3D Force-Directed Graph in VR
A web component to represent a graph data structure in virtual reality using a force-directed iterative layout.
Uses A-Frame for VR rendering and d3-force-3d for the layout physics engine.
See also the WebGL 3D version, and the A-Frame component version (aframe-forcegraph-component).
Live example: https://bl.ocks.org/vasturiano/972ca4f3e8e074dacf14d7071aad8ef9

Quick start
npm install
npm run build
How to instantiate
import { default as ForceGraphVR } from '3d-force-graph-vr';
var ForceGraphVR = require('3d-force-graph-vr');
or even
<script src="//unpkg.com/3d-force-graph-vr/dist/3d-force-graph-vr.js"></script>
var myGraph = ForceGraphVR();
API reference
.jsonUrl(<URL of JSON file to load graph data directly from, as an alternative to specifying graphData directly>)
.numDimensions(<number of dimensions, between [1,3]. default: 3>)
.nodeRelSize(<(number) node volume per value unit>)
.lineOpacity(<between [0,1]>)
.autoColorBy(<node object accessor property name, only affects nodes without a color field>)
.idField(<node object accessor property name. default: 'id'>)
.valField(<node object accessor property name. default: 'val'>)
.nameField(<node object accessor property name. default: 'name'>)
.colorField(<node object accessor property name. default: 'color'>)
.linkSourceField(<link object accessor property name. default: 'source'>)
.linkTargetField(<link object accessor property name. default: 'target'>)
.forceEngine(<which force-simulation engine to use: 'd3' (default) or 'ngraph'>)
.warmupTicks(<number of layout engine cycles to run before start rendering. default: 0>)
.cooldownTicks(<# frames to stop engine. default: Infinity>)
.cooldownTime(<ms to stop engine. default: 15000>)
Data syntax
nodes: [
id: 'id1',
name: "name1",
val: 1
id: 'id2',
name: "name2",
val: 10
links: [
source: 'id1',
target: 'id2'