Core Analytics Client Lib - JS
The Javascript client library to be used from browser/nodejs to raise analytics
events for Core-Analytics-Server.
Code Guardian

Load the Library
Embed the script in your HTML file and replace your_analytics_account_ID
and appName
in the initAnalyticsSession
call below:
<script async src=""
if(!{ = {
_initData : [], loadStartTime: new Date().getTime(),
event: function (){;}
function analyticsLibLoaded() {
initAnalyticsSession('your_analytics_account_ID', 'appName');
analytics.event("core-analytics", "client-lib", "loadTime", 1, (new Date().getTime())-analytics.loadStartTime);
This will create a global analytics
variable which can be used to access the analytics APIs.
Raising analytics events
We can now start logging analytics events by calling analytics.event
The events will be aggregated and send to the analytics server periodically.
analytics.event("platform", "os", "linux");
analytics.event("file", "opened", "html", 100);
analytics.event("platform", "performance", "startupTimeMs", 1, 250);
analytics.event("platform", "CPU", "utilization", 1, .45);
analytics.event("platform", "CPU", "coreCountsAndFrequencyMhz", 8, 2300);
API parameters
- A string, requiredeventCategory
- A string, requiredsubCategory
- A string, requiredeventCount
(Optional) : A non-negative number indicating the number of times the event (or an event with a
particular value if a value is specified) happened. defaults to 1.eventValue
(Optional) : A number value associated with the event. defaults to 0
Advanced Usages
If you want to modify how analytics library collects and sends information, it is recommended to do so
with analytics server accountConfig.
Alternatively for one off development time uses, the behavior of the library can be configured
during the initAnalyticsSession
call. initAnalyticsSession()
takes the following parameters:
: Your analytics account id as configured in the server or analyticsappName
: The app name to log the events against. Eg: "phoenixCode"postIntervalSeconds
(Optional): This defines the interval between sending analytics events to the server. Default is 10 minutesgranularitySec
(Optional): The smallest time period under which the events can be distinguished. Multiple
events happening during this time period is aggregated to a count. The default granularity is 3 Seconds, which means
that any events that happen within 3 seconds cannot be distinguished in ordering.analyticsURL
(Optional): Provide your own analytics server address if you self-hosted the serverdebug
(Optional): set to true if you want to see detailed debug logs.
function analyticsLibLoaded() {
initAnalyticsSession('your_analytics_account_ID', 'appName');
analytics.event("core-analytics", "client-lib", "loadTime", 1, (new Date().getTime())-analytics.loadStartTime);
initAnalyticsSession("accountID", "appName", "https://localhost:3000", 600, 5);
initAnalyticsSession("accountID", "appName", "https://localhost:3000", 600, 5, true);
Contribute to core-analytics-client-lib
Since this is a pure JS template project, build command just runs test with coverage.
> npm install
# Before raising a pull request, run release script and add the generated
# minified files in dist folder to commits .
# WARNING!!!: If the minified files are not checkedin git push will fail.
> npm run release
To lint the files in the project, run the following command:
> npm run lint
To Automatically fix lint errors:
> npm run lint:fix
To run tests, open the file test/unit-test.html
in the browser.
Publishing packages to NPM
To publish a package to npm, raise a pull request against npm
Dependency updates
We use Rennovate for dependency updates:
Code Guardian
Several automated workflows that check code integrity are integrated into this template.
These include:
- GitHub actions that runs build/test/coverage flows when a contributor raises a pull request
- Sonar cloud integration using
- In sonar cloud, enable Automatic analysis from
Administration Analysis Method
for the first time 
IDE setup
SonarLint is currently available as a free plugin for jetbrains, eclipse, vscode and visual studio IDEs.
Use sonarLint plugin for webstorm or any of the available
IDEs from this link before raising a pull request: .
SonarLint static code analysis checker is not yet available as a Brackets
Testing framework: Mocha , assertion style: chai
See on how to write tests
Use chai for BDD style assertions (expect, should etc..). See move here: