A decorator-based library for implementing HAL-compliant services.
Clone and run npm install
npm install --save @azure-iot/hal
API @azure-iot/hal/api
Class Decorators
@provides(ns, [options])
Associates a HAL namespace and documentation with this server class. It can be used multiple times; the first namespace provided will be treated as the default namespace for any non-namespaced rels used within this server.
[string]: The namespace's name.options
[provides.Options.Namespace] (optional):
[string]: The documentation link representing this namespace; this contains the placeholder 'rel' for the rels provided by the routes of this server, as per the HAL spec. It can accept either URI-template or Express syntax, though the latter is required for automated documentation. Default is '/docs/<namespace>/:rel'.auto
[boolean]: Indicates whether to automatically generate documentation from the description
attributes, described below; default is false if href
is specified, true otherwise.
@middleware(handler, [options])
Indicates Express-style middleware to use with this server; it can be used multiple times to add more than one middleware function per server.
[express.RequestHandler | express.ErrorRequestHandler]: The Express-style middleware function.options
[middleware.Options] (optional):
[boolean]: Indicates that this is error-handling middleware, meaning it is registered after the defined routes, rather than before; default is false.
Method Decorators
@route(method, path)
Indicates that the following method provides an Express or HAL route handler.
[string | Method]: The HTTP method from the Method
enum or as a string.path
[string]: The route path for this handler.
@provides(rel, [options])
Indicates a rel this handler provides; it can be used multiple times, and omitting it will prevent HAL responses from automatically linking to this route's path.
[string | LinkRelation]: The rel this route provides; this is either a string specifying a custom rel (which will automatically be prepended with this server's namespace, e.g. 'ns:rel' in the example below) or an instance of the LinkRelation enum, specifying one of the standard, non-namespaced rels.options
[provides.Options.Rel] (optional):
[boolean]: Indicates whether this handler should be included in the discoverability API; default is false.params
[any]: URI parameters to explicitly force for this rel. This allows, for example, a route with an optional parameter to have a separate rel explicitly for when that parameter is empty.id
[string]: The name of the ID parameter. This will fill out the 'name' in any links to this rel from the corresponding entry in the params object.title
[string]: The value to be placed in the 'title' parameter in any links to this rel.description
[string]: The description that will be used for this rel and this route in automatically-generated documentation.
Indicates Express-style middleware to use with this route; it can be used multiple times to add more than one middleware function per route.
[express.RequestHandler]: The Express-style middleware function.
@hal(...rels, [options])
Indicates that this method should return a HAL response; ommitting it will cause this handler to act as a normal Express handler rather than a HAL handler. It causes the response object passed to the handler to have additional functionality as specified by the hal.Reponse
[string | LinkRelation]: Any number of rels that should always be returned as links in the HAL response; these can consist of:
- Standard rels from the LinkRelation enum, which refer to this server.
- Non-namespaced custom rels, which refer to the default namespace of this server.
- Namespaced custom rels, which refer to another server or a non-default namespace of this server.
[hal.Options] (optional):
[boolean]: Indicates whether this HAL response should include the standard 'self' rel; default is true for GET routes, false otherwise.
The additional functionality added to the express.Response
object by the @hal
decorator. Calling the express json
method will trigger the return of a HAL response. It provides the following methods:
link(rel, [overrides])
: Dynamically adds a link to the response. As per the @hal
decorator, it will automatically determine the href of the associated rel, populating it with the params of this request.
[string | LinkRelation]: The rel to add, as per the arguments to the @hal
[hal.Overrides] (optional): Allows you to override the default behavior for the following:
[string | LinkRelation]: The HAL response will include the link under this rel, though the href will still be populated automatically as normal.href
[string]: The HAL response will use the provided href for this rel, rather than the server-provided one.params
[any]: The href will be populated using this params object, rather than the one from the request.server
[Object]: The server class used for non-namespaced and standard rels.array
[boolean]: The rel will be forced to be an array, even if it only contains one link.links
[Array<string | LinkRelation>]: The array of rels associated with this link. This corresponds to the array of rels provided to the @hal
decorator for this link, plus the 'self' rel if it would typically be present, and is used for link embedding when necessary.id
[string]: The 'name' parameter for this link will be set to this member of the params object.title
[string]: The 'title' parameter for this link will be set to this value.
embed(rel, value, [overrides])
: Dynamically adds an embedded value to the response. Returns a hal.Response
to provide HAL functionality on the embedded response (but not Express functionality).
[string | LinkRelation]: The rel under which to add the embedded value. The value will automatically be given a 'self' link in accordance with this rel, unless it is overridden.value
[Object]: The JSON object to embed.overrides
[hal.Overrides] (optional): Allows you to override the default behavior of the rel, as described above.
docs(ns, href)
: Manually adds documentation CURIEs to the response. Normally, these are populated automatically from the associated servers of the included rels; however, if this response includes rels that are not provided by servers in this service, this can be used to include the CURIEs manually.
[string]: The namespace of this documentation.href
[string]: The documentation link representing this namespace; as per HAL.
Returns the express.Application
for the given server instance.
[Object]: The instance of the server class.
An Express handler which provides links to all discoverable routes.
Types @azure-iot/hal/types
An enum shorthand for the most common HTTP methods.
An enum representing the standard, well-defined link relations, as per IANA.
An interface representing the form of a HAL reponse or embedded HAL object.
An interface representing the form of a HAL link.
import {route, middleware, hal, provides} from '@azure-iot/hal/api';
import {Method, LinkRelation, Hal} from '@azure-iot/hal/types';
@provides('ns', { href: '/docs/ns/:rel', auto: true })
class Server {
@route(Method.GET, '/path')
@hal('rel', 'altns:rel')
RouteHandler(req: express.Request, response: express.Response & hal.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
response.embed('altrel', { value: 'value' });
response.docs('altns', 'http://www.adatum.com/docs/{rel}');
let app = express();
app.use('/api', route(new Server()));
app.get('/', hal.discovery);