CKEditor 5 document editor build

The document editor build for CKEditor 5, featuring the decoupled UI editor implementation. Read more about the document editor build and see the demo.

Quick start
First, install the build from npm:
npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-decoupled-document
And use it in your website:
<div id="toolbar-container"></div>
<div id="editor">
<p>This is the editor content.</p>
<script src="./node_modules/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-decoupled-document/build/ckeditor.js"></script>
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
.then( editor => {
document.querySelector( '#toolbar-container' ).appendChild( editor.ui.view.toolbar.element );
window.editor = editor;
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( 'There was a problem initializing the editor.', error );
} );
Or in your JavaScript application:
import DecoupledEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-decoupled-document';
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
.then( editor => {
document.querySelector( '#toolbar-container' ).appendChild( editor.ui.view.toolbar.element );
window.editor = editor;
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( 'There was a problem initializing the editor.', error );
} );
Note: If you are planning to integrate CKEditor 5 deep into your application, it is actually more convenient and recommended to install and import the source modules directly (like it happens in ckeditor.js
). Read more in the Advanced setup guide.
Licensed under a dual-license model, this software is available under:
For more information, see:
44.2.1 (February 20, 2025)
We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v44.2.1.
During a recent internal audit, we identified a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the CKEditor 5 real-time collaboration package (CVE-2025-25299
). This vulnerability can lead to unauthorized JavaScript code execution and affects user markers, which represent users' positions within the document.
This vulnerability affects only installations with real-time collaborative editing enabled.
You can read more details in the relevant security advisory and contact us if you have more questions.
Bug fixes
- comments: Fixed a few scenarios for which creating a new comment thread was impossible (for example, when a selection was made on multiple table cells). This was a regression introduced in v44.2.0.
Other changes
Released packages
Check out the Versioning policy guide for more information.
<summary>Released packages (summary)</summary>
Other releases: