Axelar cross-chain gateway protocol solidity implementation
Protocol overview
Axelar is a decentralized interoperability network connecting all blockchains, assets and apps through a universal set of protocols and APIs.
It is built on top of the Cosmos SDK. Users/Applications can use Axelar network to send tokens between any Cosmos and EVM chains. They can also
send arbitrary messages between EVM chains.
Axelar network's decentralized validators confirm events emitted on EVM chains (such as deposit confirmation and message send),
and sign off on commands submitted (by automated services) to the gateway smart contracts (such as minting token, and approving message on the destination).
See this doc for more design info.
We recommend using the current Node.js LTS version for satisfying the hardhat compiler
Run in your terminal
npm ci
npm run build
npm run test
Example flows
See Axelar examples for concrete examples.
Token transfer
- Setup: A wrapped version of Token
is deployed (AxelarGateway.deployToken()
on each non-native EVM chain as an ERC-20 token (BurnableMintableCappedERC20.sol
). - Given the destination chain and address, Axelar network generates a deposit address (the address where
is deployed,
) on source EVM chain. - User sends their token
at that address, and the deposit contract locks the token at the gateway (or burns them for wrapped tokens). - Axelar network validators confirm the deposit
event using their RPC nodes for the source chain (using majority voting). - Axelar network prepares a mint command, and validators sign off on it.
- Signed command is now submitted (via any external relayer) to the gateway contract on destination chain
. - Gateway contract authenticates the command, and
's the specified amount of the wrapped Token A
to the destination address.
Token transfer via AxelarDepositService
- User wants to send wrapped token like WETH from chain A back to the chain B and to be received in native currency like Ether.
- The un-wrap deposit address is generated by calling
. - The token transfer deposit address for specific transfer is generated by calling
with using the un-wrap address as a destination. - User sends the wrapped token to that address on the source chain A.
- Axelar microservice detects the token transfer to that address and calls
. AxelarDepositService
deploys DepositReceiver
to that generated address which will call AxelarGateway.sendToken()
.- Axelar network prepares a mint command, and it gets executed on the destination chain gateway.
- Wrapped token gets minted to the un-wrap address on the destination chain B.
- Axelar microservice detects the token transfer to the un-wrap address and calls
. AxelarDepositService
deploys DepositReceiver
which will call IWETH9.withdraw()
and transfer native currency to the recipient address.
Cross-chain smart contract call
- Setup:
- Destination contract implements the
interface to receive the message. - If sending a token, source contract needs to call
beforehand to allow the gateway contract
to transfer the specified amount
on behalf of the sender/source contract.
- Smart contract on source chain calls
with the destination chain/address, payload
and token. - An external service stores
in a regular database, keyed by the hash(payload)
, that anyone can query by. - Similar to above, Axelar validators confirm the
event. - Axelar network prepares an
command, signed by the validators. - This is submitted to the gateway contract on the destination chain,
which records the approval of the
payload hash
and emits the event ContractCallApprovedWithMint
. - Any external relayer service listens to this event on the gateway contract, and calls the
on the destination contract, with the payload
and other data as params. executeWithToken
of the destination contract verifies that the contract call was indeed approved by calling AxelarGateway.validateContractCallAndMint()
on the gateway contract.- As part of this, the gateway contract records that the destination address has validated the approval, to not allow a replay.
- The destination contract uses the
for its own application.
Network resources:
Deployed contracts:
General Message Passing Usage:
Example cross-chain token swap app:
EVM module of the Axelar network that prepares commands for the gateway: