, you should vendor it and the statsd client within your project. Begin by importing the required libraries: Create a statsd client (if desired) and create a rye Config in order to pass in optional dependencies: Create a middleware handler. The purpose of the Handler is to keep Config and to provide an interface for chaining http handlers. Build your http handlers using the Handler type from the **rye** package. Here are some example (custom) handlers: Finally, to setup your handlers in your API Rye comes with built-in configurable `statsd` statistics that you could record to your favorite monitoring system. To configure that, you'll need to set up a `Statter` based on the `` and set it in your instantiation of `MWHandler` through the `rye.Config`. When a middleware is called, it's timing is recorded and a counter is recorded associated directly with the http status code returned during the call. Additionally, an `errors` counter is also sent to the statter which allows you to count any errors that occur with a code equaling or above 500. Example: If you have a middleware handler you've created with a method named `loginHandler`, successful calls to that will be recorded to `handlers.loginHandler.2xx`. Additionally you'll receive stats such as `handlers.loginHandler.400` or `handlers.loginHandler.500`. You also will receive an increase in the `errors` count. If you're sending your logs into a system such as DataDog, be aware that your stats from Rye can have prefixes such as `` or even ``. Just keep in mind your stats could end up in the destination sink system with prefixes. With Golang 1.7, a new feature has been added that supports a request specific context. This is a great feature that Rye supports out-of-the-box. The tricky part of this is how the context is modified on the request. In Golang, the Context is always available on a Request through `http.Request.Context()`. Great! However, if you want to add key/value pairs to the context, you will have to add the context to the request before it gets passed to the next Middleware. To support this, the `rye.Response` has a property called `Context`. This property takes a properly created context (pulled from the `request.Context()` function. When you return a `rye.Response` which has `Context`, the **rye** library will craft a new Request and make sure that the next middleware receives that request. Here's the details of creating a middleware with a proper `Context`. You must first pull from the current request `Context`. In the example below, you see `ctx := r.Context()`. That pulls the current context. Then, you create a NEW context with your additional context key/value. Finally, you return `&rye.Response{Context:ctx}` Now in a later middleware, you can easily retrieve the value you set! For another simple example, look in the JWT middleware - it adds the JWT into the context for use by other middlewares. It uses the `CONTEXT_JWT` key to push the JWT token into the `Context`. Rye comes with various pre-built middleware handlers. Pre-built middlewares source (and docs) can be found in the package dir following the pattern `middleware_*.go`. To use them, specify the constructor of the middleware as one of the middleware handlers when you define your routes: OR The JWT Middleware pushes the JWT token onto the Context for use by other middlewares in the chain. This is a convenience that allows any part of your middleware chain quick access to the JWT. Example usage might include a middleware that needs access to your user id or email address stored in the JWT. To access this `Context` variable, the code is very simple:
Package qbusiness provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for QBusiness. This is the Amazon Q Business API Reference. Amazon Q Business is a fully managed, generative-AI powered enterprise chat assistant that you can deploy within your organization. Amazon Q Business enhances employee productivity by supporting key tasks such as question-answering, knowledge discovery, writing email messages, summarizing text, drafting document outlines, and brainstorming ideas. Users ask questions of Amazon Q Business and get answers that are presented in a conversational manner. For an introduction to the service, see the Amazon Q Business User Guide. For an overview of the Amazon Q Business APIs, see Overview of Amazon Q Business API operations. For information about the IAM access control permissions you need to use this API, see IAM roles for Amazon Q Businessin the Amazon Q Business User Guide. The following resources provide additional information about using the Amazon Q Business API: Setting up for Amazon Q Business Amazon Q Business CLI Reference Amazon Web Services General Reference
