Cegal icons
Here is a sample of material icons that are available as embedded SVG in the dist file.
How to use it
install from npm.
npm install --save @cegal/ds-icons
Import in your project as
import { Search } from '@cegal/ui-icons'
export const Component = () => {
return (
or individually, to reduce bundle size:
import Search from '@cegal/ui-icons/dist/Search'
export const Component = () => {
return (
Customize the icon
Width and height do not work. Since the icons come from material-design-icon, and most are already with fixed width and weight,
the best approach is to play with scale.
When you set width / height, you are increasing the area size of the SVG, but not the icon itself. You should do both,
as scale will grow the icon but will overflow over, so you should make space to ensure the icon doesn't grow out of bounds
import { Search } from '@cegal/ui-icons'
export const Component = () => {
return (
<Search style={{width: '3rem', transform: 'scale(2)', transformOrigin: 'top left'}}/>
You can set the fill, the stroke or both.
import { Search } from '@cegal/ui-icons'
export const Component = () => {
return (
<Search style={{fill: 'red', stroke: 'bed'}}/>
- AcUnit
- AccessAlarm
- AccessAlarms
- AccessTime
- AccessTimeFilled
- Accessibility
- AccessibilityNew
- Accessible
- AccessibleForward
- AccountBalance
- AccountBalanceWallet
- AccountBox
- AccountCircle
- AccountTree
- AdUnits
- Adb
- Add
- AddAPhoto
- AddAlarm
- AddAlert
- AddBox
- AddBusiness
- AddChart
- AddCircle
- AddCircleOutline
- AddComment
- AddIcCall
- AddLink
- AddLocation
- AddLocationAlt
- AddModerator
- AddPhotoAlternate
- AddReaction
- AddRoad
- AddShoppingCart
- AddTask
- AddToDrive
- AddToHomeScreen
- AddToPhotos
- AddToQueue
- Adjust
- AdminPanelSettings
- Agriculture
- Air
- AirlineSeatFlat
- AirlineSeatFlatAngled
- AirlineSeatIndividualSuite
- AirlineSeatLegroomExtra
- AirlineSeatLegroomNormal
- AirlineSeatLegroomReduced
- AirlineSeatReclineExtra
- AirlineSeatReclineNormal
- AirplaneTicket
- AirplanemodeActive
- AirplanemodeInactive
- Airplay
- AirportShuttle
- Alarm
- AlarmAdd
- AlarmOff
- AlarmOn
- Album
- AlignHorizontalCenter
- AlignHorizontalLeft
- AlignHorizontalRight
- AlignVerticalBottom
- AlignVerticalCenter
- AlignVerticalTop
- AllInbox
- AllInclusive
- AllOut
- AltRoute
- AlternateEmail
- AmpStories
- Analytics
- Anchor
- Android
- Animation
- Announcement
- Aod
- Apartment
- Api
- AppBlocking
- AppRegistration
- AppSettingsAlt
- Approval
- Apps
- Architecture
- Archive
- ArrowBack
- ArrowBackIos
- ArrowBackIosNew
- ArrowCircleDown
- ArrowCircleUp
- ArrowDownward
- ArrowDropDown
- ArrowDropDownCircle
- ArrowDropUp
- ArrowForward
- ArrowForwardIos
- ArrowLeft
- ArrowRight
- ArrowRightAlt
- ArrowUpward
- ArtTrack
- Article
- AspectRatio
- Assessment
- Assignment
- AssignmentInd
- AssignmentLate
- AssignmentReturn
- AssignmentReturned
- AssignmentTurnedIn
- Assistant
- AssistantDirection
- AssistantPhoto
- Atm
- AttachEmail
- AttachFile
- AttachMoney
- Attachment
- Attractions
- Attribution
- Audiotrack
- AutoAwesome
- AutoAwesomeMosaic
- AutoAwesomeMotion
- AutoDelete
- AutoFixHigh
- AutoFixNormal
- AutoFixOff
- AutoGraph
- AutoStories
- AutofpsSelect
- Autorenew
- AvTimer
- BabyChangingStation
- Backpack
- Backspace
- Backup
- BackupTable
- Badge
- BakeryDining
- Ballot
- BarChart
- BatchPrediction
- Bathroom
- Bathtub
- BatteryAlert
- BatteryChargingFull
- BatteryFull
- BatterySaver
- BatteryStd
- BatteryUnknown
- BeachAccess
- Bed
- BedroomBaby
- BedroomChild
- BedroomParent
- Bedtime
- Beenhere
- Bento
- BikeScooter
- Biotech
- Blender
- Block
- Bloodtype
- Bluetooth
- BluetoothAudio
- BluetoothConnected
- BluetoothDisabled
- BluetoothDrive
- BluetoothSearching
- BlurCircular
- BlurLinear
- BlurOff
- BlurOn
- Bolt
- Book
- BookOnline
- Bookmark
- BookmarkBorder
- Bookmarks
- BorderAll
- BorderBottom
- BorderClear
- BorderColor
- BorderHorizontal
- BorderInner
- BorderLeft
- BorderOuter
- BorderRight
- BorderStyle
- BorderTop
- BorderVertical
- BrandingWatermark
- BreakfastDining
- Brightness1
- Brightness2
- Brightness3
- Brightness4
- Brightness5
- Brightness6
- Brightness7
- BrightnessAuto
- BrightnessHigh
- BrightnessLow
- BrightnessMedium
- BrokenImage
- BrowserNotSupported
- BrunchDining
- Brush
- BubbleChart
- BugReport
- Build
- BuildCircle
- BurstMode
- BusAlert
- Business
- BusinessCenter
- Cable
- Cached
- Cake
- Calculate
- CalendarToday
- CalendarViewDay
- CalendarViewMonth
- CalendarViewWeek
- Call
- CallEnd
- CallMade
- CallMerge
- CallMissed
- CallMissedOutgoing
- CallReceived
- CallSplit
- CallToAction
- Camera
- CameraAlt
- CameraEnhance
- CameraFront
- CameraIndoor
- CameraOutdoor
- CameraRear
- CameraRoll
- Cameraswitch
- Campaign
- Cancel
- CancelPresentation
- CancelScheduleSend
- CarRental
- CarRepair
- CardGiftcard
- CardMembership
- CardTravel
- Carpenter
- Cases
- Casino
- Cast
- CastConnected
- CastForEducation
- CatchingPokemon
- Category
- Celebration
- CellWifi
- CenterFocusStrong
- CenterFocusWeak
- Chair
- ChairAlt
- ChangeCircle
- ChangeHistory
- ChargingStation
- Chat
- ChatBubble
- ChatBubbleOutline
- Check
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxOutlineBlank
- CheckCircle
- CheckCircleOutline
- Checkroom
- ChevronLeft
- ChevronRight
- ChildCare
- ChildFriendly
- ChromeReaderMode
- Circle
- CircleNotifications
- Class
- CleanHands
- CleaningServices
- Clear
- ClearAll
- Close
- CloseFullscreen
- ClosedCaption
- ClosedCaptionDisabled
- ClosedCaptionOff
- Cloud
- CloudCircle
- CloudDone
- CloudDownload
- CloudOff
- CloudQueue
- CloudUpload
- Code
- CodeOff
- Coffee
- CoffeeMaker
- Collections
- CollectionsBookmark
- ColorLens
- Colorize
- Comment
- CommentBank
- Commute
- Compare
- CompareArrows
- CompassCalibration
- Compress
- Computer
- ConfirmationNumber
- ConnectWithoutContact
- ConnectedTv
- Construction
- ContactMail
- ContactPage
- ContactPhone
- ContactSupport
- Contactless
- Contacts
- ContentCopy
- ContentCut
- ContentPaste
- ContentPasteOff
- ControlCamera
- ControlPoint
- ControlPointDuplicate
- CopyAll
- Copyright
- Coronavirus
- CorporateFare
- Countertops
- Create
- CreateNewFolder
- CreditCard
- CreditCardOff
- CreditScore
- Crop
- Crop169
- Crop32
- Crop54
- Crop75
- CropDin
- CropFree
- CropLandscape
- CropOriginal
- CropPortrait
- CropRotate
- CropSquare
- Dangerous
- DarkMode
- Dashboard
- DashboardCustomize
- DataSaverOff
- DataSaverOn
- DataUsage
- DateRange
- Deck
- Dehaze
- Delete
- DeleteForever
- DeleteOutline
- DeleteSweep
- DeliveryDining
- DepartureBoard
- Description
- DesignServices
- DesktopAccessDisabled
- DesktopMac
- DesktopWindows
- Details
- DeveloperBoard
- DeveloperBoardOff
- DeveloperMode
- DeviceHub
- DeviceThermostat
- DeviceUnknown
- Devices
- DevicesOther
- DialerSip
- Dialpad
- Dining
- DinnerDining
- Directions
- DirectionsBike
- DirectionsBoat
- DirectionsBoatFilled
- DirectionsBus
- DirectionsBusFilled
- DirectionsCar
- DirectionsCarFilled
- DirectionsOff
- DirectionsRailway
- DirectionsRailwayFilled
- DirectionsRun
- DirectionsSubway
- DirectionsSubwayFilled
- DirectionsTransit
- DirectionsTransitFilled
- DirectionsWalk
- DirtyLens
- DisabledByDefault
- DiscFull
- Dns
- DoDisturb
- DoDisturbAlt
- DoDisturbOff
- DoDisturbOn
- DoNotDisturb
- DoNotDisturbAlt
- DoNotDisturbOff
- DoNotDisturbOn
- DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilence
- DoNotStep
- DoNotTouch
- Dock
- Domain
- DomainDisabled
- DomainVerification
- Done
- DoneAll
- DoneOutline
- DonutLarge
- DonutSmall
- DoorBack
- DoorFront
- DoorSliding
- Doorbell
- DoubleArrow
- DownhillSkiing
- Download
- DownloadDone
- DownloadForOffline
- Downloading
- Drafts
- DragHandle
- DragIndicator
- DriveEta
- DriveFileMove
- DriveFileRenameOutline
- DriveFolderUpload
- Dry
- DryCleaning
- Duo
- Dvr
- DynamicFeed
- DynamicForm
- EMobiledata
- Earbuds
- EarbudsBattery
- East
- Eco
- EdgesensorHigh
- EdgesensorLow
- Edit
- EditAttributes
- EditLocation
- EditLocationAlt
- EditNotifications
- EditOff
- EditRoad
- EightK
- EightKPlus
- EightMp
- EighteenMp
- Eject
- Elderly
- ElectricBike
- ElectricCar
- ElectricMoped
- ElectricRickshaw
- ElectricScooter
- ElectricalServices
- Elevator
- ElevenMp
- Email
- EmojiEmotions
- EmojiEvents
- EmojiFlags
- EmojiFoodBeverage
- EmojiNature
- EmojiObjects
- EmojiPeople
- EmojiSymbols
- EmojiTransportation
- Engineering
- EnhancedEncryption
- Equalizer
- Error
- ErrorOutline
- Escalator
- EscalatorWarning
- Euro
- EuroSymbol
- EvStation
- Event
- EventAvailable
- EventBusy
- EventNote
- EventSeat
- ExitToApp
- Expand
- ExpandLess
- ExpandMore
- Explicit
- Explore
- ExploreOff
- Exposure
- ExposureNeg1
- ExposureNeg2
- ExposurePlus1
- ExposurePlus2
- ExposureZero
- Extension
- ExtensionOff
- Face
- FaceRetouchingNatural
- FaceRetouchingOff
- Facebook
- FactCheck
- FamilyRestroom
- FastForward
- FastRewind
- Fastfood
- Favorite
- FavoriteBorder
- FeaturedPlayList
- FeaturedVideo
- Feed
- Feedback
- Fence
- Festival
- FiberDvr
- FiberManualRecord
- FiberNew
- FiberPin
- FiberSmartRecord
- FifteenMp
- FileCopy
- FileDownload
- FileDownloadDone
- FileDownloadOff
- FilePresent
- FileUpload
- Filter
- Filter1
- Filter2
- Filter3
- Filter4
- Filter5
- Filter6
- Filter7
- Filter8
- Filter9
- Filter9Plus
- FilterAlt
- FilterBAndW
- FilterCenterFocus
- FilterDrama
- FilterFrames
- FilterHdr
- FilterList
- FilterNone
- FilterTiltShift
- FilterVintage
- FindInPage
- FindReplace
- Fingerprint
- FireExtinguisher
- Fireplace
- FirstPage
- FitScreen
- FitnessCenter
- FiveG
- FiveK
- FiveKPlus
- FiveMp
- Flag
- Flaky
- Flare
- FlashAuto
- FlashOff
