Coveo Headless
Using the library: Coveo Headless Library Official Documentation.
Getting started
Once you have cloned the repo, follow the instructions in the top-level README.md to install dependencies and link packages.
To start the project in development mode, run:
npm run dev
To build the library for production, run:
npm run build
To run the unit tests, run:
npm test
To run the unit tests and watch, run:
npm run test:watch
To use @coveo/headless locally, you have to build the package by running:
npm run build
The headless project intensively uses "Redux" along with "Redux Toolkit", so prior knowledge is necessary.
Source folder structure
The base of the /src
folder should only contain exports.
contains app-wide setup: Redux store, root reducer, middlewares.
contains interfaces for the various application states.
has folders that each owns the functionalities of a feature, which is a subpart of the redux state. Following the "ducks pattern", those files contain Redux slices & reducers that define the state shape. Each feature folder has a file with actions that can be exported with the project.
contains all the headless controllers in folders. Those controllers are exported and used to provide abstraction from the store's features by being closer to the actual UI controllers of a customer's application.
contains common useful utilities.
contains everything regarding api calls.
contains test mocks.
Contribution guide: Adding a new controller.
Please see the contributor guide for guidance.
Contribution guide: Troubleshooting bundle content.
Please see the contributor guide for guidance.