Package Rye is a simple library to support http services. Rye provides a middleware handler which can be used to chain http handlers together while providing simple statsd metrics for use with a monitoring solution such as DataDog or other logging aggregators. Rye also provides some additional middleware handlers that are entirely optional but easily consumed using Rye. In order to use rye, you should vendor it and the statsd client within your project. Begin by importing the required libraries: Create a statsd client (if desired) and create a rye Config in order to pass in optional dependencies: Create a middleware handler. The purpose of the Handler is to keep Config and to provide an interface for chaining http handlers. Build your http handlers using the Handler type from the **rye** package. Here are some example (custom) handlers: Finally, to setup your handlers in your API Rye comes with built-in configurable `statsd` statistics that you could record to your favorite monitoring system. To configure that, you'll need to set up a `Statter` based on the `` and set it in your instantiation of `MWHandler` through the `rye.Config`. When a middleware is called, it's timing is recorded and a counter is recorded associated directly with the http status code returned during the call. Additionally, an `errors` counter is also sent to the statter which allows you to count any errors that occur with a code equaling or above 500. Example: If you have a middleware handler you've created with a method named `loginHandler`, successful calls to that will be recorded to `handlers.loginHandler.2xx`. Additionally you'll receive stats such as `handlers.loginHandler.400` or `handlers.loginHandler.500`. You also will receive an increase in the `errors` count. If you're sending your logs into a system such as DataDog, be aware that your stats from Rye can have prefixes such as `` or even ``. Just keep in mind your stats could end up in the destination sink system with prefixes. With Golang 1.7, a new feature has been added that supports a request specific context. This is a great feature that Rye supports out-of-the-box. The tricky part of this is how the context is modified on the request. In Golang, the Context is always available on a Request through `http.Request.Context()`. Great! However, if you want to add key/value pairs to the context, you will have to add the context to the request before it gets passed to the next Middleware. To support this, the `rye.Response` has a property called `Context`. This property takes a properly created context (pulled from the `request.Context()` function. When you return a `rye.Response` which has `Context`, the **rye** library will craft a new Request and make sure that the next middleware receives that request. Here's the details of creating a middleware with a proper `Context`. You must first pull from the current request `Context`. In the example below, you see `ctx := r.Context()`. That pulls the current context. Then, you create a NEW context with your additional context key/value. Finally, you return `&rye.Response{Context:ctx}` Now in a later middleware, you can easily retrieve the value you set! For another simple example, look in the JWT middleware - it adds the JWT into the context for use by other middlewares. It uses the `CONTEXT_JWT` key to push the JWT token into the `Context`. Rye comes with various pre-built middleware handlers. Pre-built middlewares source (and docs) can be found in the package dir following the pattern `middleware_*.go`. To use them, specify the constructor of the middleware as one of the middleware handlers when you define your routes: OR The JWT Middleware pushes the JWT token onto the Context for use by other middlewares in the chain. This is a convenience that allows any part of your middleware chain quick access to the JWT. Example usage might include a middleware that needs access to your user id or email address stored in the JWT. To access this `Context` variable, the code is very simple:
Package gohog is a client library to interact with and consume mailhog's api mailhog is very useful when testing email integration
Package notificationscontacts provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS User Notifications Contacts. AWS User Notifications Contacts is a service that allows you to create and manage email contacts for AWS User Notifications. The AWS User Notifications Contacts API Reference provides descriptions, API request parameters, and the JSON response for all email contact related API actions.
Package geomaps provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Location Service Maps V2. Capabilities include: Access to comprehensive base map data, allowing you to tailor the map display to your specific needs. Multiple pre-designed map styles suited for various application types, such as navigation, logistics, or data visualization. Generation of static map images for scenarios where interactive maps aren't suitable, such as: Embedding in emails or documents Displaying in low-bandwidth environments Creating printable maps Enhancing application performance by reducing client-side rendering
Package gohog is a client library to interact with and consume mailhog's api mailhog is very useful when testing email integration
Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently. More info on Github: A daemon that listens to a channel and sends all incoming messages. Efficiently send a customized newsletter to a list of recipients. Send an email using a local SMTP server. Send an email using an API or postfix.