- FlashOn
- FlashlightOff
- FlashlightOn
- Flatware
- Flight
- FlightLand
- FlightTakeoff
- Flip
- FlipCameraAndroid
- FlipCameraIos
- FlipToBack
- FlipToFront
- Flourescent
- FlutterDash
- FmdBad
- FmdGood
- Folder
- FolderOpen
- FolderShared
- FolderSpecial
- FollowTheSigns
- FontDownload
- FontDownloadOff
- FoodBank
- FormatAlignCenter
- FormatAlignJustify
- FormatAlignLeft
- FormatAlignRight
- FormatBold
- FormatClear
- FormatColorFill
- FormatColorReset
- FormatColorText
- FormatIndentDecrease
- FormatIndentIncrease
- FormatItalic
- FormatLineSpacing
- FormatListBulleted
- FormatListNumbered
- FormatListNumberedRtl
- FormatPaint
- FormatQuote
- FormatShapes
- FormatSize
- FormatStrikethrough
- FormatTextdirectionLToR
- FormatTextdirectionRToL
- FormatUnderlined
- Forum
- Forward
- Forward10
- Forward30
- Forward5
- ForwardToInbox
- Foundation
- FourGMobiledata
- FourGPlusMobiledata
- FourK
- FourKPlus
- FourMp
- FourteenMp
- FreeBreakfast
- Fullscreen
- FullscreenExit
- Functions
- GMobiledata
- GTranslate
- Gamepad
- Games
- Garage
- Gavel
- Gesture
- GetApp
- Gif
- GolfCourse
- GppBad
- GppGood
- GppMaybe
- GpsFixed
- GpsNotFixed
- GpsOff
- Grade
- Gradient
- Grading
- Grain
- GraphicEq
- Grass
- Grid3x3
- Grid4x4
- GridGoldenratio
- GridOff
- GridOn
- GridView
- Group
- GroupAdd
- GroupWork
- Groups
- HMobiledata
- HPlusMobiledata
- Hail
- Handyman
- Hardware
- Hd
- HdrAuto
- HdrAutoSelect
- HdrEnhancedSelect
- HdrOff
- HdrOffSelect
- HdrOn
- HdrOnSelect
- HdrPlus
- HdrStrong
- HdrWeak
- Headphones
- HeadphonesBattery
- Headset
- HeadsetMic
- HeadsetOff
- Healing
- HealthAndSafety
- Hearing
- HearingDisabled
- Height
- Help
- HelpCenter
- HelpOutline
- Hevc
- HideImage
- HideSource
- HighQuality
- Highlight
- HighlightAlt
- HighlightOff
- Hiking
- History
- HistoryEdu
- HistoryToggleOff
- Home
- HomeMax
- HomeMini
- HomeRepairService
- HomeWork
- HorizontalDistribute
- HorizontalRule
- HorizontalSplit
- HotTub
- Hotel
- HourglassBottom
- HourglassDisabled
- HourglassEmpty
- HourglassFull
- HourglassTop
- House
- HouseSiding
- HowToReg
- HowToVote
- Http
- Https
- Hvac
- IceSkating
- Icecream
- Image
- ImageAspectRatio
- ImageNotSupported
- ImageSearch
- ImagesearchRoller
- ImportContacts
- ImportExport
- ImportantDevices
- Inbox
- IndeterminateCheckBox
- Info
- Input
- InsertChart
- InsertChartOutlined
- InsertComment
- InsertDriveFile
- InsertEmoticon
- InsertInvitation
- InsertLink
- InsertPhoto
- Insights
- IntegrationInstructions
- Inventory
- Inventory2
- InvertColors
- InvertColorsOff
- IosShare
- Iso
- Kayaking
- Keyboard
- KeyboardAlt
- KeyboardArrowDown
- KeyboardArrowLeft
- KeyboardArrowRight
- KeyboardArrowUp
- KeyboardBackspace
- KeyboardCapslock
- KeyboardHide
- KeyboardReturn
- KeyboardTab
- KeyboardVoice
- KingBed
- Kitchen
- Kitesurfing
- Label
- LabelImportant
- LabelOff
- Landscape
- Language
- Laptop
- LaptopChromebook
- LaptopMac
- LaptopWindows
- LastPage
- Launch
- Layers
- LayersClear
- Leaderboard
- LeakAdd
- LeakRemove
- LegendToggle
- Lens
- LensBlur
- LibraryAdd
- LibraryAddCheck
- LibraryBooks
- LibraryMusic
- Light
- LightMode
- Lightbulb
- LineStyle
- LineWeight
- LinearScale
- Link
- LinkOff
- LinkedCamera
- Liquor
- List
- ListAlt
- LiveHelp
- LiveTv
- Living
- LocalActivity
- LocalAirport
- LocalAtm
- LocalBar
- LocalCafe
- LocalCarWash
- LocalConvenienceStore
- LocalDining
- LocalDrink
- LocalFireDepartment
- LocalFlorist
- LocalGasStation
- LocalGroceryStore
- LocalHospital
- LocalHotel
- LocalLaundryService
- LocalLibrary
- LocalMall
- LocalMovies
- LocalOffer
- LocalParking
- LocalPharmacy
- LocalPhone
- LocalPizza
- LocalPlay
- LocalPolice
- LocalPostOffice
- LocalPrintshop
- LocalSee
- LocalShipping
- LocalTaxi
- LocationCity
- LocationDisabled
- LocationOff
- LocationOn
- LocationSearching
- Lock
- LockClock
- LockOpen
- Login
- Logout
- Looks
- Looks3
- Looks4
- Looks5
- Looks6
- LooksOne
- LooksTwo
- Loop
- Loupe
- LowPriority
- Loyalty
- LteMobiledata
- LtePlusMobiledata
- Luggage
- LunchDining
- Mail
- MailOutline
- ManageAccounts
- ManageSearch
- Map
- MapsHomeWork
- MapsUgc
- Margin
- MarkAsUnread
- MarkChatRead
- MarkChatUnread
- MarkEmailRead
- MarkEmailUnread
- Markunread
- MarkunreadMailbox
- Masks
- Maximize
- MediaBluetoothOff
- MediaBluetoothOn
- Mediation
- MedicalServices
- Medication
- MeetingRoom
- Memory
- Menu
- MenuBook
- MenuOpen
- MergeType
- Message
- Mic
- MicExternalOff
- MicExternalOn
- MicNone
- MicOff
- Microwave
- MilitaryTech
- Minimize
- MiscellaneousServices
- MissedVideoCall
- Mms
- MobileFriendly
- MobileOff
- MobileScreenShare
- MobiledataOff
- Mode
- ModeComment
- ModeEdit
- ModeEditOutline
- ModeNight
- ModeStandby
- ModelTraining
- MonetizationOn
- Money
- MoneyOff
- MoneyOffCsred
- Monitor
- MonitorWeight
- MonochromePhotos
- Mood
- MoodBad
- Moped
- More
- MoreHoriz
- MoreTime
- MoreVert
- MotionPhotosAuto
- MotionPhotosOff
- MotionPhotosOn
- MotionPhotosPause
- MotionPhotosPaused
- Mouse
- MoveToInbox
- Movie
- MovieCreation
- MovieFilter
- Moving
- Mp
- MultilineChart
- MultipleStop
- Museum
- MusicNote
- MusicOff
- MusicVideo
- MyLocation
- Nat
- Nature
- NaturePeople
- NavigateBefore
- NavigateNext
- Navigation
- NearMe
- NearMeDisabled
- NearbyError
- NearbyOff
- NetworkCell
- NetworkCheck
- NetworkLocked
- NetworkWifi
- NewReleases
- NextPlan
- NextWeek
- Nfc
- NightShelter
- Nightlife
- Nightlight
- NightlightRound
- NightsStay
- NineK
- NineKPlus
- NineMp
- NineteenMp
- NoAccounts
- NoBackpack
- NoCell
- NoDrinks
- NoEncryption
- NoEncryptionGmailerrorred
- NoFlash
- NoFood
- NoLuggage
- NoMeals
- NoMeetingRoom
- NoPhotography
- NoSim
- NoStroller
- NoTransfer
- NordicWalking
- North
- NorthEast
- NorthWest
- NotAccessible
- NotInterested
- NotListedLocation
- NotStarted
- Note
- NoteAdd
- NoteAlt
- Notes
- NotificationAdd
- NotificationImportant
- Notifications
- NotificationsActive
- NotificationsNone
- NotificationsOff
- NotificationsPaused
- OfflineBolt
- OfflinePin
- OfflineShare
- OndemandVideo
- OneK
- OneKPlus
- OneXMobiledata
- OnlinePrediction
- Opacity
- OpenInBrowser
- OpenInFull
- OpenInNew
- OpenInNewOff
- OpenWith
- Outbound
- Outbox
- OutdoorGrill
- Outlet
- OutlinedFlag
- Padding
- Pages
- Pageview
- Paid
- Palette
- PanTool
- Panorama
- PanoramaFishEye
- PanoramaHorizontal
- PanoramaHorizontalSelect
- PanoramaPhotosphere
- PanoramaPhotosphereSelect
- PanoramaVertical
