graphData([data]) | Getter/setter for graph data structure (see below for syntax details). | { nodes: [], links: [] } |
jsonUrl([url]) | URL of JSON file to load graph data directly from, as an alternative to specifying graphData directly. | |
numDimensions([int]) | Getter/setter for number of dimensions to run the force simulation on (1, 2 or 3). | 3 |
backgroundColor([str]) | Getter/setter for the chart background color. | #000011 |
nodeRelSize([num]) | Getter/setter for the ratio of node sphere volume (cubic px) per value unit. | 4 |
nodeId([str]) (alias: idField) | Node object accessor attribute for unique node id (used in link objects source/target). | id |
nodeLabel([str or fn]) (alias: nameField) | Node object accessor function or attribute for name (shown in label). | name |
nodeDesc([str or fn]) | Node object accessor function or attribute for description (shown under label). | desc |
nodeVal([num, str or fn]) (alias: valField) | Node object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the node numeric value (affects sphere volume). | val |
nodeResolution([num]) | Getter/setter for the geometric resolution of each node, expressed in how many slice segments to divide the circumference. Higher values yield smoother spheres. | 8 |
nodeColor([str or fn]) (alias: colorField) | Node object accessor function or attribute for node color (affects sphere color). | color |
nodeAutoColorBy([str or fn]) (alias: autoColorBy) | Node object accessor function (fn(node) ) or attribute (e.g. 'type' ) to automatically group colors by. Only affects nodes without a color attribute. | |
nodeThreeObject([Object3d, str or fn]) | Node object accessor function or attribute for generating a custom 3d object to render as graph nodes. Should return an instance of ThreeJS Object3d. If a falsy value is returned, the default 3d object type will be used instead for that node. | default node object is a sphere, sized according to val and styled according to color . |
linkSource([str]) (alias: linkSourceField) | Link object accessor attribute referring to id of source node. | source |
linkTarget([str]) (alias: linkTargetField) | Link object accessor attribute referring to id of target node. | target |
linkLabel([str or fn]) | Link object accessor function or attribute for name (shown in label). | name |
linkDesc([str or fn]) | Link object accessor function or attribute for description (shown under label). | desc |
linkHoverPrecision([int]) | Whether to display the link label when gazing the link closely (low value) or from far away (high value). | 2 |
linkColor([str or fn]) (alias: linkColorField) | Link object accessor function or attribute for line color. | color |
linkAutoColorBy([str or fn]) | Link object accessor function (fn(link) ) or attribute (e.g. 'type' ) to automatically group colors by. Only affects links without a color attribute. | |
linkOpacity([num]) (alias: lineOpacity) | Getter/setter for line opacity of links, between [0,1]. | 0.2 |
forceEngine([str]) | Getter/setter for which force-simulation engine to use (d3 or ngraph). | d3 |
d3AlphaDecay([num]) | Getter/setter for the simulation intensity decay parameter, only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. | 0.0228 |
d3VelocityDecay([num]) | Getter/setter for the nodes' velocity decay that simulates the medium resistance, only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. | 0.4 |
warmupTicks([int]) | Getter/setter for number of layout engine cycles to dry-run at ignition before starting to render. | 0 |
cooldownTicks([int]) | Getter/setter for how many build-in frames to render before stopping and freezing the layout engine. | Infinity |
cooldownTime([num]) | Getter/setter for how long (ms) to render for before stopping and freezing the layout engine. | 15000 |
resetProps() | Reset all component properties to their default value. | |