
React/Redux bootstrapping and common libs for Conveyal.
Modern JavaScript applications take a lot of bootstrapping. This library helps with some common libs to include and use on the client to help.
Table of Contents
"Woonerf" is a Dutch word for a small neighborhood street where vehicles must move very slowly. The kind of road you can imagine allowing kids to play in. Although it's fun to pronounce it as "woo nerf", the break is after the n (woon == living, erf == yard). A good transliteration for an American English speaker would be "Vone Airf".
Let's create a Redux application:
const mount = require('@conveyal/woonerf/mount')
const Application = require('./containers/application')
const reducers = require('./reducers')
app: Application,
id: 'root',
This will create a redux store with the fetch
, history
, logger
, multi
, and promise
middleware applied, wrap your application with a redux provider, initialize the browser history, and mount your component to #id
. The component passed as app
will be passed history
from react-router-redux and the initialized redux store
as props.
Login Component
Create a simple login component with custom Auth0-lock options.
import Auth0 from '@conveyal/woonerf/components/auth0-lock'
export default function Login () {
const lockOptions = {}
return (
Authentication helpers
Refresh a user. To be used within a redux connected component. Will send update actions to a redux store based on response from Auth0.
import {refreshUser} from '@conveyal/woonerf/auth0'
function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
return {
refreshUserToken: () => refreshUser(dispatch)
fetch({url, options, next, retry, type, id})
Create a fetch action to be dispatched by the store. Key features:
- Automatically
bodies that are objects and automatically JSON.parse
responses that are application/json
. next
is a function that's result will be dispatched by the store. It can be an async
is a function that receives the response and needs to resolve to a Boolean. It can be an async
, Content-Type
and Accept
headers are added automatically (if you want to make a request
without one of these headers, for instance suppressing the Authorization header when calling a
remote service, simply set it to null in the headers
field of options
is a string that can designate a category of fetches that will only run one at a time.id
can be used to later abort the specific fetch by dispatching an abortFetch
fetch errors
The arity of next
determines how errors are handled.
- When no
is present, a fetchError
action is dispatched. - When a
function with arity < 2 is present, then on error fetchError
is dispatched and next
is not called. - When
has an arity >= 2 then errors are passed to next
and fetchError
is not dispatched.
const fetch = require('@conveyal/woonerf/fetch')
url: 'http://conveyal.com',
options: {
method: 'post',
body: {hello: 'world'}
retry: async (response) => {
if (response.status !== 200) {
await timeout(2000)
return true
} else {
return false
next: async (error, response) => {
return actionBasedOn(response)
abort fetch
Abort a fetch by dispatching abortFetch({type, id})
const fetch, {abortFetch, getID} = require('@conveyal/woonerf/fetch')
const id = getID()
url: 'http://conveyal.com',
next: () => {
throw new Error('Will not be called')
fetchMultiple({fetches, next})
Allows you to dispatch a single action that will call next with all of the responses.
const {fetchMultiple} = require('@conveyal/woonerf/fetch')
fetches: [{
url: 'http://conveyal.com',
options: {
body: {hello: 'world'}
next: async (error, responses) => {
return actionBasedOn(response)
html({staticHost, title})
Used for creating the default HTML needed to use a woonerf application. Accepts the following parameters:
: (optional) The host server of the static files. This gets prepended to an expected assets folder for the static files. The files loaded will be: ${staticHost}assets/favicon.ico
, ${staticHost}assets/index.css
and ${staticHost}assets/index.js
. If omitted, the host path will be an empty string.title
: The string to insert into the title
message(key, defaultMessage, parameters)
Pass a key, an optional default message, and an optional parameters object that will replace corresponding %(key)
. It auto-parses process.env.MESSAGES
brought in by mastarm
and allows you to set your own messages directly with setMessages
. Message lookup is done with lodash/get
for nested objects.
import message, {setMessages} from '@conveyal/woonerf/message'
setMessages({one:'hello world', two:'hola %(s)', three: {four: 'wat'}})
message('key.doesnt.exist', 'default message')
message('one', 'default message')
message('three.four', 'default message')
message('fake.key', 'hello %(world)s', {world: 'bob'})
message('two', 'hello %(s)', {s: 'bob'})
message('fake.key', 'hello %(a) %(b)', {a: 'bob', b: 'tim'})
With yarn installed, run
$ yarn add @conveyal/woonerf
See Also