Select protocol using first bytes of incoming data and hose stuff to the handler
> Selector parser with built in methods for working with selector strings.
Minify selectors with PostCSS.
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
Ensure CSS selectors are unique.
Determine selector specificity with postcss-selector-parser
CSS selector engine supporting jQuery selectors
PostCSS plugin to transform :not() W3C CSS level 4 pseudo class to :not() CSS level 3 selectors
Provides some base functions needed by a css-select adapter so that you don't have to implement the whole thing.
A Select control built with and for ReactJS
Resolve a nested selector in a PostCSS AST
A tiny and fast selection algorithm in JavaScript.
Convert DataTransfer object to a list of File objects
Parses and stringifies CSS selectors
TypeScript definitions for d3-selection
Returns `true` if the Selection is "backward", `false` otherwise
A CSS-based selector parser for React Standard Tree (RST) traversal
PostCSS plugin to transform :matches() W3C CSS pseudo class to more compatible CSS selectors
An extension of svg.js which allows to select elements with mouse
Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an AST
tree-select ui component for react
Spectrum UI components in React
Spectrum UI components in React
Resolve nested CSS selectors
Spectrum UI components in React
Powerful and compliant CSS selector parser.
Spectrum UI components in React
Better typed `querySelector` and `querySelectorAll`.
use querySelector syntax to search for nodes inside of (nested) shadow roots
The Material Components web select (text field drop-down) component
Promisifies all the selected functions in an object
Spectrum UI components in React
Select all feature for CKEditor 5.
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for react-select, which provides its own types definitions