- PanoramaVerticalSelect
- PanoramaWideAngle
- PanoramaWideAngleSelect
- Paragliding
- Park
- PartyMode
- Password
- Pattern
- Pause
- PauseCircle
- PauseCircleFilled
- PauseCircleOutline
- PausePresentation
- Payment
- Payments
- PedalBike
- Pending
- PendingActions
- People
- PeopleAlt
- PeopleOutline
- PermCameraMic
- PermContactCalendar
- PermDataSetting
- PermDeviceInformation
- PermIdentity
- PermMedia
- PermPhoneMsg
- PermScanWifi
- Person
- PersonAdd
- PersonAddAlt
- PersonAddAlt1
- PersonAddDisabled
- PersonOff
- PersonOutline
- PersonPin
- PersonPinCircle
- PersonRemove
- PersonRemoveAlt1
- PersonSearch
- PersonalVideo
- PestControl
- PestControlRodent
- Pets
- Phone
- PhoneAndroid
- PhoneBluetoothSpeaker
- PhoneCallback
- PhoneDisabled
- PhoneEnabled
- PhoneForwarded
- PhoneInTalk
- PhoneIphone
- PhoneLocked
- PhoneMissed
- PhonePaused
- Phonelink
- PhonelinkErase
- PhonelinkLock
- PhonelinkOff
- PhonelinkRing
- PhonelinkSetup
- Photo
- PhotoAlbum
- PhotoCamera
- PhotoCameraBack
- PhotoCameraFront
- PhotoFilter
- PhotoLibrary
- PhotoSizeSelectActual
- PhotoSizeSelectLarge
- PhotoSizeSelectSmall
- Piano
- PianoOff
- PictureAsPdf
- PictureInPicture
- PictureInPictureAlt
- PieChart
- PieChartOutline
- Pin
- PinDrop
- PivotTableChart
- Place
- Plagiarism
- PlayArrow
- PlayCircle
- PlayCircleFilled
- PlayCircleOutline
- PlayDisabled
- PlayForWork
- PlayLesson
- PlaylistAdd
- PlaylistAddCheck
- PlaylistPlay
- Plumbing
- PlusOne
- Podcasts
- PointOfSale
- Policy
- Poll
- Polymer
- Pool
- PortableWifiOff
- Portrait
- PostAdd
- Power
- PowerInput
- PowerOff
- PowerSettingsNew
- PrecisionManufacturing
- PregnantWoman
- PresentToAll
- Preview
- PriceChange
- PriceCheck
- Print
- PrintDisabled
- PriorityHigh
- PrivacyTip
- ProductionQuantityLimits
- Psychology
- Public
- PublicOff
- Publish
- PublishedWithChanges
- PushPin
- QrCode
- QrCode2
- QrCodeScanner
- QueryBuilder
- QueryStats
- QuestionAnswer
- Queue
- QueueMusic
- QueuePlayNext
- Quickreply
- Quiz
- RMobiledata
- Radar
- Radio
- RadioButtonChecked
- RadioButtonUnchecked
- RailwayAlert
- RamenDining
- RateReview
- RawOff
- RawOn
- ReadMore
- Receipt
- ReceiptLong
- RecentActors
- Recommend
- RecordVoiceOver
- Redeem
- Redo
- ReduceCapacity
- Refresh
- RememberMe
- Remove
- RemoveCircle
- RemoveCircleOutline
- RemoveDone
- RemoveFromQueue
- RemoveModerator
- RemoveRedEye
- RemoveShoppingCart
- Reorder
- Repeat
- RepeatOn
- RepeatOne
- RepeatOneOn
- Replay
- Replay10
- Replay30
- Replay5
- ReplayCircleFilled
- Reply
- ReplyAll
- Report
- ReportGmailerrorred
- ReportOff
- ReportProblem
- RequestPage
- RequestQuote
- ResetTv
- RestartAlt
- Restaurant
- RestaurantMenu
- Restore
- RestoreFromTrash
- RestorePage
- Reviews
- RiceBowl
- RingVolume
- Roofing
- Room
- RoomPreferences
- RoomService
- Rotate90DegreesCcw
- RotateLeft
- RotateRight
- RoundedCorner
- Router
- Rowing
- RssFeed
- Rsvp
- Rtt
- Rule
- RuleFolder
- RunCircle
- RunningWithErrors
- RvHookup
- SafetyDivider
- Sailing
- Sanitizer
- Satellite
- Save
- SaveAlt
- SavedSearch
- Savings
- Scanner
- ScatterPlot
- Schedule
- ScheduleSend
- Schema
- School
- Science
- Score
- ScreenLockLandscape
- ScreenLockPortrait
