Ignite UI React charting components for building rich data visualizations using TypeScript APIs.
Ignite UI Web Components charting components for building rich data visualizations using TypeScript APIs.
The Codex SDK for JavaScript/Typescript. It provides generated types and convenient ways to access the graphql api.
Render Chart.JS as Image (or URL of Image)
A simple, fast, Vue 3 component for rendering Highcharts.js Charts written using the composition API.
The Defined.fi SDK for JavaScript/Typescript. It provides generated types and convenient ways to access the graphql api.
A client side JavaScript library that enables users to view interactive seating charts for tickets available via the Ticket Evolution API.
A plug in for plot: The simplest plotting API for JavaScript and TypeScript.
This is a charting library on top of Echarts to render UI just by providing an API with basic customization
Custom data source API implementation for MongoDB
A plugin for providing a utility API to retrieve the visible range of a price scale, and subscribe to changes.
crypto chart widget for react using binance api
[⛔️ DEPRECATED] React components to easily embed Google Analytics charts on your React site. Uses the Google Analytics Embed API.
Unlimited AI models and Canvas library. Supports ts & js (supports front/back end).
Dimple is an object-oriented API allowing you to create flexible axis-based charts using [d3.js](http://d3js.org "d3.js").
Official Image-Charts.com API client library
Generate a bar chart in svg format. Intended to be used to generate an API response.
`graphql2chartjs` reshapes your GraphQL data as per the [ChartJS](https://chartjs.org) API. This makes it easy to query a GraphQL API and render the output as a ChartJS chart.
A Typescript wrapper for getting information from the ClassCharts API
Open-source scatter-chart library written in pure JS based on canvas api, Specifically designed for visualizing request and response patterns over time
Performance measurement dashboard with configurable metrics and end-point monitoring. Ideally suited to API microservices.
A Node.js API and CLI tool for rendering a chart from a CSV file using a C3 spec.
Ai and Canvas library. Supports ts & js (supports front/back end).
Render Chart.JS as Image (or URL of Image)
A simple time series chart of closing prices using cg-api.
DHIS2 charts api
Mobula opens all the APIs powering the platform: meta-data, market & historical data for crypto-assets (logo, price, volumes, charts), wallet data (transactions, historical balances, ROIs), and DeFi quotes (swap quotes)
Fetch airport diagrams information
MetricBoard is a performance monitoring tool that logs and visualizes microservice metrics with detailed charts for response times, status codes, and API performance
A simple, fast, Vue 3 component for rendering Highcharts.js Charts written using the composition API.
Fetch chart supplements for airports
A simple charts component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 attributes and/or JavaScript API.
This folder contains [UDF](https://github.com/tradingview/charting_library/wiki/UDF) datafeed adapter. It implements [JS API](https://github.com/tradingview/charting_library/wiki/JS%20API) and makes HTTP requests using [UDF](https://github.com/tradingview
Unofficial APIs for Socialblade.com website.
VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer provides a simple API designed to perform install and upgrade operations for Kubernetes Helm based configuration APPs hosted in a Version Control System (curretly supports Git and TFS).
A lightweight and customizable currency converter component for React applications. Easily integrate currency conversion functionality with customizable dropdowns for selecting currencies and an input for the amount.
Crypto chart for SolidJS using Binance API