How to create github packages
Use tsup to bundle typescript
How to release
Create .npmrc
file, replace TOKEN with your personal access token.
Install package
npm install @anastasia-labs/linear-vesting-offchain
pnpm install @anastasia-labs/linear-vesting-offchain
Semantic versioning
Workflow to create a new Github package release
Here's a step-by-step guide to create a new Github package release:
- Update the code.
- Commit the changes.
- Push the changes to the develop branch Github repository.
- Check if the Continuous Integration (CI) passes. If it does, proceed to the next step. If not, address the issues before proceeding further.
- Bump the library version based on the extent of the changes made. Here are the three options to do so:
- For a small bug fix, run:
pnpm version patch
- For adding new functionality in a backward-compatible way, run:
pnpm version minor
- For making breaking changes to the code, run:
pnpm version major
- After bumping the version, go to the Github project's releases page
- Create a new tag with the bumped version number.
- To create a new npm package in the github organization, make sure the Node.js package CI succeeds.
- If the CI Action fails, remove the release, tag, and commit the new changes. Then, push the changes and draft a new release.
Local Build
In the main directory
pnpm run build
Test framework
Running Tests
pnpm test

Installing sdk pacakage in local test folder
cd test
pnpm run test