This package is the shared library for the nodejs and web SDK's.
Table of Contents
Constructing transactions
Create a simple transfer
The following example demonstrates how a simple transfer can be created.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n,
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const simpleTransfer: SimpleTransferPayload = {
amount: new CcdAmount(100n),
toAddress: new AccountAddress("4hXCdgNTxgM7LNm8nFJEfjDhEcyjjqQnPSRyBS9QgmHKQVxKRf"),
const simpleTransferAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: simpleTransfer,
type: AccountTransactionType.Transfer,
Create a simple transfer with a memo
The following example demonstrates how a simple transfer with a memo can be created.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n,
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const simpleTransferWithMemo: SimpleTransferWithMemoPayload = {
amount: new CcdAmount(100n),
toAddress: new AccountAddress("4hXCdgNTxgM7LNm8nFJEfjDhEcyjjqQnPSRyBS9QgmHKQVxKRf"),
memo: new DataBlob(Buffer.from('6B68656C6C6F20776F726C64', 'hex')),
const simpleTransferWithMemoAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: simpleTransferWithMemo,
type: AccountTransactionType.TransferWithMemo,
Create a Register data transaction
The following example demonstrates how a register data transaction can be created.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n,
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const registerData: RegisterDataPayload = {
data: new DataBlob(Buffer.from('6B68656C6C6F20776F726C64', 'hex'))
const registerDataAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: registerData,
type: AccountTransactionType.RegisterData,
Create a configure delegation transaction
The following example demonstrates how a configure delegation transaction can be created.
Note that although all the fields are optional, they are all required, when becoming a delegator.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n,
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const configureDelegationPayload: ConfigureDelegationPayload = {
stake: new CcdAmount(1000000000n),
delegationTarget: {
delegateType: DelegationTargetType.Baker,
bakerId: 100n
restakeEarnings: true,
const configureDelegationAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: configureDelegationPayload,
type: AccountTransactionType.ConfigureDelegation,
Create a configure baker transaction
The following example demonstrates how a configure baker transaction can be created.
Note that although all the fields are optional, they are all required, when registering as a baker.
const account = new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M");
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n,
sender: account,
const bakerKeys = generateBakerKeys(account);
const configureBakerPayload: ConfigureBakerPayload = {
stake: new CcdAmount(1000000000n),
restakeEarnings: true,
openForDelegation: OpenStatus.OpenForAll,
keys: bakerKeys,
metadataUrl: "www.url.for.metadata",
transactionFeeCommission: 10000,
bakingRewardCommission: 10000,
finalizationRewardCommission: 100000,
const configureBakerAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: configureBakerPayload,
type: AccountTransactionType.ConfigureBaker,
The open for delegation field determines the baker pools status and can have three different values:
: new delegators can join the pool.ClosedForAll
: new delegators won't be able to join the pool, but the current delegators won't be moved to passive delegation.ClosedForNew
: new delegators won't be able to join the pool, and the current delegators will be moved to passive delegation.
The three commission rates should specified in parts per hundred thousand, i.e. 100% is 100000 and 1% 1000. Additionally they value should be within the allowed range.
The allowed ranges are part of the chain parameters.
Create a credential for an existing account
The following example demonstrates how to create a credential for an existing account. This
credential can then be deployed onto the account by the account owner with an update
credentials transaction. See Create an update credentials transaction for how to
create this transaction payload using the output from the example below.
See Construct IdentityInput for how to construct an IdentityInput.
const lastFinalizedBlockHash = (await client.getConsensusStatus()).lastFinalizedBlock;
const cryptographicParameters = await client.getCryptographicParameters(lastFinalizedBlockHash);
if (!cryptographicParameters) {
throw new Error('Cryptographic parameters were not found on a block that has been finalized.');
const identityInput: IdentityInput = ...
