Concordium Nodejs SDK

Wrappers for interacting with the Concordium node, using nodejs.
Note that this package contains and exports the functions from the common-sdk, check the readme of that package for an overview of those.
Table of Contents
The ConcordiumNodeClient defines the interface to be used to send and receive data from
a concordium-node.
Creating a client
The current node setup only allows for insecure connections, which can be set up in the following way.
The access is controlled by the credentials and the metadata.
import { credentials, Metadata } from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import { ConcordiumNodeClient } from "@concordium/node-sdk";
const metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.add("authentication", "rpcadmin");
const insecureCredentials = credentials.createInsecure();
const client = new ConcordiumNodeClient(
Send Account Transaction
The following example demonstrates how to send any account transaction.
See the Constructing transactions section for the common package for how to create an account transaction.
See the signing a transaction section for the common package for how to sign an account transaction.
let accountTransaction: AccountTransaction;
let signatures: AccountTransactionSignature;
const success = await client.sendAccountTransaction(accountTransaction, signatures);
if (success) {
} else {
const transactionHash = getAccountTransactionHash(accountTransaction, signatures);
const transactionStatus = await client.getTransactionStatus(transactionHash);
Create a new account
The following example demonstrates how to create a new account on an existing
identity. The credentialIndex
should be the next unused credential index for that identity, and keeping track of that index is done off-chain. Note that index 0
is used by the initial account that was created together with the identity.
See Construct IdentityInput for how to construct an IdentityInput.
const lastFinalizedBlockHash = (await client.getConsensusStatus()).lastFinalizedBlock;
const cryptographicParameters = await client.getCryptographicParameters(lastFinalizedBlockHash);
if (!cryptographicParameters) {
throw new Error('Cryptographic parameters were not found on a block that has been finalized.');
const identityInput: IdentityInput = ...
const threshold: number = 1;
const credentialIndex: number = 1;
const publicKeys: VerifyKey[] = [
schemeId: "Ed25519",
verifyKey: "c8cd7623c5a9316d8e2fccb51e1deee615bdb5d324fb4a6d33801848fb5e459e"
schemeId: "Ed25519",
verifyKey: "b6baf645540d0ea6ae5ff0b87dff324340ae1120a5c430ffee60d5f370b2ab75"
const revealedAttributes: AttributeKey[] = ['firstName', 'nationality'];
const expiry = new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000));
const credentialDeploymentTransaction: CredentialDeploymentTransaction =
const hashToSign: Buffer = getCredentialDeploymentSignDigest(
const signingKey1 = "1053de23867e0f92a48814aabff834e2ca0b518497abaef71cad4e1be506334a";
const signingKey2 = "fcd0e499f5dc7a989a37f8c89536e9af956170d7f502411855052ff75cfc3646";
const signature1 = Buffer.from(await ed.sign(hashToSign, signingKey1)).toString('hex');
const signature2 = Buffer.from(await ed.sign(hashToSign, signingKey2)).toString('hex');
const signatures: string[] = [signature1, signature2];
const accountAddress: AccountAddress = getAccountAddress(credentialDeploymentTransaction.cdi.credId);
const success = await client.sendCredentialDeploymentTransaction(
if (success) {
} else {
const transactionHash = getCredentialDeploymentTransactionHash(credentialDeploymentTransaction, signatures);
const transactionStatus = await client.getTransactionStatus(transactionHash);
Construct IdentityInput for creating credentials
When creating a new identity the user will choose an identity provider, create an id-use-data object, which contains the private data to use for the identity, and obtain an identity object from the identity provider.
To create accounts/credentials on that identity, this SDK expects an "IdentityInput" object, which contains the identity object, the id-use-data, and the identity provider's information.
Construct from user-cli output:
Below is an example of how to construct the identityInput, with a plaintext id-use-data.json from the user-cli guide, and an id-object file.