- ScreenLockRotation
- ScreenRotation
- ScreenSearchDesktop
- ScreenShare
- Screenshot
- Sd
- SdCard
- SdCardAlert
- SdStorage
- Search
- SearchOff
- Security
- SecurityUpdate
- SecurityUpdateGood
- SecurityUpdateWarning
- Segment
- SelectAll
- SelfImprovement
- Sell
- Send
- SendAndArchive
- SendToMobile
- SensorDoor
- SensorWindow
- Sensors
- SensorsOff
- SentimentDissatisfied
- SentimentNeutral
- SentimentSatisfied
- SentimentSatisfiedAlt
- SentimentVeryDissatisfied
- SentimentVerySatisfied
- SetMeal
- Settings
- SettingsAccessibility
- SettingsApplications
- SettingsBackupRestore
- SettingsBluetooth
- SettingsBrightness
- SettingsCell
- SettingsEthernet
- SettingsInputAntenna
- SettingsInputComponent
- SettingsInputComposite
- SettingsInputHdmi
- SettingsInputSvideo
- SettingsOverscan
- SettingsPhone
- SettingsPower
- SettingsRemote
- SettingsSuggest
- SettingsSystemDaydream
- SettingsVoice
- SevenK
- SevenKPlus
- SevenMp
- SeventeenMp
- Share
- ShareArrivalTime
- ShareLocation
- Shield
- Shop
- Shop2
- ShopTwo
- ShoppingBag
- ShoppingBasket
- ShoppingCart
- ShortText
- Shortcut
- ShowChart
- Shower
- Shuffle
- ShuffleOn
- ShutterSpeed
- Sick
- SignalCellular0Bar
- SignalCellular4Bar
- SignalCellularAlt
- SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet0Bar
- SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet4Bar
- SignalCellularNoSim
- SignalCellularNodata
- SignalCellularNull
- SignalCellularOff
- SignalWifi0Bar
- SignalWifi4Bar
- SignalWifi4BarLock
- SignalWifiBad
- SignalWifiConnectedNoInternet4
- SignalWifiOff
- SignalWifiStatusbar4Bar
- SignalWifiStatusbarConnectedNoInternet4
- SignalWifiStatusbarNull
- SimCard
- SimCardAlert
- SimCardDownload
- SingleBed
- Sip
- SixFtApart
- SixK
- SixKPlus
- SixMp
- SixteenMp
- SixtyFps
- SixtyFpsSelect
- Skateboarding
- SkipNext
- SkipPrevious
- Sledding
- Slideshow
- SlowMotionVideo
- SmartButton
- SmartDisplay
- SmartScreen
- SmartToy
- Smartphone
- SmokeFree
- SmokingRooms
- Sms
- SmsFailed
- SnippetFolder
- Snooze
- Snowboarding
- Snowmobile
- Snowshoeing
- Soap
- SocialDistance
- Sort
- SortByAlpha
- Source
- South
- SouthEast
- SouthWest
- Spa
- SpaceBar
- Speaker
- SpeakerGroup
- SpeakerNotes
- SpeakerNotesOff
- SpeakerPhone
- Speed
- Spellcheck
- Splitscreen
- Sports
- SportsBar
- SportsBaseball
- SportsBasketball
- SportsCricket
- SportsEsports
- SportsFootball
- SportsGolf
- SportsHandball
- SportsHockey
- SportsKabaddi
- SportsMma
- SportsMotorsports
- SportsRugby
- SportsScore
- SportsSoccer
- SportsTennis
- SportsVolleyball
- SquareFoot
- StackedBarChart
- StackedLineChart
- Stairs
- Star
- StarBorder
- StarBorderPurple500
- StarHalf
- StarOutline
- StarPurple500
- StarRate
- Stars
- StayCurrentLandscape
- StayCurrentPortrait
- StayPrimaryLandscape
- StayPrimaryPortrait
- StickyNote2
- Stop
- StopCircle
- StopScreenShare
- Storage
- Store
- StoreMallDirectory
- Storefront
- Storm
- Straighten
- Stream
- Streetview
- StrikethroughS
- Stroller
- Style
- SubdirectoryArrowLeft
- SubdirectoryArrowRight
- Subject
- Subscript
- Subscriptions
- Subtitles
- SubtitlesOff
- Subway
- Summarize
- Superscript
- SupervisedUserCircle
- SupervisorAccount
- Support
- SupportAgent
- Surfing
