What is @azure/ms-rest-azure-env?
@azure/ms-rest-azure-env is a Node.js package that provides a set of Azure environments and their associated metadata. This package is useful for developers who need to interact with different Azure environments (such as Azure public cloud, Azure China cloud, etc.) in a consistent manner.
What are @azure/ms-rest-azure-env's main functionalities?
Get Azure Environment Metadata
This feature allows you to retrieve metadata for a specific Azure environment. The code sample demonstrates how to get metadata for the Azure public cloud environment.
const msRestAzureEnv = require('@azure/ms-rest-azure-env');
const azureEnvironment = msRestAzureEnv.AzureEnvironment.Azure;
List All Azure Environments
This feature allows you to list all available Azure environments. The code sample demonstrates how to retrieve and print all the environments provided by the package.
const msRestAzureEnv = require('@azure/ms-rest-azure-env');
const environments = msRestAzureEnv.Environment;
Custom Azure Environment
This feature allows you to define a custom Azure environment with specific endpoints. The code sample demonstrates how to create and print a custom Azure environment.
const msRestAzureEnv = require('@azure/ms-rest-azure-env');
const customEnvironment = {
name: 'MyCustomAzureEnv',
portalUrl: 'https://portal.mycustomazure.com',
managementEndpointUrl: 'https://management.mycustomazure.com',
resourceManagerEndpointUrl: 'https://management.mycustomazure.com',
activeDirectoryEndpointUrl: 'https://login.mycustomazure.com',
activeDirectoryResourceId: 'https://management.mycustomazure.com'
Other packages similar to @azure/ms-rest-azure-env
@azure/identity provides Azure Active Directory token authentication support across the Azure SDK. It offers a variety of credential types to authenticate requests to Azure services, making it more focused on authentication compared to @azure/ms-rest-azure-env.
@azure/ms-rest-js is a core library for the Azure SDK for JavaScript. It provides HTTP client functionalities, request/response handling, and other utilities. While it offers broader functionalities, it does not specifically focus on Azure environment metadata like @azure/ms-rest-azure-env.
An isomorphic javascript library with typescript type definitions that provides a mechanism to access Azure Endpoints in different Azure clouds. It also provides a mechanism to add a custom environment.
import { Environment, EnvironmentParameters } from "@azure/ms-rest-azure-env";
let df: AzureEnvironmentParameters = {
name: "Dogfood",
portalUrl: "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=254433",
managementEndpointUrl: "https://management.core.windows.net",
resourceManagerEndpointUrl: "https://management.azure.com/",
activeDirectoryEndpointUrl: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
activeDirectoryResourceId: "https://management.core.windows.net/"
let dfoodEnv = Environment.get("Dogfood");
console.log(`Accessing the custom environment info: ${(<any>Environment)["Dogfood"].managementEndpointUrl}`);
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