const rawIdUseData = fs.readFileSync(
const rawIdObject = fs.readFileSync(
const idUseData = JSON.parse(rawIdUseData).value;
const identityObject = JSON.parse(rawIdObject).value;
const identityInput: IdentityInput = {
identityProvider: {
ipInfo: idUseData.ipInfo,
arsInfos: idUseData.ars,
idCredSecret: idUseData.idUseData.aci.credentialHolderInformation.idCredSecret,
prfKey: idUseData.idUseData.aci.prfKey,
randomness: idUseData.idUseData.randomness,
Construct from mobile wallet export:
The following is an example of how to construct the identityInput for the i-th identity from a mobile wallet export:
const rawData = fs.readFileSync(
const mobileWalletExport: EncryptedData = JSON.parse(rawData);
const decrypted: MobileWalletExport = decryptMobileWalletExport(
const identity = decrypted.value.identities[i];
const identityInput: IdentityInput = {
identityObject: identity.identityObject,
identityProvider: identity.identityProvider,
idCredSecret: identity.privateIdObjectData.aci.credentialHolderInformation.idCredSecret,
prfKey: identity.privateIdObjectData.aci.prfKey,
randomness: identity.privateIdObjectData.randomness,
Retrieves information about an account. The function must be provided an account address or a credential registration id.
If a credential registration id is provided, then the node returns the information of the account,
which the corresponding credential is (or was) deployed to.
If there is no account that matches the address or credential id at the provided
block, then undefined will be returned.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const blockHash = "6b01f2043d5621192480f4223644ef659dd5cda1e54a78fc64ad642587c73def";
const accountInfo: AccountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress, blockHash);
const amount: bigint = accountInfo.accountAmount;
const nationality: string = accountInfo.accountCredentials[0].value.contents.policy.revealedAttributes["nationality"];
To check if the account is a baker or a delegator, one can use the functions isDelegatorAccount
and isBakerAccount
const accountInfo: AccountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress, blockHash);
if (isDelegatorAccount(accountInfo)) {
const delegationDetails = accountInfo.accountDelegation;
} else if (isBakerAccount(accountInfo) {
const bakingDetails = accountInfo.accountBaker;
} else {
Furthermore there are different versions, based on Protocol version, of a baker's accountInfo.
In protocol version 4 the concept of baker pools was introduced, so to get baker pool information one should confirm the version with isBakerAccountV0
or isBakerAccountV1
const accountInfo: AccountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress, blockHash);
if (isBakerAccountV1(accountInfo)) {
const bakerPoolInfo = accountInfo.accountBaker.bakerPoolInfo;
} else if (isBakerAccountV0(accountInfo) {
Retrieves the next account nonce, i.e. the nonce that must be set in the account transaction
header for the next transaction submitted by that account. Along with the nonce there is a boolean
that indicates whether all transactions are finalized. If this is true, then the nonce is reliable,
if not then the next nonce might be off.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3VwCfvVskERFAJ3GeJy2mNFrzfChqUymSJJCvoLAP9rtAwMGYt");
const nextAccountNonce: NextAccountNonce = await client.getNextAccountNonce(accountAddress);
const nonce: bigint = nextAccountNonce.nonce;
const allFinal: boolean = nextAccountNonce.allFinal;
if (allFinal) {
Retrieves status information about a transaction.
const transactionHash = "f1f5f966e36b95d5474e6b85b85c273c81bac347c38621a0d8fefe68b69a430f";
const transactionStatus: TransactionStatus = await client.getTransactionStatus(transactionHash);
const isFinalized = transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Finalized;
Note that there will be no outcomes for a transaction that has only been received:
if (transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Received) {
const outcomes = Object.values(transactionStatus.outcomes);
If the transaction has been finalized, then there is exactly one outcome:
if (transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Finalized) {
const outcomes = Object.values(transactionStatus.outcomes);
A transaction was successful if it is finalized and it has a successful outcome:
if (transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Finalized) {
const event = Object.values(response.outcomes)[0];
if (event.result.outcome === "success") {
Retrives a summary for a specific block. The summary contains information about finalization, the
current chain parameters, a list of the governance keys, information about any queued chain parameter
updates and a summary of any transactions within the block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8761d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const blockSummary: BlockSummary = await client.getBlockSummary(blockHash);
const numberOfFinalizers = blockSummary.finalizationData.finalizers.length;
Blocks before protocol version 4 have a different type than those from higher protocol versions.
To determine the version, use isBlockSummaryV1
and isBlockSummaryV0
const blockSummary: BlockSummary = await client.getBlockSummary(blockHash);
if (isBlockSummaryV0(blockSummary)) {
} else if (isBlockSummaryV1(blockSummary) {
} else {
There are also type checks for specific fields in the summary, which can be found in blockSummaryHelpers.
Retrieves information about a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8761d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const blockInfo: BlockInfo = await client.getBlockInfo(blockHash);
const transactionsCount = blockInfo.transactionCount;
Retrieves the hashes of blocks at a specific height.
const blockHeight: bigint = 5310n;
const blocksAtHeight: string[] = await client.getBlocksAtHeight(blockHeight);
Retrieves the current consensus status from the node.
const consensusStatus: ConsensusStatus = await client.getConsensusStatus();
const bestBlock = consensusStatus.bestBlock;
Retrieves the global cryptographic parameters for the blockchain at a specific block.
These are a required input for e.g. creating credentials.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8761d08554756f42bf268a42749"
const cryptographicParameters = await client.getCryptographicParameters(blockHash);
Retrieves the list of identity providers at a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const identityProviders = await client.getIdentityProviders(blockHash);
Retrieves the list of anonymity revokers at a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const identityProviders = await client.getAnonymityRevokers(blockHash);
Retrieves the list of peers that the node is connected to, including some
connection information about them. A boolean parameter determines if this
should include bootstrapper nodes or not.
const peerListResponse = await client.getPeerList(false);
const peersList = peerListResponse.getPeersList();
Retrieves the list of ID's for registered bakers on the network at a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const bakerIds = await client.getBakerList(blockHash);
Retrieves the status of a pool (either a specific baker or passive delegation) at a specific block.
If a baker ID is specified, the status of that baker is returned. To get the status of passive delegation, baker ID should be left undefined.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const bakerId = BigInt(1);
const bakerStatus = await client.getPoolStatus(blockHash, bakerId);
const passiveDelegationStatus = await client.getPoolStatus(blockHash);
Retrieves the current amount of funds in the system at a specific block, and the state of the special accounts.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const rewardStatus = await client.getRewardStatus(blockHash);
Protocol version 4 expanded the amount of information in the response, so one should check the type to access that.
This information includes information about the payday and total amount of funds staked.
if (isRewardStatusV1(rewardStatus)) {
const nextPaydayTime = rewardStatus.nextPaydayTime;
Check block for transfers with memo
The following example demonstrates how to check and parse a block
for transfers with a memo.
const blockHash = "b49bb1c06c697b7d6539c987082c5a0dc6d86d91208874517ab17da752472edf";
const blockSummary = await client.getBlockSummary(blockHash);
const transactionSummaries = blockSummary.transactionSummaries;
for (const transactionSummary of transactionSummaries) {
if (transactionSummary.result.outcome === 'success') {
if (instanceOfTransferWithMemoTransactionSummary(transactionSummary)) {
const [transferredEvent, memoEvent] =;
const toAddress =;
const amount = transferredEvent.amount;
const memo = memoEvent.memo;
Used to get the full list of contract instances on the chain at a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const instances = await client.getInstances(blockHash);
Used to get information about a specific contract instance, at a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const contractAddress = { index: 1n, subindex: 0n };
const instanceInfo = await client.getInstanceInfo(contractAddress, blockHash);
const name =;
Note that only version 0 contracts returns the model. (use isInstanceInfoV0
to check the version)
Used to simulate a contract update, and to trigger view functions.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const contractAddress = { index: 1n, subindex: 0n };
const invoker = new AccountAddress('3tXiu8d4CWeuC12irAB7YVb1hzp3YxsmmmNzzkdujCPqQ9EjDm');
const result = await client.invokeContract(
invoker: invoker,
contract: contractAddress,
method: 'PiggyBank.smash',
amount: undefined,
parameter: undefined,
energy: 30000n,
if (!result) {
if (result.tag === 'failure') {
const rejectReason = result.reason;
} else {
const events =;
const returnValue = result.returnValue;
Note that some of the parts of the context are optional:
- amount: defaults to 0
- energy: defaults to 10 million
- parameter: defaults to no parameters
- invoker: uses the zero account address, which can be used instead of finding a random address.
This commands gets the source of a module on the chain.
Note that this returns the raw bytes of the source, as a buffer.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8961d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const moduleReference = "c0e51cd55ccbff4fa8da9bb76c9917e83ae8286d86b47647104bf715b4821c1a";
const source = await client.getModuleSource(moduleReference, blockHash);
if (!source) {
Building for a release
To build the package run
yarn build
Note that the dependent packages must already have been built. To easily do this, build from the package root instead.
Publishing a release
Before publishing a new release it is essential that it has been built first. So make sure that
you have just built the up-to-date code you want to publish. To publish the release run
yarn npm publish
and step through the steps presented to you.
An automatic test suite is part of this project, and it is run by executing:
yarn test
Note that the tests require a locally running concordium-node on the testnet. Otherwise the tests will fail.