Resource enumerate is a special case API call that returns the interface of the API code in a single endpoint. The response can contain server time, paths to resources, and other information based on application needs. An advantage of this technique is that it eliminates the need to hardcode paths\urls.
accepts a config object that defines the path to the production api server.
It also supports before()
and after()
hooks. See example below.
npm i -S @aofl/resource-enumerate
const resourceEnumerateConfig = {
apis: {
'awesome-apis': {
url: '/apis/v1.0/resource-enumerate.json',
requestOptions: {
method: 'GET',
cache: 'no-cache'
developmentVariables() {
return {
host: location.host
stageVariables() {
return {
host: location.host
invalidateCache() {
return false;
developmentConfig: () => import('./dev-api-config'),
stageConfig: () => import('./stage-api-config')
export default resourceEnumerateConfig;
export a function that takes api namespace and the returned object from [development|stage]Variables()
and returns the path to the environment specific resource enumerate api call.
export default (apiNs, {host}) => {
return `//${host}/apis/dev/v1.0/resource-enumerate.json`;
export default (apiNs, {host}) => {
return `//${host}/apis/stage/v1.0/resource-enumerate.json`;
import {ResourceEnumerate} from '@aofl/resource-enumerate';
import resourceEnumerateConfig from './__config/resource-enumerate-config';
import apiRequestInstance from 'apiRequestInstanceFile :)';
import {getServerEnvironment} from '@aofl/server-environment';
const developmentRegex = /localhost|192\.168\.[\d|\.]+|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\.[\d|\.]+|10\.([0-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.[\d|\.]+/;
const stageRegex = /^stage\./;
const environment = getServerEnvironment(developmentRegex, stageRegex);
const resourceEnumerate = new ResourceEnumerate(environment);
const serverTime = {};
resourceEnumerate.before((request, response, next) => {
serverTime[request.namespace] = {
before: Date.now()
resourceEnumerate.after((request, response, next) => {
serverTime[request.namespace].after = Date.now();
serverTime[request.namespace].delta = response.serverTime - Math.round(
(servertime[request.namespace].before + servertime[request.namespace].after) / 2);
.then(() => {
.then((resourceEnumeratePayload) => {
apiRequestInstance.request(resourceEnumeratePayload.api_urs + resourceEnumeratePayload.endpoints.getPosts)
.then((response) => {