Elm I18Next Code Generation
An elm-codegen library for creating type-safe helper methods
for the excellent ChristophP/elm-i18next
If you have a large Elm application in a business setting, you should strongly consider supporting internationalization
even if you aren't considering adding extra languages to your app. Your project manager who would much rather change a line
in a JSON file than put another 1-point ticket into your sprint will thank you for it.
CLI Usage (Recommended)
Use the cli via npx @abradley2/elm-i18next-gen -- --flags-from="path/to/translations.en.json"
to generate the code for your translations.
This simply proxies to elm-codegen
without having to add a codegen
directory to your current
Elm Codegen Usage
import I18Next.Gen
import Gen.CodeGen.Generate as Generate
import Json.Decode exposing (Value)
main : Platform Value () ()
main =
Consuming the module in this way allows you to have different code generation paths depending on dynamic flags. But if you're only
generating code for translations, the above is sufficient.
Then just run elm-codegen
, supplying the translations file as flags.
npx elm-codegen run --flags-from="path/to/translations/en.json"
You should have a root directory that contains your Elm application. From this directory you've called
npx elm-codegen init
and have something resembling the following:
| |--translations.en.json
| |--Main.elm
When you have followed the steps in the Usage section, running-
npx elm-codegen run --flags-from="assets/translations.en.json"
-from your elm-app root should produce:
| |--translations.en.json
| |--Main.elm
| |--Generate.elm
A translations file like this, conforming to the I18Next V2 specification:
"general greeting": "Hello there",
"personal greeting": "Hello {{name}}"
-will generate:
generalGreeting : List I18Next.Translations -> String
generalGreeting translations =
I18Next.tf translations "generalGreeting"
personalGreeting : List I18Next.Translations -> { name : String } -> String
personalGreeting translations replacements =
[ ( "name", replacements.name ) ]
-and a default implementation of I18Next.Translations
in the sibling Language.elm
defaultLanguage : I18Next.Translations
defaultLanguage =
[ ( ""
, I18Next.object
[ ( "generalGreeting", I18Next.string "Hello there" )
, ( "personalGreeting", I18Next.string "Hello {{name}}" )
You can also nest translations by page as the I18Next V2 specification allows.
"home": { ... },
"login": { ... }
This will create sub-modules in the Translations
Recommended Pattern
It is recommended that you only run this codegen for a single default language. Part of the output
includes a defaultLanguage
export of the I18Next.Translations
type. For all your translations
that are not part of your default language, use I18Next.translationsDecoder
as you normally would.
This library is largely based upon the work done by Yoni Gibbs
on elm-i8next-gen