Material-UI component mapper for Data Driven Forms.
:book: For more information please visit the documentation. :book:
Used by ManageIQ, Red Hat Cloud Services.
Table of Contents
You neet to add React Form Renderer
$ npm install @data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer -S
$ yarn add @data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer
Optionally you can install one of provided mappers:
$ npm install @data-driven-forms/mui-component-mapper -S
$ yarn add @data-driven-forms/mui-component-mapper
For using Data Driven Forms in your component you need the renderer and a component mapper, which provides formFields components and layoutFields components.
import React from 'react';
import FormRenderer, { componentTypes } from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer';
import { formFieldsMapper, layoutMapper } from '@data-driven-forms/mui-component-mapper';
const schema = {
fields: [{
component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
name: 'name',
label: 'Your name'
const Form = () => (
Basic provided components
Data Driven Forms supports all kinds of component, basic set is consisted of:
- Text input
- Text area
- Checkbox (Multiple checkboxes)
- Select (dropdown)
- Switch
- Radio buttons
- Date picker
- Time picker
- Tabs
- Sub-form
- Wizard
- Plain-text
Useful links
Development setup
Data Driven Forms is a monorepo which uses Lerna, so you can use all its commands as well.
- Install
yarn install
- Build
yarn build
- Run a package
Each package has a small playground package/demo
, where you can test your changes.
cd packages/mui-component-mapper
yarn start
- How to clean?
rm yarn.lock
yarn lerna clean # will delete all node_modules
All packages are linked together by default, so if you run a yarn build
in a package, all other packages are updated to the latest version of that package.
Tests needed to be run from the core folder.
yarn test
yarn test packages/mui-component-mapper
Data Driven Forms uses Semantic Release
[type]([package]): message
fix(mui): title accepts node
: a new feature, will trigger new _.X._
: a fix, will trigger new _._.X
- Please describe which package is being changed
, renderer
, ...
Please, do not use Semantic Release, if you update only the demo.
All packages are releasing together and they share the version number.
Changes to documentation
If your changes influence API or add new features, you should describe these new options in the demo
repository. Thanks!
We welcome any community contribution. Don't be afraid to report bug or to create issues and pull-requests! :trophy:
Apache License 2.0