hello world api in golang with docker
If you would like to run this maunal, these are the pre-steps to run.
go get
//Make sure your GOPATH is properly configured or you have the .go files in the default location $HOME/go
go build -o main go-docker-api.go
docker build -t go-docker .
//Make sure you have the Dockerfile in the same directory
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 go-docker
To do a warm up run the following curl commands
curl localhost:8080
Hello, World
curl localhost:8080/status
{"description":" your description in metadata ","version":"0.0.1","lastcommitsha":"github's commit hash"}
To stop docker container running
docker ps
(grab the container ID)
docker container stop
{container ID}
Clean up for docker if multiple unlabelled images/containers are found
docker container prune
docker rmi -f $(docker images --quiet --filter "dangling=true")
Word on unit tests
Todo go_test.go currently does not work -- In future required to be investigated further - temp measure - added shell script to curl each endpoint with an expected result.