MUI System is a set of CSS utilities to help you build custom designs more efficiently. It makes it possible to rapidly lay out custom designs.
Internal package to track number of downloads of our design system libraries
Material-UI System - Design system for Material-UI.
The Material Components for the web theming system
Responsive and accessible React UI components built with React and Emotion
Responsive, theme-based style props for building design systems with React
Chakra UI system primitives
Theme and components agnostic ChakraProvider
API Design Systems 2021-05-07 namespace for ApiDOM.
Parser adapter for parsing JSON documents into API Design Systems namespace.
Style once, use everywhere. A build system for creating cross-platform styles.
Helper utilities for developing react components
The Sanity UI components.
Reusable utilities and hooks specific to design system.
GOV.UK Frontend contains the code you need to start building a user interface for government platforms and services.
[![Version](]( [![Downloads](
React components for icons in digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Helpers used alongside icons for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
The MOJ Frontend contains the code you need to start building user interfaces for UK Ministry of Justice government services.
Layout helpers for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Build with feature flags in Carbon
Colors for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Official React components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
Vaadin Material is a complete theme for Vaadin components, inspired by Google’s Material Design guidelines.
Lumo is a design system foundation for modern web applications, used by Vaadin components
Grid for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Web Components for Esri's Calcite Design System.
The Carbon Design System is IBM’s open-source design system for products and experiences.
Typography for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Themes for applying color in the Carbon Design System
Joy UI is an open-source React component library that implements MUI's own design principles. It's comprehensive and can be used in production out of the box.
Collect telemetry data for projects at IBM using Carbon
Motion helpers for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
A tool for connecting your design system components in code with your design system in Figma
Tokens used in the Kaizen Design System
Styles for the Carbon Design System
Typography, spacing, and color primitives for Primer design system
Container utilities in the Garden Design System
Material web components
css-in-js solution for application combine with antd v5 token system and emotion
The CSS implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System
Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS.
React components for the Carbon Design System
A top level provider for the Design System.
Component Library for Culture Amp's Kaizen Design System
Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
Containers relating to selection in the Garden Design System