@drieam/api is middelware for redux.
This library handles async AJAX request against Drieam
or Canvas Restful APIs.
Show instructions
$ yarn add @drieam/api redux
- Create your api routes configuration:
import { Base } from '@drieam/api';
class User { public id: number; public name: string; }
export type API = { users: User };
const apiRoutes: ApiRoutes<API> = {
users: {
path: '/lti/proxy/api/v1/users/:id?',
mapper: User,
list: true,
options: {
onError: (action) => { console.error(action.response.error) },
- Setup your main reducer configuration:
import * as api from '@drieam/api';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { apiRoutes, API } from './api';
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
api: api.reducers.connect<API>(apiRoutess),
- Connect to your store:
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import * as api from '@drieam/api';
import { apiRoutes } from './api';
import rootReducer from './reducers/index';
const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware([...api.apiMiddlewares(apiRoutes, )]));
- Use your API actions
import * as api from '@drieam/api';
import { API } from './api';
const base = api.actions.connect<API>(apiRoutes, options);
Routing Structure is base of a key-value object where you can configure your basic reducer structure for use cases where you need to fetch data from Rest APIs.
This structure is base on a type and a Hash object from that type.
- path: The API type is a reference between your resource and the class used by the middleware to instantiate it. Path-to-Regexp
{ path: '/lti/proxy/api/v1/users/:id?' }
path: path => [
path.id && path.id,
path.sorting && 'sort'
- mapper: The model class to be instantiated by the middleware. It can be a generic class or custom.
{ mapper: User }
{ mapper: data => data }
- list: As true sets the base ListState reducer but you can pass a custom reducer.
- entity: As true sets the base EntityState reducer but you can pass a custom reducer base on that one.
Note: Whether list
or entity
should be defined. If both are not defined or false, redux
will complaint with an error.
{ entity: true, list: true }
{ list: (state, action) => { return state } }
- options.rowKey (default:
): collection's unique key. - options.csrfToken: Cross-site request forgery token.
- options.insert: (default:
) Order of insertion a listState. - options.updateMethod: (default:
) Set the default update method. - options.credentias: (default:
) The request credentials you want to use for the request: omit
, same-origin
, or include
. To automatically send cookies for the current domain, this option must be provided. - options.nestedPayloadKeySuffix: (default:
) A string to transform the collection name before sending. - options.headers: (default:
) HTTP headers allow the client and the server to pass additional information with the request or the response. An HTTP header consists of its case-insensitive name. - options.form: (default:
) Return a specific submission error format.
- options.onSuccess: Callback called by the middleware when a successful api call is made.
- options.onError: Callback made by the middleware when an error occurs.
Creates an object
structure with all the redux actions needed for each resource definition.
const actions = api.actions.connect<{ users: any }>(api);
- getRequest(filters, apiOptions): Creates a request action depending of the filter properties:
- default parameters is FETCH_LIST
- filters.page is present then FETCH_PAGE
- filters[rowKey='id'] is present then FETCH_ENTITY
- fetchEntity([id, filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action to fetch an entity object.
- fetchList([filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action to fech a collection of entities.
This action refresh the data in the reducer.
- fetchPage([{ page }: filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action to fetch a page of a entity object collection.
This page is added in the reducer.
- fetchNextPage([filters, apiOptions]): Equivalent of
fetchPage({ page: 'next' })
. - saveEntity(attributes[, filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action which saves or updates an entity object.
- deleteEntity(attributes[, filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action to delete an entity object.
- saveList(ids, attributes[, filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action which updates a collection of entity objects. The
can be one or many and it will be update per id position. Ex: actions.user.saveList([1, 2], { name: 'Peter' });
- deleteList(ids, [, filters, apiOptions]): Creates an action which delete a collection of entity objects.
Creates an object
structure with all the redux actions needed for each resource definition.
const apiReducers = api.reducers.connect<{ users: any }>(api);
- apiReducers..list: Redux Store of a fetched list.
pending: boolean = false // True if data is still being loaded for the first time.
fulfilled: boolean = false // True if data was loaded successfully.
rejected: boolean; = false // True if data was loaded unsuccessfully.
settled: boolean; = false // True if the data load completed, if successfully or unsuccessfully.
value: T[] | null = null // Value of successfully loaded data; otherwise, null.
reason: string; // Error of unsuccessfully loaded data; otherwise, null
errors: [{ // Error messages from the middleware or nothing
code: number // HTTP [status code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes).
message: string // Error message.
errors: {} // Key-Values error messages.
status: number; // Last Maximun HTTP [status code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes) from the ErrorMessages.
links: {
next?: { // The link relation for the immediate next page of results.
page: number,
url: srting,
last?: HeaderLink // The link relation for the last page of results.
first?:HeaderLink // The link relation for the first page of results.
prev?:HeaderLink // The link relation for the immediate previous page of results.
perPage: number; // The amount of item per page.
count: number; // The total number of available elements.
filters: QueryParams; // An object of the enabled filters.
- apiReducers..entity: Redux Store of a fetched entity.
pending: boolean = false
fulfilled: boolean = false
rejected: boolean; = false
settled: boolean; = false
value: T | null = null
reason: string = null
status: number = null
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