Prerequisites: node.js, aio-cli.
To install a revision from this repository:
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-api-mesh
To install globally from a released npm package:
$ aio plugins:install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-api-mesh
To discover available aio packages:
$ aio discover -i
Local Development
Install project dependencies. npm install
aio plugins:link commerce-gateway/tenant
create a config.json file with the following parameters
"baseUrl": "<base_url>",
"apiKey": "<api_key>"
Perform the following command to update the configuration
aio config:set api-mesh.configPath <path_to_json_file>
aio api-mesh:get meshId
aio api-mesh:get meshId PATH_OF_FILE_TO_DOWNLOAD_INTO
aio api-mesh:create PATH_OF_MESH_CONFIG_JSON_FILE
aio api-mesh:update meshId PATH_OF_MESH_CONFIG_JSON_FILE
aio api-mesh:delete meshId