React MultiSelect
Multi select used on platform6.
Fork of react-native-dropdown-select-list, React Native Select List Equivalent to Html's Select with options"
A React component which is a single/multiselect with Search option and fully customizable
A fully styleable multiselect with no polyfills
Customizable multiselect dropdown in Angular 2 with bootstrap css.
A client-side React component that presents the user with a list of items and allows them to filter and select one or more of them.
visual multi select component
Fully customizable Multi Grid Card Selection component for React Native on both iOS and Android
Reusable react components
Angular Toolkit
Simple multi-select component for react-native expo
Typescript version of react-native-multi-selectbox
Kendo UI plugin for selecting multiple dates similar to MultiSelect.
# Angular sp-combo - Multiselect, Multiline and Autocomplete
Seacrchable and fully customizable Muti-purpose dropdown menu for react native
```bash npm i @midas-ds/multi-select ```
Angular Multi-Select Dropdown with Properties
A simple plugin for Clappr that adds support to manually select level on multi-bitrate streams.
Custom Selectbox
Simple dual listbox component to use with your Angular 10 App with Angular Material and CDK Drag and Drop.
This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](
CFAlert Dialog wrapper for NativeScript
Simple select and multi-select component for react-native
Simple multi-select component with order - you can not only manage a set (like a regular multi-select) but also the order of its elements
A version of react-select that allows more flexibility and control. You can use this with redux or flux
slick design lightweight multiple selection dropdown component
Customizable dropdown multiselect in Angular 2 with bootstrap css.
Widget for radios and inline multi-checkboxes in Netlify CMS.
- Build easy high performance react tables - Server and Client Side rendering - Filter and Sort Data - Select Rows and Copy (multi) - Create Dynamic Charts from Table Data - Resizable columns - Typescript support - Storybook Support
Multi select input used on platform6.
A multi-select component with nested options support for Vue.js (disable immediate search)
## 注意:该组件即将废弃,我们将不再新增特性。如需使用新特性请替换为该组件:@beisen-phoenix/select-list
Multi-selection support for Downshift
A VueJS plugin that provides a searchable and reactive multiselect list component with no dependencies.
A GiraphQL plugin for creating multiple variants or sub-selections of the same graph
Platform independent (Android / iOS) Selectbox | Picker | Multi-select | Multi-picker. The idea is to bring out the common user-interface & user-experience on both platforms.
Vue Dual list-box multi-select drop-down component for enterprise applications.
React Multi-Select with automatic checkboxes/radios
A strapi custom field for selecting multiple countries based on the ISO 3166-1 country code standard.
Given an Index, and an Action, return an array of selected keys with the same behaviour of macOS finder list view selection.
A multi-function mobile phone scrolling selector, support single to multi-select, support multi-level cascade, provide custom callback function, provide update function redraw, relocation function, compatible pc drag and so on.