Utility functions to generate views for calendars
📅 Calendar link generator for popular services, like Google, Outlook, and Yahoo.
Spectrum UI components in React
Spectrum UI components in React
Spectrum UI components in React
Display events on a month view or "day grid" view
FullCalendar core package for rendering a calendar
Calendar functionality for event drag-n-drop, event resizing, date clicking, and date selecting
Ultimate calendar for your React app.
Display events on time slots
The official React Component for FullCalendar
Display events on a calendar view that looks like a bulleted list
Calendar! with events
internal package
A clean and extendable plugin for building simple attributed calendars in Vue.js.
React Native Calendar Components
A tiny (202B) utility to generate calendar views
TypeScript definitions for react-big-calendar
Convert between various world calendars
Immutable object to represent a calendar date with zero dependencies
Utilities for FullCalendar's premium plugins
Easily render a full-sized drag & drop calendar with a combination of standard plugins
A calendar displays one or more date grids and allows users to select a single date.
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for react-calendar, which provides its own types definitions
A complete package of date or time components with built-in features such as date formatting, inline editing, multiple (range) selection, range restriction, month and year selection, strict mode, and globalization.
Tabular data chunked into scrollable panes
React Calendar
Display events on a horizontal time axis (without resources)
The official Angular component for FullCalendar
A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
Internationalized calendar, date, and time manipulation utilities
Base methods for generating calendars using JavaScript.
A calendar component for angular 15.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view
Display events and resources on a horizontal time axis
The official Vue 3 component for FullCalendar
Base support for resources, required by resource views
A calendarific http://calendarific.com NodeJS wrapper.
Display events on day/resource columns
Displays events on a vertical resource view with time slots
Display a sequence or grid of multiple months
Enhanced named time zone functionality with Moment Timezone
Enhanced date formatting and conversion with Moment
TypeScript definitions for react-native-calendars
The official Vue 2 component for FullCalendar
Offers base support for resources. Required for all resource-related plugins.