Decoders currently available for JavaScript, LUA, C# and Haxe.
Defining Schema
As Colyseus is written in TypeScript, the schema is defined as type annotations inside the state class. Additional server logic may be added to that class, but client-side generated (not implemented) files will consider only the schema itself.
import { Schema, type, ArraySchema, MapSchema } from '@colyseus/schema';
export class Player extends Schema {
name: string;
x: number;
y: number;
export class State extends Schema {
fieldString: string;
fieldNumber: number;
player: Player;
@type([ Player ])
arrayOfPlayers: ArraySchema<Player>;
@type({ map: Player })
mapOfPlayers: MapSchema<Player>;
See example.
Supported types
Primitive Types
Type | Description | Limitation |
string | utf8 strings | maximum byte size of 4294967295 |
number | auto-detects int or float type. (extra byte on output) | 0 to 18446744073709551615 |
boolean | true or false | 0 or 1 |
int8 | signed 8-bit integer | -128 to 127 |
uint8 | unsigned 8-bit integer | 0 to 255 |
int16 | signed 16-bit integer | -32768 to 32767 |
uint16 | unsigned 16-bit integer | 0 to 65535 |
int32 | signed 32-bit integer | -2147483648 to 2147483647 |
uint32 | unsigned 32-bit integer | 0 to 4294967295 |
int64 | signed 64-bit integer | -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 |
uint64 | unsigned 64-bit integer | 0 to 18446744073709551615 |
float32 | single-precision floating-point number | -3.40282347e+38 to 3.40282347e+38 |
float64 | double-precision floating-point number | -1.7976931348623157e+308 to 1.7976931348623157e+308 |
Primitive types (string
, number
, boolean
, etc)
name: string;
name: number;
Custom Schema
player: Player;
Array of custom Schema
@type([ Player ])
arrayOfPlayers: ArraySchema<Player>;
Array of a primitive type
You can't mix types inside arrays.
@type([ "number" ])
arrayOfNumbers: ArraySchema<number>;
@type([ "string" ])
arrayOfStrings: ArraySchema<string>;
Map of custom Schema
@type({ map: Player })
mapOfPlayers: MapSchema<Player>;
Map of a primitive type
You can't mix types inside maps.
@type({ map: "number" })
mapOfNumbers: MapSchema<number>;
@type({ map: "string" })
mapOfStrings: MapSchema<string>;
The Schema definitions can encode itself through Reflection
. You can have the
definition implementation in the server-side, and just send the encoded
reflection to the client-side, for example:
import { Schema, type, Reflection } from "@colyseus/schema";
class MyState extends Schema {
currentTurn: string;
const encodedStateSchema = Reflection.encode(new MyState());
const myState = Reflection.decode(encodedStateSchema);
Data filters (experimental)
When using with Colyseus 0.10, you may provide a @filter
per field, to filter out what you don't want to serialize for a specific client.
On the example below, we are filtering entities which are close to the player entity.
import { Schema, type, filter } from "@colyseus/schema";
export class State extends Schema {
@filter(function(this: State, client: any, value: Entity) {
const currentPlayer = this.entities[client.sessionId]
var a = value.x - currentPlayer.x;
var b = value.y - currentPlayer.y;
return (Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)) <= 10;
@type({ map: Entity })
entities = new MapSchema<Entity>();
Limitations and best practices
or null
numbers are encoded as 0
strings are encoded as ""
numbers are encoded as Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
- Multi-dimensional arrays are not supported.
- Items inside Arrays and Maps must be all instance of the same type.
encodes only field values in the specified order.
- Both encoder (server) and decoder (client) must have same schema definition.
- The order of the fields must be the same.
- Avoid manipulating indexes of an array. This result in at least
extra bytes for each index change. Example: If you have an array of 20 items, and remove the first item (through shift()
) this means 38
extra bytes to be serialized. - Avoid moving keys of maps. As of arrays, it adds
extra bytes per key move.
Decoding / Listening for changes
TODO: describe how changes will arrive on array and map types
import { DataChange } from "@colyseus/schema";
import { State } from "./YourStateDefinition";
const decodedState = new State();
decodedState.onChange = function(changes: DataChange[]) {
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].field, "fieldNumber");
assert.equal(changes[0].value, 50);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousValue, undefined);
Generating client-side schema files (for strictly typed languages)
If you're using JavaScript or LUA, there's no need to bother about this.
Interpreted programming languages are able to re-build the Schema locally through the use of Reflection
You can generate the client-side schema files based on the TypeScript schema definitions automatically.
# C#/Unity
schema-codegen ./schemas/State.ts --output ./unity-project/ --cs
# C/C++
schema-codegen ./schemas/State.ts --output ./cpp-project/ --cpp
# Haxe
schema-codegen ./schemas/State.ts --output ./haxe-project/ --hx
Scenario | @colyseus/schema | msgpack + fossil-delta |
Initial state size (100 entities) | 2671 | 3283 |
Updating x/y of 1 entity after initial state | 9 | 26 |
Updating x/y of 50 entities after initial state | 342 | 684 |
Updating x/y of 100 entities after initial state | 668 | 1529 |
Decoder implementations
Decoders for each target language are located at /decoders/
. They have no third party dependencies.
Initial thoghts/assumptions, for Colyseus:
- little to no bottleneck for detecting state changes.
- have a schema definition on both server and client
- better experience on staticaly-typed languages (C#, C++)
- mutations should be cheap.
Practical Colyseus issues this should solve:
- Avoid decoding large objects that haven't been patched
- Allow to send different patches for each client
- Better developer experience on statically-typed languages