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## Omakase Player - Open source JavaScript framework for building frame accurate video experiences

  • 0.14.0
  • latest
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published

Omakase Player


Omakase Player can be loaded as UMD module inside HTML page. If loaded as UMD module it requires hls.js loaded before Omakase Player:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Omakase Player can be used as ES module and CJS module as well.

If used with modern Typescript / Javascript frameworks (such as Angular, React or Vue), it is recommended to simply install Omakase Player as dependency into package.json:

npm install @byomakase/omakase-player

Optionally, you can include default Omakase Player CSS stylesheet or import and use omakase-player.scss SCSS stylesheet.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Stylesheet references default player overlay icons, help menu icons and default styles for video safe zones. All of which can be overridden.

Player Initialization

Omakase Player requires div as a placeholder for HTML5 player.

<div id="omakase-player"></div>

Initialize the player by providing div id in player configuration. If used as UMD module, Omakase Player objects are available in global omakase namespace:

// Create new OmakasePlayer instance
let omakasePlayer = new omakase.OmakasePlayer({
  playerHTMLElementId: 'omakase-player',

Once player is initialized we can load hls video stream by providing stream URL and stream frame rate:

omakasePlayer.loadVideo('', 25).subscribe({ // 25 - frame rate
  next: (video) => {
    console.log(`Video loaded. Duration: ${video.duration}, totalFrames: ${video.totalFrames}`)

Media chrome controls visibility can be toggled with the mediaChrome property. Possible values are enabled (always enabled), disabled (always disabled) and fullscreen-only (enabled in fullscreen, disabled otherwise). Default value is fullscreen-only in regular mode and enabled in detached mode.

let omakasePlayer = new omakase.OmakasePlayer({
  mediaChrome: 'enabled'

Video API

Complete list of Video API methods is available in API Reference Docs

Video playback control

Video playback control is achieved through Video API.

// plays video

// plays video and notifies user on successful play action => {
  console.log(`Play started`);

// pauses video

// seeks to timestamp{
  next: (result) => {
    if (result) {
      console.log(`Seek to timestamp success`);

// seeks to frame{
  next: (result) => {
    if (result) {
      console.log(`Seek to frame success`);

// toggles mute / unmute;


Before or after loading video stream, we can subscribe to various events. All events are available in API objects as Observables. Example how to subscribe to video loaded event Observable:

// Subscribe to Observable$.subscribe({
  next: (event) => {
    if (event) {
      let video =;
      console.log(`Video loaded. Duration: ${video.duration}, totalFrames: ${video.totalFrames}`)

Video playback events subscription examples:$.subscribe({
  next: (event) => {
    console.log(`Video play. Timestamp: ${event.currentTime} => ${}`)
  next: (event) => {
    console.log(`Video pause. Timestamp: ${event.currentTime} => ${}`)
  next: (event) => {
    console.log(`Video seeked. Timestamp: ${event.currentTime} => ${}`)
  next: (event) => {
    console.log(`Video time change. Timestamp: ${event.currentTime} => ${}. Frame: ${event.frame}`)

Detached video player

To enable full video detaching in Omakase Player we need to instantiate another detached instance of Omakase Player on same host, and tell our local instance where to find it.

Local player instance configuration on

// local-omakase-player.js

// Local OmakasePlayer instance configuration on
let omakasePlayer = new omakase.OmakasePlayer({
  playerHTMLElementId: 'omakase-player',
  detachedPlayerUrlFn: (video, videoLoadOptions) => ''

Detached player instance configuration on

// detached-omakase-player.js

// Local OmakasePlayer instance configuration on
let omakasePlayer = new omakase.OmakasePlayer({
  playerHTMLElementId: 'omakase-player',
  detachedPlayer: true // this OmakasePlayer instance will be run in detached mode 

We can now load a video, detach it to independent browser window and play it!:

// local-omakase-player.js

omakasePlayer.loadVideo('', 25).subscribe({
  next: (video) => {
    console.log(`Video loaded`) => {
      console.log(`Video detached`)

Due to security and usability policies, most modern browsers require a user interaction before allowing certain actions, such as video autoplay or fullscreen initiation. It could be that one-time-only user interaction (such as clicking on play button in detached player) is needed before video playback or switching to fullscreen playback after video detaching.


We can fetch hls.js instance through API, as well as subscribe to hls.js events:

// Get hls.js instance and hook onto hls.js events
let hlsInstance =;
hlsInstance.on('hlsManifestParsed', (event, data) => {
  console.log(`HLS manifest parsed`, data);

Streaming named events

Other way to listen particular events is by using onNamedEvent$ observable:

  next: (event) => {
    console.log('Got named event:' + event.eventName, event)

// activates named event streams that will be emitted in onNamedEvent$['hlsManifestParsed', 'hlsMediaAttached', 'hlsFragLoading', 'hlsFragLoaded', 'hlsError'])

If detached video mode is used we should always use onNamedEvent$$ observable for hooking onto ie. hls.js events as hls.js API is not available in local window while in detached mode.


// adds safe zone 10% from all player edges{
  topRightBottomLeftPercent: [10, 10, 10, 10]

// adds safe zone calculated from provided aspect ratio expression{
  aspectRatio: "16/9"

// toggles fullscreen;

Audio API

Complete list of Audio API methods is available in API Reference Docs.

Few common usages of Audio API:

// retrieves all available audio tracks
let audioTracks =;

// retrieves active audio track
let activeAudioTrack =;

// detect audio tracks switching$.subscribe({
  next: (event) => {
    console.log(`Audio switched`, event)

// sets another audio track as active[1].id);

Audio routing

// creates AudioContext with AudioSplitterNode and AudioMergerMode configured for routing between 2 inputs and 4 outputs, 4); 

// connects 1st output with 2nd output{
  inputNumber: 0,
  outputNumber: 1,
  connected: true

// disconnects 2nd input and 2nd output{
  inputNumber: 1,
  outputNumber: 1,
  connected: false


Timeline is initialized by defining div placeholder and calling createTimeline() API method with optional configuration and style settings.

<div id="omakase-timeline"></div>
  // html timeline div id
  timelineHTMLElementId: 'omakase-timeline',
  // thumbnails can be loaded from VTT file and shown in Timeline Scrubber Lane on mouse hover
  thumbnailVttUrl: '',
  style: {
    stageMinHeight: 300,
    backgroundFill: '#fef9f7'
    // ...see API Reference Docks for all other available style properties
  next: (timelineApi) => {
    console.log(`Timeline created`)

Timeline Lanes

Omakase Player supports adding various Timeline Lanes:

  • Scrubber Lane
  • Thumbnail Lane
  • Marker Lane
  • Subtitles Lane
  • Audio Track Lane
  • Label Lane
  • Scrollbar Lane
  • Line Chart Lane
  • Bar Chart Lane
  • Og Chart Lane

Timeline Lanes are added after Timeline creation. Base Timeline Lanes can be configured, styled and extended with custom functionalities.

Scrubber Lane

Scrubber Lane is created automatically. Scrubber Lane instance can be fetched by using Timeline API after Timeline is created

  next: (timelineApi) => {
    console.log(`Timeline created`);

    let scrubberLane = omakasePlayer.timeline.getScrubberLane();
    // set custom styles for Scrubber Lane = {
      backgroundFill: '#dfe0e2',
      tickFill: '#08327d',
      timecodeFill: '#08327d'
      // ...see API Reference Docks for all other available style properties


Thumbnail Lane

Thumbnail Lane loads thumbnails from VTT file and shows them on timeline. In example below thumbnail mouse click event is handled.

let thumbnailLane = new omakase.ThumbnailLane({
  description: 'Thumbnails',
  vttUrl: ''

// Handle thumbnail click event
  next: (event) => {
    if (event.thumbnail.cue) {
      console.log(`Seeking to to thumbnail: ${}`);{
        next: () => {
          console.log(`Seek complete`);

Marker Lane

Marker Lane can be populated from VTT file or by using API methods directly:

// marker lane
let markerLane = new omakase.MarkerLane({
  description: 'Markers',
  vttUrl: '', //
  markerCreateFn: (cue, index) => {
    return new omakase.PeriodMarker({
      timeObservation: {
        start: cue.startTime,
        end: cue.endTime
      text: `${cue.text}`,
      editable: true,
      style: {
        renderType: 'lane',
        color: index % 2 ? '#2677bb' : '#dd6464',
        symbolType: 'triangle'
  markerProcessFn: (marker, index) => {
      next: (event) => {
        console.log(`Clicked on marker with text: `, marker.text)

      next: (event) => {
        console.log(`Marker time observation change: `, event)

// manually adding markers through API
markerLane.addMarker(new omakase.MomentMarker({
  timeObservation: {
    time: 100
  style: {
    renderType: 'spanning',
    color: '#ff0000',
    symbolType: 'circle'

Subtitles Lane

Subtitles Lane is used for subtitles visualisation on timeline. It is populated from VTT file.

let subtitlesLane = new omakase.SubtitlesLane({
  description: 'Subtitles',
  vttUrl: ''

Audio Track Lane

Audio Track Lane is used for audio track visualisation.

let audioTrackLane = new omakase.AudioTrackLane({
  description: 'Audio Track',
  vttUrl: ''

Label Lane

Label Lane is usually used on timeline as grouping lane that contains other timeline components, such as timeline buttons and labels.

let labelLane = new omakase.LabelLane({
  description: 'Label lane', // appears in left pane
  text: 'Right pane label', // appears in right pane
  style: {
    backgroundFill: '#a5a6a9',
    textFill: '#f45844',
    textFontSize: 20

Scrollbar Lane

Scrollbar Lane contains Timeline scrollbar that controls timeline zoom and scroll.

// scrollbar lane
let scrollbarLane = new omakase.ScrollbarLane({
  description: ''

Line Chart Lane

Line Chart Lane for data visualisation.

let lineChartLane = new omakase.LineChartLane({
  vttUrl: '',
  yMax: 100, // optional custom max value, if not provided it will be resolved from data
  yMin: -50, // optional custom min value, if not provided it will be resolved from data
  style: {
    pointWidth: 5,
    lineStrokeWidth: 2

Bar Chart Lane

Bar Chart Lane for data visualisation.

let barChartLane = new omakase.BarChartLane({
  vttUrl: '',
  description: 'Bar Chart',
  valueMax: 120,  // optional custom max value, if not provided it will be resolved from data
  valueMin: 50,   // optional custom min value, if not provided it will be resolved from data
  valueTransformFn: (value) => {
    // each value can be transformed in this hook function
    return value;
  itemProcessFn: (item, index) => {
    // each chart item can be processed in this hook function
      next: (event) => {
        console.log(event, item)
  valueInterpolationStrategy: 'max' // average - take interpolated points average | max - take interpolated points max

OG Chart Lane

OG Chart Lane for data visualisation.

let ogChartLane = new omakase.OgChartLane({
  vttUrl: '',
  description: 'Bar Chart',
  valueMax: 120,  // optional custom max value, if not provided it will be resolved from data
  valueMin: 50,   // optional custom min value, if not provided it will be resolved from data
  valueTransformFn: (value) => {
    // each value can be transformed in this hook function
    return value;
  itemProcessFn: (item, index) => {
    // each chart item can be processed in this hook function
      next: (event) => {
        console.log(event, item)
  valueInterpolationStrategy: 'max' // average - take interpolated points average | max - take interpolated points max

Timeline Lane API

Timeline Lane Nodes

Timeline Lane Nodes can be added to Timeline Lane instances with addTimelineNode() API method. Nodes types that can be added are:

  • Image button
  • Text label

In this example, Timeline zoom in and zoom out buttons are added to Scrubber Lane:

let scrubberLane = omakasePlayer.timeline.getScrubberLane();

// define zoom in button
let zoomInButton = new omakase.ImageButton({
  src: ``,
  width: 30,
  height: 30,
  listening: true // set to true if button is interactive

// handle click event
  next: (event) => {

// define zoom out button
let zoomOutButton = new omakase.ImageButton({
  src: ``,
  width: 30,
  height: 30,
  listening: true

// handle click event
  next: (event) => {

// add buttons to scrubber lane
[zoomOutButton, zoomInButton].forEach(button => {
    width: button.config.width,
    height: button.config.height,
    justify: 'end',
    timelineNode: button,

Minimize, Maximize

Timeline Lane in Timeline can be minimized or maximized by calling methods from TimelineLaneApi.
In this example, Grouping Label Lane is created at specific index on Timeline. Minimize and Maximize Text Label action buttons are created and added to Timeline Lane left pane.

// marker lane group
let markerLaneGroup = new omakase.LabelLane({
  text: 'Marker Lane Group', // appears in right pane
  style: {
    backgroundFill: '#c2b4a6',
    textFill: '#fbfbfb'

// add grouping lane before MarkerLane
omakasePlayer.timeline.addTimelineLaneAtIndex(markerLaneGroup, omakasePlayer.timeline.getTimelineLanes().findIndex(p => ===;

// minimize text label
let textLabelMinimize = new omakase.TextLabel({
  text: `Minimize`,
  listening: true,
  style: {
    align: 'center',
    verticalAlign: 'middle',
    fill: '#ffffff',
    backgroundFill: '#f45844',
    backgroundBorderRadius: 3

// maximize text label
let textLabelMaximize = new omakase.TextLabel({
  text: `Maximize`,
  listening: true,
  style: {
    align: 'center',
    verticalAlign: 'middle',
    fill: '#ffffff',
    backgroundFill: '#46454b',
    backgroundBorderRadius: 3

// minimize lane on click
  next: () => {
    if (!markerLane.isMinimized()) {

// maximize lane on click
  next: () => {
    if (markerLane.isMinimized()) {

// add text labels to grouping lane left pane
[textLabelMinimize, textLabelMaximize].forEach(textLabel => {
    width: 60,
    height: 22,
    justify: 'start',
    margin: [0, 5, 0, 0],
    timelineNode: textLabel

Marker List API

Marker list is initialized by defining div placeholder and calling createMarkerList() API method with optional configuration. The marker list web component will be added into a html element with id defined in markerListHTMLElementId. If this parameter is not provided, it will default toomakase-player-marker-list. Following code will instantiate an empty marker list.

<div id="marker-list"></div>

  markerListHTMLElementId: 'marker-list'

Loading markers from a VTT file

A marker list can be loaded from a VTT file. In this case a function to create a marker list item from VTT file cues can also be provided, as well as HTML content to render while the file is loading.

<div id="marker-list"></div>
<template id="loading-template">
  <!-- content to render while the VTT file is loading -->
const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']

  loadingHTMLElementId: 'loading-template',
  vttUrl: './markers.vtt',
  vttMarkerCreateFn: (cue, index) => ({
    name: 'VTT Marker ' + index,
    timeObservation: {
      start: cue.startTime,
      end: cue.endTime
    style: {
      color: colors[index % colors.length]
    data: {
      custom_key: 'custom value'

Deep linking with timeline lanes

Marker list can also be linked to one or multiple timeline lanes. If linked in this way, the markers from the timeline lane(s) will appear on the marker list and they will stay in sync regardless if markers are added to Marker List or timeline lane(s).

  source: [


Thumbnail VTT file can be passed using thumbnailVttFile property. If provided, it will be used to automatically set the thumbnail to the closest vtt cue based on the marker start time. You can also use thumbnailFn property for defining a function that will provide a thumbnail url for any given time.

  thumbnailVttFile: omakasePlayer.timeline.thumbnailVttFile

CRUD methods

The following methods are available on the marker list. Usage examples are shown below.

  • addMarker
  • updateMarker
  • removeMarker
  • toggleMarker
omakasePlayer.createMarkerList().subscribe(markerList => {
// add marker
  const marker = markerList.addMarker({
    name: 'Marker',
    timeObservation: {
      start: 100,
      end: 200
    style: {
      color: 'red'

// update marker
  markerList.updateMarker(, {timeObservation: {start: 100, end: 300}})

// set marker as active/inactive

// remove marker

Styling and templating

Marker list HTML and style can be customised by passing a css file url and template element ids.

A template for the marker list row can include slots to render data or trigger actions. The following slots are predefined:

  • color (from marker style property)
  • thumbnail (found in the thumbnailVttFile, if provided)
  • name (marker text property)
  • track (name of the linked timeline lane, if applicable)
  • start (start or time property from marker timeObservation)
  • end (end property from marker timeObservation)
  • duration (difference between end and start)
  • remove (triggers marker removal)

Beside predefined slots, dynamic slots can be used to display custom data or trigger custom actions. Custom data slots must be prefixed with data- and custom actions slots must be prefixed with action-.

The parameter styleUrl can be an array to provide multiple css files.

<template id="row-template">
  <div slot="color"></div>
  <div slot="name"></div>
  <div slot="start"></div>
  <div slot="end"></div>
  <div class="actions">
    <span slot="action-edit"></span>
    <span slot="remove"></span>

<template id="header-template">
  <!-- header content -->

<template id="empty-template">
  <!-- content to render if marker list is empty -->
  templateHTMLElementId: 'row-template',
  headerHTMLElementId: 'header-template',
  emptyHTMLElementId: 'empty-template',
  styleUrl: './style.css'


The following action events are provided:

  • onMarkerClick$ (triggered when the marker row is clicked)
  • onMarkerAction$ (triggered when a custom element provided with an action-<name> slot is clicked)

The following marker lifecycle events are provided:

  • onMarkerCreate$
  • onMarkerUpdate$
  • onMarkerDelete$
  • onMarkerInit$

Some usage examples are shown below:

omakasePlayer.createMarkerList().subscribe(markerList => {
  markerList.onMarkerClick$.subscribe(event => {
  markerList.onMarkerAction$.subscribe(event => {
    console.log(event.action, event.marker)


Marker list can be destroyed with the destroy() method. This cleans up the marker list resources and removes it from the DOM.

Subtitles API

Complete list of Audio API methods is available in API Reference Docs. Omakase Player automatically identifies all available subtitles VTT tracks from stream manifest and makes them available through Subtitles API.

  next: (event) => {
    // retrieves all subtitles VTT tracks
    let subtitlesVttTracks = omakasePlayer.subtitles.getTracks();

    // shows first available VTT track

Subtitles can be imported from external VTT file:

// import subtitles from VTT file
  id: '0',
  src: '',
  label: 'English (US)',
  language: 'en-us',
  default: true
  next: (subtitlesVttTrack) => {
    console.log(`Subtitles successfully created`)


Player build & build watch

npm install ci
npm run dev

Production build

npm install ci
npm run prod

Production artefacts that need to be published to NPM are created in /dist folder

Known limitations

  • Firefox browser is not supported as it doesn't support requestVideoFrameCallback function



Package last updated on 31 Jan 2025

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