API-Builder Syncplicity Connector
Use this connector to communicate with the Syncplicity by Axway and make it part of your API-Management platform.
To install it into you API-Builder project execute:
npm install @axway-api-builder-ext/syncplicity-connector --no-optional
To install a specific version please use:
npm install @axway-api-builder-ext/syncplicity-connector@1.0.0 --no-optional
This connector is using the Swagger-Flow node:
Watch this video to get an overview how to install and configure the Axway API-Builder Connector:
After installation and restarting your API-Builder project you get the following connector:
Depending on the selected method different options appear on the right, when using the connector as part of the flow.
Setup Syncplicity connector
A new config file has been automatically created for the Syncplicity Connector which can be used to setup the connection details:
Additional details can be found here: https://docs.axway.com/bundle/api-builder/page/docs/developer_guide/flows/flow_nodes/swagger_flow_node/index.html#configure-the-swagger-plugin
Please note, that the connector is configured to use OAuth 2.0 to communicate with Syncplicuty. In order to use that, please configure the Authentication-Credentials as described here:
:exclamation: Please make sure to add basic_auth:true as part of the credential configuration.
module.exports = {
pluginConfig: {
'@axway/api-builder-plugin-fn-swagger': {
'syncplicity': {
uri: {
authorization: {
credentials: {
'Syncplicity oauth': {
type: 'oauth2',
flow: 'accessCode',
basic_auth: true,
authentication_url: 'https://api.syncplicity.com/oauth/authorize',
token_url: 'https://api.syncplicity.com/oauth/token',
scope: 'readwrite read',
client_secret: 'YOUR_SECRET_GOES_HERE',
access_token: null,
refresh_token: null
Using the Syncplicity connector
The connector is based on the Syncplicity REST-API. The concepts and details are described here: https://developer.syncplicity.com/documentation/api_docs.
Tested with Syncplicity version Q1/2020
Requires API-Builder Independence or higher
- Not required anymore with release: Independence
OAuth doesn't work with API-Builder - Will be fixed with release 16.02.20
Adjust the following to make it work
In node_modules@axway\axway-flow-authorization\src\handlers\oauth2.js
In function oauthRequest add an HTTP-Basic Authorization header (headers) based on client-id & secret
'Authorization': 'Basic YWQ0ODA1YWUtZ........Y2JlOGQ0OTI5YQ=='
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