Display webpack build progress in macOS Menu Bar.
Simple slim accessible progress bars
A material design progress bar
Progress indicator for networked images, supports progress bar and spinner
A radial progress bar component for Vue.js
A live status bar generator for node.js
Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars
A Vue.js component to create beautiful animated circle progress bars
🐊Putout formatter shows time
A small, easy & zero-dependency progress bar component.
A progress bar communicates the status of a system process.
The Spectrum CSS progress bar component
The progress bar component
Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps
Basic progress bar in React
a customizable progress bar for ink
NextJS NProgress implementation
A Progress Bar communicates the completion status of a process or task.
Holy Loader is a lightweight, customizable top-loading progress bar component for React applications.
Automatic page load progress bar
Display thumnails on progress bar hover, driven by external VTT files.
Customizable circular SVG progress bar component for React
Progress bar plugin for download
An uploader element for React that handles Mux Direct Uploads and a visual progress bar for you
A react component that displays a customisable circular progress bar.
A smart and light radial progress bar component for Vue 3.
Semrush ProgressBar Component
A simple, flexible progress bar for Vue.js
A nanoscopic progress bar. Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!
An `<sp-progress-bar>` shows the progression of a system operation such as downloading, uploading, processing, etc. in a visual way. It can represent determinate or indeterminate progress.
A Vue.js component to draw animated circular progress bars
> Professionally Built React Components - Made the React Way
Simple, customizable and animated progress bar for React Native
webpack plugin for showing simple progress bar
TypeScript definitions for progress-bar-webpack-plugin
A nanoscopic progress bar. Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!
A Progress bar is a visual representation of a specified wait time or the current status of a process.
This module allows your Electron app to display native dialogs with progress bars in them on Windows and macOS.