The Allohamora cli is a command line interface with useful install scripts.
npx @allohamora/cli
Table of content
js/ts category with 2 available configs(default and node:ts).
*requires husky
that script installs commitlint with conventional commits config.
*requires prettier in node:ts config
that script installs eslint with config and lint scripts.
that script installs husky and initializes it.
*requires husky
*requires prettier
*requires eslint in node:ts config
that script installs lint-staged with format files config.
that script installs prettier with config and format scripts.
that script creates release.yml github workflow what automatically generates a release from conventional commits when you push a tag like *.*.*(1.1.1, 0.1.1, 0.0.1, 0.0.0, etc).
that script installs standard-version with conventional commits + github(github template compare links) + git flow (tag without "v" prefix) config.