- SurroundSound
- SwapCalls
- SwapHoriz
- SwapHorizontalCircle
- SwapVert
- SwapVerticalCircle
- Swipe
- SwitchAccount
- SwitchCamera
- SwitchLeft
- SwitchRight
- SwitchVideo
- Sync
- SyncAlt
- SyncDisabled
- SyncProblem
- SystemSecurityUpdate
- SystemSecurityUpdateGood
- SystemSecurityUpdateWarning
- SystemUpdate
- SystemUpdateAlt
- Tab
- TabUnselected
- TableChart
- TableRows
- TableView
- Tablet
- TabletAndroid
- TabletMac
- Tag
- TagFaces
- TakeoutDining
- TapAndPlay
- Tapas
- Task
- TaskAlt
- TaxiAlert
- TenK
- TenMp
- Terrain
- TextFields
- TextFormat
- TextRotateUp
- TextRotateVertical
- TextRotationAngledown
- TextRotationAngleup
- TextRotationDown
- TextRotationNone
- TextSnippet
- Textsms
- Texture
- TheaterComedy
- Theaters
- Thermostat
- ThermostatAuto
- ThirteenMp
- ThirtyFps
- ThirtyFpsSelect
- ThreeDRotation
- ThreeGMobiledata
- ThreeHundredSixty
- ThreeK
- ThreeKPlus
- ThreeMp
- ThreeP
- ThumbDown
- ThumbDownAlt
- ThumbDownOffAlt
- ThumbUp
- ThumbUpAlt
- ThumbUpOffAlt
- ThumbsUpDown
- TimeToLeave
- Timelapse
- Timeline
- Timer
- Timer10
- Timer10Select
- Timer3
- Timer3Select
- TimerOff
- Title
- Toc
- Today
- ToggleOff
- ToggleOn
- Toll
- Tonality
- Topic
- TouchApp
- Tour
- Toys
- TrackChanges
- Traffic
- Train
- Tram
- TransferWithinAStation
- Transform
- TransitEnterexit
- Translate
- TravelExplore
- TrendingDown
- TrendingFlat
- TrendingUp
- TripOrigin
- Try
- Tty
- Tune
- Tungsten
- TurnedIn
- TurnedInNot
- Tv
- TvOff
- TwelveMp
- TwentyFourMp
- TwentyMp
- TwentyOneMp
- TwentyThreeMp
- TwentyTwoMp
- TwoK
- TwoKPlus
- TwoMp
- TwoWheeler
- Umbrella
- Unarchive
- Undo
- UnfoldLess
- UnfoldMore
- Unpublished
- Unsubscribe
- Upcoming
- Update
- UpdateDisabled
- Upgrade
- Upload
- UploadFile
- Usb
- UsbOff
- Verified
- VerifiedUser
- VerticalAlignBottom
- VerticalAlignCenter
- VerticalAlignTop
- VerticalDistribute
- VerticalSplit
- Vibration
- VideoCall
- VideoCameraBack
- VideoCameraFront
- VideoLabel
- VideoLibrary
- VideoSettings
- VideoStable
- Videocam
- VideocamOff
- VideogameAsset
- VideogameAssetOff
- ViewAgenda
- ViewArray
- ViewCarousel
- ViewColumn
- ViewComfy
- ViewCompact
- ViewDay
- ViewHeadline
- ViewInAr
- ViewList
- ViewModule
- ViewQuilt
- ViewSidebar
- ViewStream
- ViewWeek
- Vignette
- Visibility
- VisibilityOff
- VoiceChat
- VoiceOverOff
- Voicemail
- VolumeDown
- VolumeMute
- VolumeOff
- VolumeUp
- VolunteerActivism
- VpnKey
- VpnLock
- Vrpano
- Wallpaper
- Warning
- WarningAmber
- Wash
- Watch
- WatchLater
- Water
- WaterDamage
- WaterfallChart
- Waves
- WbAuto
- WbCloudy
- WbIncandescent
- WbIridescent
- WbShade
- WbSunny
- WbTwilight
- Wc
- Web
- WebAsset
- WebAssetOff
- Weekend
- West
- Whatshot
- WheelchairPickup
- WhereToVote
- Widgets
- Wifi
- WifiCalling
- WifiCalling3
- WifiLock
- WifiOff
- WifiProtectedSetup
- WifiTethering
- WifiTetheringErrorRounded
- WifiTetheringOff
- Window
- WineBar
- Work
- WorkOff
- WorkOutline
- Workspaces
- WrapText
- WrongLocation
- Wysiwyg
- Yard
- YoutubeSearchedFor
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut
- ZoomOutMap
Change logs
Visit design.cegal.com/changes for a change log to the design system.
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