NgRx Toolkit
NgRx Toolkit is an extension to the NgRx Signals Store. It is still in beta but already offers following features:
- Devtools: Integration into Redux Devtools
- Redux: Possibility to use the Redux Pattern (Reducer, Actions, Effects)
To install it, run
npm i @angular-architects/ngrx-toolkit
Devtools: withDevtools()
This extension is very easy to use. Just add it to a signalStore
. Example:
export const FlightStore = signalStore(
{ providedIn: 'root' },
withState({ flights: [] as Flight[] }),
Redux: withRedux()
bring back the Redux pattern into the Signal Store.
It can be combined with any other extension of the Signal Store.
export const FlightStore = signalStore(
{ providedIn: 'root' },
withState({ flights: [] as Flight[] }),
actions: {
public: {
load: payload<{ from: string; to: string }>(),
private: {
loaded: payload<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
reducer(actions, on) {
on(actions.loaded, ({ flights }, state) => {
patchState(state, 'flights loaded', { flights });
effects(actions, create) {
const httpClient = inject(HttpClient);
return {
load$: create(actions.load).pipe(
switchMap(({ from, to }) =>
params: new HttpParams().set('from', from).set('to', to),
tap((flights) => actions.loaded({ flights })),