Command line interface for Alezan.ai Torquator SaaS
Torquator cli render command is using opencv4nodejs.
To avoid re-compiling the code each time, you can do export OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT=~/opencv
so it will reuse the existing openc installation.
npm install -g @alezanai/torquator
torquator replay
Usage: replay [options] <video-filename> <gps-filename>
video-filename The .mxf/.footage video filename
gps-filename The .jsonl video filename
--race-name <raceName> The race name (ex 2020-12-08_R4C3_A)
--output [filename] The .jsonl shower output filename
--env [string] The environment (default: "prd")
--client-id [string] The client id (default: "equidia")
--user-id [string] The user id (default: "YYYY-MM-DD_torquator_cli")
--region [string] aws region (default: "eu-west-1")
--aws-account-id [string] Service provider account id
-f, --force If set, reupload the material with the same name without throwing error
--reuse If set, reuse existing cloud file without re-uploading, --force and --reuse cannot be use together
-h, --help display help for command
torquator render
Usage: render [options] <video-filename> <output-video-filename> <shower-filename>
video-filename The .mxf/.footage video filename
output-video-filename The .mxf/.footage output video filename
shower-filename jsonl showers input filename
--start [num] Number of second to offset at the begining of the file (default: 0)
--duration [num] Maximum number of second of the output
--start-date [date] ISO Date String to force the start of the video timestamp
--display-frame-info will print frame info
--display-interpolation will print interpolate box in different color
--template <box|sky-shower|arrow|arrow-trackid> design of the output result (default: "arrow")
--nums <nums> numbers to display (default: "all")
--pitch-conf-path <path> json pitch conf to draw
-h, --help display help for command
torquator info
Usage: info [options] <video-filename>
video-filename The .mxf/.footage video filename
-h, --help display help for command
torquator slice
Usage: slice [options] <video-filename> <output-filename>
video-filename The .mxf/.footage video filename
output-filename The .mxf/.footage output video filename
--start <num> Number of second to offset at the begining of the file
--duration <num> Maximum number of second of the output
-h, --help display help for command
export LOG_LEVEL=debug