const threshold: number = 1;
const credentialIndex: number = 1;
const publicKeys: VerifyKey[] = [
schemeId: "Ed25519",
verifyKey: "c8cd7623c5a9316d8e2fccb51e1deee615bdb5d324fb4a6d33801848fb5e459e"
const revealedAttributes: AttributeKey[] = [];
const existingAccountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount = createUnsignedCredentialForExistingAccount(
const credentialDigestToSign = getCredentialForExistingAccountSignDigest(unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount.unsignedCdi, existingAccountAddress);
const credentialSigningKey = 'acab9ec5dfecfe5a6e13283f7ca79a6f6f5c685f036cd044557969e4dbe9d781';
const credentialSignature = Buffer.from(await ed.sign(credentialDigestToSign, credentialSigningKey)).toString('hex');
const signedCredentialForExistingAccount: CredentialDeploymentInfo = buildSignedCredentialForExistingAccount(unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount.unsignedCdi, [credentialSignature]);
Create an update credentials transaction
The following demonstrates how to construct an update credentials transaction, which is
used to deploy additional credentials to an account, remove existing credentials on the account
or to update the credential threshold on the account. Note that the initial credential with
index 0 cannot be removed.
const signedCredentialForExistingAccount: CredentialDeploymentInfo = ...
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const accountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress, lastFinalizedBlockHash);
const nextAvailableIndex = Math.max(...Object.keys(accountInfo.accountCredentials).map((key) => Number(key))) + 1;
const currentNumberOfCredentials = BigInt(Object.keys(accountInfo.accountCredentials).length);
const newCredential: IndexedCredentialDeploymentInfo = {
cdi: signedCredentialForExistingAccount,
index: nextAvailableIndex
const credentialsToRemove = ["b0f11a9dcdd0758c8eec717956455deed73a0db59995da2cb20d73ee974eb39aec2c79970c640126827a8fbb84217424"];
const threshold = 2;
const updateCredentialsPayload: UpdateCredentialsPayload = {
newCredentials: [newCredential],
removeCredentialIds: credentialsToRemove,
threshold: threshold,
currentNumberOfCredentials: currentNumberOfCredentials,
Deploy module
The following example demonstrates how to construct a "deployModule" transaction, which is used to deploy a smart contract module.
const wasmModule = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync('path/to/module.wasm'));
const deployModule: DeployModulePayload = {
source: wasmModule
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: nextAccountNonce.nonce,
sender: new AccountAddress(senderAccountAddress),
const deployModuleTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: deployModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.DeployModule,
Note that if built using cargo-concordium 1.0.0
, the version should be added to the payload. In 2.0.0
and newer, the version is prepended into the module itself. To deploy a V0 module, which has been built with cargo-concordium version below 2,
you should add the version field to the payload:
const deployModule: DeployModulePayload = {
source: wasmModule,
version: 0,
Finally, to actually deploy the module to the chain, send the constructed deployModuleTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
Init Contract (parameterless smart contract)
The following example demonstrates how to initialize a smart contract from a module, which has already been deployed.
The name of the contract "INDBank".
In this example, the contract does not take any parameters, so we can leave parameters as an empty buffer.
const contractName = 'INDBank';
const params = Buffer.from([]);
const maxContractExecutionEnergy = 300000n;
Create init contract transaction
const initModule: InitContractPayload = {
amount: new CcdAmount(0n),
moduleRef: new ModuleReference('a225a5aeb0a5cf9bbc59209e15df030e8cc2c17b8dba08c4bf59f80edaedd8b1'),
initName: contractName,
params: params,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: maxContractExecutionEnergy
const initContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: initModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.InitContract,
Finally, to actually initialize the contract on the chain, send the constructed initContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
Update Contract (parameterless smart contract)
The following example demonstrates how to update a smart contract.
To update a smart contract we create a 'updateContractTransaction'.
To do this we need to specify the name of the receive function, which should contain the contract name as a prefix (So if the contract has the name "INDBank" and the receive function has the name "insertAmount" then the receiveName should be "INDBank.insertAmount").
We also need to supply the contract address of the contract instance. This consists of an index and a subindex.
