Axway Confluence Tool
is a CLI program that retrieves space and page info, generates a sitemap
JSON file, and imports content into Confluence.
This tool can be installed via the AMPLIFY CLI or via npm:
amplify pm i @axway/act
[sudo] npm i -g @axway/act
Begin by configuring the tool:
[amplify] act configure
Get info about a space:
[amplify] act space <name>
Get info about a page:
[amplify] act page <id>
Generate a sitemap file:
[amplify] act sitemap
Generate an import manifest file:
[amplify] act manifest <csv|excel|tab>
Import content:
[amplify] act import --content-dir <path/to/content> --manifest <path/to/xslx-csv-or-tab-delimited-file>