Warning This is a work in progress. Nothing is expected to work yet.
npm install @directus/data
The installation of a driver is also required.
import { DataEngine } from '@directus/data';
import { DataDriverPostgres } from '@directus/data-driver-postgres';
const engine = new DataEngine();
const pgDriver = new DataDriverPostgres({
connectionString: 'postgresql://root:password@localhost/mydb',
await engine.registerStore('postgres', pgDriver);
Query data
await engine.query({
store: 'postgres',
collection: 'articles',
fields: [
type: 'primitive',
field: 'id',
The above is resulting in the following flow.
graph TB;
api --> data
subgraph da[data abstraction]
direction TB
data --> data-driver-x --> db1[(datastore)]
data --> data-driver-y --> db2[(datastore)]
Current architecture of this package
To get an overview of how the package is organized regarding it's files, directories and the dependencies between them,
run pnpm run depcruise
and have a look in the created dependency-graph.svg