In this example, the contract does not take any parameters, so we can leave the parameters/message as an empty buffer.
const receiveName = 'INDBank.insertAmount';
const message = Buffer.from([]);
const contractAddress = { index: BigInt(83), subindex: BigInt(0) } as ContractAddress;
const maxContractExecutionEnergy = 30000n;
Create update contract transaction
const updateModule: UpdateContractPayload =
amount: new CcdAmount(1000n),
address: contractAddress,
receiveName: receiveName,
message: message,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: maxContractExecutionEnergy
const updateContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: updateModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.Update,
Finally, to actually update the contract on the chain, send the constructed updateContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
Smart contract with parameters
In the previous sections we have seen how to initialize and update contracts without parameters. In this section we will describe how to initialize and update contracts with parameters.
The user should provide the input in the JSON format specified in our documentation.
Let us consider the following example where the contract's initialization parameter is the following structure:
#[derive(SchemaType, Serialize)]
struct MyStruct {
age: u16,
name: String,
city: String,
An example of a valid input would be:
const userInput = {
age: 51,
name: 'Concordium',
city: 'Zug',
An other example could be if the parameter is the following "SomeEnum":
#[derive(SchemaType, Serialize)]
enum AnotherEnum {
#[derive(SchemaType, Serialize)]
enum SomeEnum {
Then the following would be a valid input:
const userInput = {
B: [
D: []
Then the user needs to provide the schema for the module. Here we load the schema from a file:
const rawModuleSchema = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(
Then the parameters can be serialized into bytes:
const inputParams = serializeInitContractParameters(
For V0 contracts the schemaVersion should be SchemaVersion.V0
. For V1 contracts it should currently be SchemaVersion.V1
, unless the contract have been built using cargo-concordium >=2.0.0, which are internally versioned, and then the version does not need to be provided.
Then the payload and transaction can be constructed, in the same way as the parameterless example:
const initModule: InitContractPayload = {
amount: new CcdAmount(0n),
moduleRef: new ModuleReference(
contractName: contractName,
params: inputParams,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: baseEnergy,
const initContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: initModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.InitContract,
Finally, to actually initialize the contract on the chain, send the constructed initContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
To update a contract with parameters, consider the example where the input is an i64 value, like -2000000.
const userInput = -2000000;
const contractName = "my-contract-name";
const receiveFunctionName = "my-receive-function-name";
const receiveName = contractName + '.' + receiveFunctionName;
Then the user need to provide the schema. Here we load the schema from a file:
const rawModuleSchema = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(
Then the parameters can be serialized into bytes:
const inputParams = serializeUpdateContractParameters(
For V0 contracts the schema version should be SchemaVersion.V0
. For V1 contracts it should currently be SchemaVersion.V1
, unless the contract have been built using cargo-concordium >=2.0.0, which are internally versioned, and then the version does not need to be provided.
Then we will construct the update payload with parameters obtained
const updateModule: UpdateContractPayload = {
amount: new CcdAmount(1000n),
address: contractAddress,
receiveName: receiveName,
message: inputParams,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: baseEnergy,
} as UpdateContractPayload;
const updateContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: updateModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.Update,
Finally, to actually update the contract on the chain, send the constructed updateContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
Serialize parameters with only the specific type's schema
In the previous section the schema used was assumed to be the schema for an entire module. In some cases one might want to use a schema containing only the specific type of the parameter.
For this, the function serializeTypeValue
can used.
const inputParams = serializeTypeValue(userInput, rawTypeSchema);
For reference, the type schema for parameters can be extracted using the functions getInitContractParameterSchema
and getUpdateContractParameterSchema
. For a receive function:
const rawTypeSchema = getUpdateContractParameterSchema(
And for the initialization:
const rawTypeSchema = getInitContractParameterSchema(
Utility functions
Generate account alias
The following shows how to generate an account alias. The alias is an alternative address, which is connected to the same account.
The getAlias function takes a counter (0 <= counter < 2^24) to determine which alias to return.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const aliasCount = 1;
const alias: AccountAddress = getAlias(accountAddress, aliasCount);
Check for account alias
The following shows how to check if two addresses are aliases.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const anotherAccountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGJhiz8WxC5b");
if (isAlias(accountAddress, anotherAccountAddress)) {
... // the addresses are aliases
} else {
... // the addresses are not aliases
Deserialize contract state
The following example demonstrates how to deserialize a contract's state:
const contractName = "my-contract-name"
const schema = Buffer.from(schemaSource);
const rawContractState = Buffer.from(stateSource);
const state = deserializeContractState(contractName, schema, rawContractState);
Deserialize a receive function's return value
The following example demonstrates how to deserialize a receive function's return value:
const rawReturnValue = Buffer.from(returnValueSource);
const schema = Buffer.from(schemaSource);
const contractName = "my-contract-name";
const functionName = "receive-function";
const schemaVersion = SchemaVersion.V1;
const returnValue = deserializeReceiveReturnValue(rawReturnValue, schema, contractName, functionName, schemaVersion);
Note that for V0 contracts the schemaVersion should be SchemaVersion.V0
. For V1 contracts it should currently be SchemaVersion.V1
, unless the contract have been built using cargo-concordium >=2.0.0, which are internally versioned, and then the version does not need to be provided.
Deserialize a function's error
The following example demonstrates how to deserialize a receive function's error:
const rawError = Buffer.from(errorSource);
const schema = Buffer.from(schemaSource);
const contractName = "my-contract-name";
const functionName = "receive-function";
const error = deserializeReceiveError(rawError, schema, contractName, functionName);
Likewise for an init function's error:
const rawError = Buffer.from(errorSource);
const schema = Buffer.from(schemaSource);
const contractName = "my-contract-name";
const error = deserializeInitError(rawError, schema, contractName);
Deserialize a transaction
The following example demonstrates how to deserialize a transaction:
const serializedTransaction: Buffer = ...
const deserialized = deserializeTransaction(serializedTransaction);
if (deserialized.kind === BlockItemKind.AccountTransactionKind) {
const accountTransaction: AccountTransaction = deserialized.transaction.accountTransaction;
const signatures: AccountTransactionSignature = deserialized.transaction.signatures;
if (accountTransaction.type === AccountTransactionType.Transfer) {
} else if (deserialized.kind === BlockItemKind.CredentialDeploymentKind) {
const credentialDeployment = deserialized.transaction.credential;
Note that currently the only supported account transaction kinds are Transfer
, TransferWithMemo
and RegisterData
. If attempting to deserialize other transaction kinds, the function will throw an error;
Sign an account transaction
The following example demonstrates how to use the signTransaction
helper function to sign a account transaction:
let accountTransaction: AccountTransaction;
const signer: AccountSigner = ...;
const transactionSignature: AccountTransactionSignature = signTransaction(accountTransaction, signer);
sendTransaction(accountTransaction, transactionSignature);
For a simple account, with a single credential and one keypair in the credential, one can use the buildBasicAccountSigner
to get the signer. Otherwise one needs to implement the AccountSigner interface themselves, for now.
The buildBasicAccountSigner
function take the account's private key as a hex string.
The following is an example of how to sign an account transaction without using the signTransaction
helper function:
import * as ed from "@noble/ed25519";
let accountTransaction: AccountTransaction;
const signingKey = "ce432f6bba0d47caec1f45739331dc354b6d749fdb8ab7c2b7f6cb24db39ca0c";
const hashToSign = getAccountTransactionSignDigest(accountTransaction);
const signature = Buffer.from(await ed.sign(hashToSign, signingKey)).toString("hex");
const signatures: AccountTransactionSignature = {
0: {
0: signature
Sign a message
To have an account sign an arbritrary message, one can use the signMessage
const account = new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M");
const message = "testMessage";
const signer: AccountSigner = ...;
const signature = signMessage(account, message, signer);
What is actually signed is the sha256 hash of the account address, eight zero bytes and the actual message. This ensures that the message cannot be an account transaction. To easily verify the signature, one can use the verifyMessageSignature
const message = "testMessage";
const signature = ...;
const accountInfo = ...;
if (!verifyMessageSignature(message, signature, accountInfo)) {
The message can either be a utf8 encoded string or a Uint8Array directly containing the message bytes.
Deserialize smart contract types with only the specific type's schema
The SDK exposes a general function to deserialize smart contract values from binary format to their JSON representation. In the previous sections the schema used was assumed to be the schema for an entire module, this function can be used with the schema containing only the specific type of the parameter, return value, event or error.
const deserializedValue = deserializeTypeValue(serializedValue, rawTypeSchema);
Note that the specific schema can be obtained using cargo-concordium's schema-json
command, and specifically for parameters, this SDK exposes functions for that, check the serialize parameters with only the specific types schema section for those.
Identity proofs
Build Statement
The SDK contains a helper to create statements about identities, which can then be proven.
To do so, use the IdStatementBuilder, to build a statement:
const statementBuilder = new IdStatementBuilder();
const statement = statementBuilder.getStatement();
The statement can then be proved using the getIdProof
, or be provided to a wallet for them it to provide a proof for the statement.
There are currently 4 types of the statements, and if multiple are added, the resulting statement is the conjunction between them.
Attribute name | Format |
firstName | string |
lastName | string |
sex | ISO/IEC 5218 |
dob | ISO8601 YYYYMMDD |
countryOfResidence | ISO3166-1 alpha-2 |
nationality | ISO3166-1 alpha-2 |
idDocType | na=0, passport=1, national id card=2, driving license=3, immigration card=4 |
idDocNo | string |
idDocIssuer | ISO3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO3166-2 if applicable |
idDocIssuedAt | ISO8601 YYYYMMDD |
idDocExpiresAt | ISO8601 YYYYMMDD |
nationalIdNo | string |
taxIdNo | string |
The first parameter of the statement builder is a boolean, which defaults to true, that specifies whether the statement should be checked while being built.
It checks that:
- The used attribute tag is a known one
- There is not multiple statements on the same attribute
- Lower, upper and sets members have the format expected of the attribute
Minimum Age
There is a helper function for specifying the prover must have some minimum age.
Example: add the statement that the prover must be born at least 18 years old:
Eu membership
There are helpers for specifying the country of residency or nationality to be one of the EU member states.
Reveal statement
State that a given attribute should be revealed as part of the proof.
Range statement
State that a given attribute should be between 2 given values.
Example: add the statement that the prover must be born between January 1, 1941 and Februar 2, 2005.
statementBuilder.addRange(AttributesKeys.dob, 19410101, 20050202);
Note that this type of statement is only allowed for the following attributes:
- dob (date of birth)
- idDocIssuedAt
- idDocExpiresAt
Membership statement
Example: add the statement that the prover's country of residency is France or Spain:
statementBuilder.addMembership(AttributesKeys.CountryOfResidency, ['FR', 'ES']);
Note that this type of statement is only allowed for the following attributes:
- Nationality
- CountryOfResidency
- IdDocIssuer
- IdDocType
Non membership statement
Example: add the statement that the prover's country of residency not Germany nor Portugal:
statementBuilder.addNonMembership(AttributesKeys.CountryOfResidency, ['DE', 'PT']);
Note that this type of statement is only allowed for the following attributes:
- Nationality
- CountryOfResidency
- IdDocIssuer
- IdDocType
Verify Statement (verifyIdstatement)
The SDK provides a helper function to verify a statement, that it is well-formed and complies with the current rules.
The function is verifyIdstatement
and it will throw an error if the statement does not verify.
const statement = ...
let isValid = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
isValid = false;
Prove Statement (getIdProof)
The SDK provides a helper function to prove an id statement.
The function is getIdProof
const statement = ...
const challenge = ...
const proof = getIdProof({
net: 'Mainnet',
The SDK provides a gRPC client, which can interact with the Concordium Node
For an overview of the endpoints, check here.
To create a client, the helper functions in the node or web sdk should be used as they use the appropriate transport.
The nodejs SDK uses a regular gRPC transport, while the web SDK uses a gRPC-web transport.
JSON-RPC client
:warning: The JSON-RPC client has been deprecated: the gRPC client should be used instead to communicate directly with a node
The SDK also provides a JSON-RPC client, check here for the documentation.